‎Feb 24, 2025
04:14 PM
Thanks, I will try these ideas, but I think the real solution is a new primary HD. This one is several years old, and I need a much, much larger one.
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‎Feb 24, 2025
04:13 PM
Thanks! 🙂 I will try these ideas this week, esp windirstat. I really think that I need a new primary HD, though. This one is just too small, I haven't replaced it in a long time, and at this point, there are much better and larger options.
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‎Feb 24, 2025
10:35 AM
I've been trying to do this for many months but always ended up too confused and intimidated to go further. So no matter how dumb this question is, I have to ask it. My C drive has absolutely no space left. Disk cleanup, etc., does almost nothing to free up space. There just isn't any left and the drive is too small. I don't know when I'll be able to replace it with a much larger drive and move everything, including the OS. I uninstalled Photoshop and now want to reinstall it on a different drive. All updates, files, etc., everything associated with it, must also go on that drive. (any files saved to the desktop computer are already in the D drive and have been for a long time.) I'm trying to do it according to the Adobe instructions ("Change the install location of your Creative Cloud apps"), , but it isn't working. Account, preferences, apps, install, Select Location, pick D drive, just brings up the message that it can't install to the root folder. I just don't know where to go from here. Is there actually any way to reinstall Photoshop (or eventually reinstall any of the other CC apps) anywhere except the C drive? If so, how? What are the exact steps? Again, I know how stupid all of this probably sounds, but I'm at the end of my rope.
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‎Apr 14, 2024
03:16 PM
I did a disc cleanup and unfortunately can't edit my original question to include that. I just want to move everything to an external hard drive, programs, files, preview files, etc, whatever is necessary, and use it from there, leaving nothing on the original hard drive. Can this be done without breaking everything or irrevocably ruining something?? I'm sorry, I could probably put this more graciously and I really do appreciate the help, but if you knew how this week was going.... 🤪
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‎Apr 14, 2024
01:05 PM
So my program drive is almost full, I've done everything possible to free up more space, and I just don't have the money or time to install a bigger drive and move everything over until summer (if then.) The major reason WHY the drive is so close to being full is everything associated with CC. Here's the question: can I move all the Adobe program files to an external 1 tb hard drive I already have and then run them from that drive, which will only be used with this one desktop computer? If so, what are the tricks and tips for doing this? How can I make sure that vital files don't become unlinked and everything continues to work? Thanks for all ideas and advice! 🙂
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‎Apr 14, 2024
01:00 PM
The thing is that I also desperately need more space on that drive and I just don't have the money or time to get a new program drive until summer. So that's why I want to uninstall the apps, not just unsubscribe.
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‎Apr 13, 2024
04:35 PM
Thanks! 🙂 So... correct me if I'm wrong, but does this mean I can uninstall all of the other programs EXCEPT Photoshop? (then cancel the plan and sign up again with the Photography plan)?
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‎Apr 13, 2024
01:36 PM
Hey all, this seems like a very simple question, but I don't seem to be able to find a straight answer anywhere. I need to downgrade to a Photoshop only plan rather than the full creative cloud because I just have to make some budget cuts. I know that if I were completely dropping the Adobe plan, then I would uninstall all programs first. BUT-- what should I do when I'm changing plans and keeping Photoshop? Do I download everything *except* Photoshop? Do I download everything and then reinstall Photoshop once I change the plan? Does anyone know? (if it helps, I also really need more space on my main hard drive right now, the work files are not there, I've run all the programs to try to free up space, I can't get a new HD until summer, and it would be so great to be able to uninstall all the other Adobe programs for more space.) Thanks for any and all ideas! 🙂
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‎Sep 16, 2022
12:45 PM
1 Upvote
I'm starting a new project and following all of these threads, and I just wanted to let you know-- putting the title of your book in your signature is a technique that works!~ 😉 I immediately went to Amazon and got a Kindle sample, and I'll probably buy the book.
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‎Sep 11, 2022
02:36 PM
Hey all, So I'm finally going to put together an ebook, and I have a question about how to make this work better from the start. Basically, several authors will be sending manuscripts to me for inclusion. I need to know which is the best format for them to use. Is it Word, or something else? What kind of formatting should I request? Is there any way to have them italicize the words they want italicized and not have any other additional formatting? For some background, I've used InDesign in the past, but it's been a long time and I don't remember all the details. Thanks!
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‎Apr 02, 2019
11:48 AM
The email actually had me going for JUST a second. But by the time I got to "InDillushop/XD"... not so much. Even though that actually could be a good idea if it were implemented right, which is a *big* if! Also, I have a bridge to sell to bigfb...
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‎Feb 08, 2019
02:50 PM
1 Upvote
Yay! I don't know if I can afford the Pro 9000 right this second, but that's probably what I will get soon. If UPS can deliver through the snowstorms, I MIGHT do it now...
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‎Feb 08, 2019
02:30 PM
1 Upvote
I really appreciate that people are answering this question!! So does ANY mic work with the Logitech C920, or does it have to be a specific type of mic? And does the Logitech Pro 9000 work with a Windows 10 PC?
