‎Mar 06, 2025
07:52 AM
I haven't tried cryptos yet...don't need them for my current workflow
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‎Mar 06, 2025
07:11 AM
Thanks for the tip- just downloaded affinity photo - probably worth paying for it just for opening layered exrs. Worked straight out of the box
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‎Oct 08, 2024
11:30 PM
Scratch doesn't work smoothly and consistently. I don't want to lose the GPU functionalilty so will have to suffer it until P'shop come up with a fix
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‎Oct 08, 2024
11:26 PM
Same problem here October 2024 . Uncheck 'anti-alias guides and paths' worked for me on Mac Os photoshop. Thanks!
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‎Apr 30, 2024
02:50 AM
My mistake I meant 'hard light' not 'hard mix' but that's not important. Point is I am not trying to use any shortcut - I would like to clear/delete the shortcut because I often accidentally hit 'alt shift h' . Not even sure why. Many shortcuts are muscle memory at this stage, it might be a shortcut for another app like Modo . Adobe do not give access to these shortcuts . It would be useful if they did so I could clear it.
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‎Apr 29, 2024
05:42 AM
I have almost the same problem ...except I keep accidentally selecting the 'hard mix' blend mode for my brush. Very annoying and as other's mentioned it cannot be changed. Not sure why photoshop does not allow certain default shortcuts to be changed but it can be very frustrating and time wasting . At the very least allow they should allow the user to disarm it. You also can't give it to something less disruptive because p'shop does not allow you to give shortcuts to any other process or tool that contains alt/shift/character . or if it does i've never been able to find one.
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‎Nov 30, 2020
12:16 PM
I found it in 'other versions' in the Creative Cloud app- hope that helps!
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‎Nov 30, 2020
03:18 AM
'investigating how to support both two point lines and rectangular lines' ? just give us the tool back the way it was so we can get on with our work. In the meantime I am going back to an earlier version.
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‎Nov 26, 2015
12:48 AM
I hate to pick at an old wound that we all assumed has been healed but the undo/redo layer select problem persists in one special case; selection of layer masks. If you select a layer, then add a mask, draw on or fill the mask, then undo (because you filled it with white instead of black for example) Photoshop selects the layer instead of the layer mask. Then without realising it you start drawing on the layer instead of the mask. Not as problematic as the layer selection problem because you will usually spot the mistake immediately as you'll usually draw with pure black or pure white which is more evident than if you were painting on a layer with colour. But its a glitch that gets me most days I am using p'shop.
anyway.. . hate to moan but I wonder if anyone else has this problem?
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‎Jun 26, 2015
04:01 AM
comments removed because we dared to criticise a p'shop staffer .
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‎Jun 19, 2015
12:04 AM
Yes ... I do remember being patronised by him in the past- apparently the problem was that we users didn't understand the difference between undo and step backwards.
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‎Jun 18, 2015
05:20 AM
I've read Chris Cox's reply several times and I've no clue what he's on about - guess it doesn't matter if the 'not bug' is fixed ...
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‎Jun 17, 2015
12:05 AM
Gosh Kris you must be delighted Adobe have given the rest of us the special powers you have in your photoshop!!!!! Where is your sarcastic post about it?
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‎Jun 16, 2015
12:50 AM
iPhone thumb fumble meant a limited reaction from me earlier... really happy that photoshop made this change - will make my life a lot easier from now on. Might have deserved a bit more fanfare!
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‎Jun 15, 2015
11:12 PM
At last!!!?
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‎May 22, 2014
07:31 AM
This works for me most of the time (see my comment from a year or so ago above). But the dreaded 'layer select undo problem' came back a few days ago and I realised it was because p'shop had lost a lot of my keyboard shortcuts - not sure why, I reset them again and have fixed the problem. Photoshop keyboard shortcuts often don't 'stick'. For example I have set 'command shift A' as flip canvas horizontally but half the time it brings up the camera raw conversion dialogue box despite going in to the preferences and setting the Cam Raw keyboard shortcut to blank. And restarting p'shop and even restarting the computer. But you are right this script is a great workaround - when it fails it is probably because the shortcut fails. And when it fails i usually don't notice until I realise I have been working on the background layer again.
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‎May 22, 2014
02:02 AM
This still causes problems for me on a daily basis - Photoshop seem to be more motivated to broaden the software than tighten the existing version. I wish they had a good competitor that we could move over to but the competition is just not good enough yet and Corel Painter is steadily worse with each release. Hopefully Art Rage Or SketchBook pro will sort their keyboard shortcut problems out and we can all stop having to make do. (Art rage's brushes are far superior to Adobe's but the software is too clunky to use- at least for me). Check thru the history of this problem and particularly Kris Hunt's patronising replies to see what you are up against. basically it's the user's problem!
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‎Jan 12, 2011
10:15 AM
thanks for the update! I am the side of finding it endlessly annoying. Dermot Power (blog comic)
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‎Feb 08, 2010
03:54 PM
really? 'serious photoshop users' ? as opposed to...what, jokey ones? And you tell me photoshop is not developed in a vacuum? I can't believe it! I understand how your undo and history states work but that doesn't make the feature any less annoying. I've been using photoshop for 13 years as a professional 'serious' illustrator. I jump over and back between Corel Painter and photoshop taking advantage of the best bits of each and trying to avoid the worst bits. As far as I know I have not always had that problem until I bought CS4 last year. It might be something wrong with how I've set up my keyboard shortcuts for example but a suggestion on how to deal with the problem would be much more helpful than your history lesson. Dermot Power
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‎Feb 08, 2010
01:18 AM
as they say 'don't get me started'. Did you ever wish that the tech-nerds who design the apps sat in a room with you for a few days and watched a professional work and complain? Dermot Power
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‎Feb 04, 2010
06:09 AM
I have the same problem with photoshop undoing a layer selection and it is incredibly irritating. I use undo not just to correct a mistake but as a way of drawing e.g I put down a stroke to see what it looks like then undo it and stroke again ...bit like a practice golf swing. Very often I will hit a layer, stroke, undo, stroke again and keep drawing only to discover that I have been drawing on the wrong layer because photoshop undo brought me back two steps.
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