‎Oct 25, 2024
10:23 AM
Hi! I just upgraded to LR Classic 14.0.1. Filter by edited imaged doesn't work anymore! Please fix! Thanks
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‎Sep 12, 2021
03:21 PM
I just have the same issue. Your suggested solution doesn't work! Where is a solution for this? I need to deleiver to a client tomorrow ans 1/3rd of the images won't export! It seems random One iomage does, the next doesn'T export with pasted settings of the image before. If I reset the seetings it exports. This must be some preset issue WTF Adobe!
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‎Feb 18, 2018
06:21 AM
Hi Hannah, I seht you all infos you requesed. Could you reproduce the issue?
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‎Feb 12, 2018
03:18 AM
so sad so true!
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‎Feb 11, 2018
08:30 AM
It happens almost everytime I turn off the mac. It's not inbetween different versions. It does not happen when I save to a directly connected external drive. And why does it loose sometimes one path, sometimes two? This seems to be completely random.
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‎Feb 11, 2018
06:35 AM
Hi! The following issue has been around for years. And if you are not careful you might loose your work! Here's the issue: When I am done with an image in photoshop I have created an action to save different versions of my file like: layered PSD file, flatened TIFF, Low Res JPG. The save paths lead to different folders on a network drive (Synology NAS). So far so good. Works like charm. BUT the next time I turn my Mac and NAS back on, the action uses a random path! Sometime it even puts in a weird filename. So there is a huge chance that existing files will be overwritten. It mostly happens that one or two paths will be random and one stays as it has been set by me. If you are not super aware of this it can LEAD TO DISASTER! Why is that Adobe? Could you pleas fix that Adobe! A fix would be highly appreciated. Thank you.
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‎Feb 04, 2018
11:04 AM
It's both MacBookPro and desktop Mac. Both do have trackpads and swiping activated. I also have a wacom tablet attatched. The issue occurs though when I hit keys on the keyboard. Trackad, mouse or tablet are inactive at that moment.
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‎Feb 04, 2018
09:17 AM
I use with a couple of different virtual desktops (spaces) on my Mac. When working in Lighroom Classic CC (v7.1) all of a sudden the mac jumps to another space. I'd have to manually switch back to the space where Lightroom is sitting. This is super annoying and I haven't found a solution to this. This makes me look very unprofessional, when I have clients around. Same thing by the way on my MacBookPro. This never occurred on older operating systems. Has anyone had the same issue? Thanks for your help! System: MacPro (late 2013) osx 10.13.3
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‎Oct 10, 2017
02:26 PM
and navigation through folder and presets using the arrow keys would speed up the workflow too. Please consider this too and tons of speed for LR. Cheers, Dan
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‎Oct 10, 2017
06:56 AM
I've been waiting/ hoping for subfolders for presets for a very long time.It would be also nice to have better organization for camera profiles aw well. I'd love to have subfolders e.g.: Year> Jobnumber> Camera Profiles Pretty much the same with presets. This would help a lot and tons of speed for LR please. The ability of syncing between two machines would help too. Cheers, Dan
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‎Aug 18, 2017
06:34 AM
Hi Richard M Knight​, unfortunately "save as" doesn't change anything. As soon as I unmount the original HD and then try to open the project file I get the error. Weird!
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‎Aug 17, 2017
03:09 AM
Hi, I am quite new to Premiere Pro and I am facing an issue which I cannot solve: I just wanted to open a project which I had finished in april 2017. Today (august 2017) my client asked for a little change so I wanted to open the project which didn't work. I get this error message: "the project could not be loaded it may be damaged or contain outdated elements" In the meantime I had moved the project folder with all its files (clips, proxies, graphics) from one external hard drive to another. When I moved (just) the project file back to the original HD it opened just fine. I relinked all media to the new HD, saved the project and moved it back to the new HD. I realized that it would open as long as the old HD is mounted. I can unmount the old HD while the project is open and continue working but when I close it and try to reopen (old HD unmounted) I get the error. There has been a Premiere Pro CC update between april and august 2017. Here's my system: MacPro (late2013) 16GB RAM Mac OS Sierra 10.12.6 Premiere Pro CC 2017.1.2 v11 (build22) Has anyone a fix for this? It's driving me nuts. Thanks in advance!
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‎May 06, 2017
02:41 PM
1 Upvote
Hello anyone at Adobe please help. I am paying a lot of money here! Issue#1 Since I updated to Bridge CC 2017 it is nearly useless. When editing images I jump from image to image by using the arrow keys of my keyboard. It takes about 2-3 seconds to jump to the next image. This is horrible. Also starting up bridge takes way too loon. And YES I have already tried to reset all preferences and have disabled all scripts: NO CHANGES! Please help! Issue#1 Another thing! Smooth scrolling has been killed by Adobe years ago on Mac PLEASE FIX this too. Why why is this even an issue Adobe. Cheers! Dan I am running on macOS 10.12.4 Mac Pro (late 2013) Processor 3,5 GHz 6-Core Intel Xeon E5 RAM 16 GB 1866 MHz DDR3 Graphics Card AMD FirePro D500 3072 MB
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‎Apr 02, 2012
09:35 AM
An option to choose what to use would be even better Preview or RAW.
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‎Apr 01, 2012
11:37 PM
Slow Slow Slow!
If you are a professional: its useless!
I tried to process a whole wedding here. About 1.500 images.
It took me about threetimes longer than with LR 3.6
I upgraded to LR 4.1 Release Candidate.
The develop module got slightly better. But still: e.g. cropping takes way too long.
Plus: creating a webgallery takes forever: 250 images takes more than 3 hours!!
LR 3.6 takes like 15 minutes or so.
LR 4 is NOT for pros!
Do something Adobe and do it quick, please!
OS X 10.7.3.
2.66 Quad-Core Intel Xeon
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