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‎Feb 07, 2019
03:03 PM
I had basically the same issues last year. I got so completely frustrated with it all that I put the entire program aside. I really want to get back to it now, but I am so wary of going through incompatible webcam hell again. Please, PLEASE can someone provide a CURRENT 2019 list of webcams that work with this program on a Windows 10 PC? (No, NOT just Windows 8, which was the issue I ran into again and again and again.) Just a current Windows 10 PC system?
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‎Jun 14, 2018
09:46 PM
An image shows up with the Camera app, but it will not record video. All the info I've found so far says that current Windows drivers are needed to do this. It's not going to work for me if it can't record video. There are no Windows 10 drivers anywhere for the MS Lifecam Studio even though it literally says in print on the back of the box that it's supposed to work with Windows 10., I spent almost an hour on the phone with Microsoft and was transferred to literally 9 different people before being hung up on. I am returning this thing to Amazon. Is there ANY webcam that simply works with Windows 10 out of the box and also works with Character Animator??
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‎Jun 14, 2018
07:21 PM
1 Upvote
Is there ANY webcam that both works with Windows 10 AND Character Animator? MS Lifecam is not it, i just went through a three hour nightmare with Microsoft!! PLEASE tell me that there's something.
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‎May 23, 2018
05:29 PM
Hey all, So my sister's going to give me a webcam for my birthday, and I have to know for sure that it will work smoothly with Character Animator (no bugs, no workarounds required, no constant issues.) This doesn't seem to be the easiest question to answer. It has to be compatible with Windows 10. After hours of misery spent trying to get 2 webcams to work that weren't more than 2 years old, and no way to get them to cooperate with Windows 10... not going through that again. I don't seem to be able to find a list of webcams that are 100% guaranteed to play nicely with this program. Does anyone know which ones these would be? Recommendations for webcams that people have tried? I would so appreciate any help in this area. Thanks!
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‎May 23, 2018
05:23 PM
I'm trying to find the answer to this exact question. I think I will post it as a new question.
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‎Jan 30, 2018
03:19 PM
Well, that was a little bit of a ranty rant... I totally admit. And kind of the definition of a first world problem. But I do think that transparent background should be a *default* option, and it definitely is not. You need to know that you have to first choose "advanced options", and you have to admit... that isn't very intuitive.
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‎Jan 30, 2018
02:40 PM
I had the same problem and had to spend time searching for the answer. IMHO, this change is absolutely 100% ridiculous. There is no way that simply creating a document with a transparent background should be anything but the default, much less require all this searching and many complicated extra steps. We are paying for the Adobe products each and every month, and there are times when I do wonder if it's worth it. I always come back to it because I use so many of the programs (and some of them don't have a decent open source alternative), but no way would I pay all that money if I were only using PS and Illy... and I would really like to know who came up with this completely insane feature change and what they were thinking.
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‎Jan 18, 2018
04:52 PM
Thanks for checking back! I went back to school (again), and the quarter started right when the last reply was posted on this thread. I still have not had a chance to try this-- there's just too much to do. But I will get to it ASAP.
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‎Jan 04, 2018
04:03 PM
Thanks for the answer, but this just doesn't seem to be working either. Here's what I'm doing: 1.) Set work area 2.) Move CTI to end of work area 3.) Press Play button 4.) Result: there is a split second of audio, the rest of the clip previews without audio, and it stops on the last frame. Using the spacebar with the CTI at the START of the comp or work area results in hearing audio, but the clip jumping back to the first frame Using the spacebar with the CTI at the END of the comp or work area results in NOT hearing audio except for that split second glitch, but the clip stays on the last frame rather than jumping back to the first frame. Using zero on the number pad not only jumps back to the first frame but also plays repeatedly instead of just once and then stopping. It just seems like there has to be a way to have the comp and/or work area play once, stay on the last frame at the end of the preview, AND also hear the audio. Does this make sense?
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‎Jan 04, 2018
11:15 AM
Hey all, So I'm getting back into AE again after not using it for awhile, and I'm running into something that I think I remember from before and never figured out. To preview a comp and have it stop on the last frame rather than jumping back to the beginning, I'm placing the CTI at the end and pressing the play button in the preview window. (I don't know how to do this with just a keyboard shortcut, which is irritating, and if anybody knows one-- please tell me!) But what I *can't* figure out is how to get a comp to preview, play once, stop on the last frame and not jump back to the beginning, AND also play preview audio. It seems like there has to be a way to do this!! Any ideas??
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‎Dec 01, 2017
08:24 PM
After a reboot, it's all working normally-- not just PS, because more of the Adobe programs were having issues than that. Weird. Well... hopefully this won't happen again, but if it does I'll try the preferences idea.
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‎Dec 01, 2017
02:59 PM
Hey all, So PS JUST started this really strange behavior I've never seen before. No matter which file I try to open, a screen "flashes' open for a fraction of a second and then immediately goes back to the start page with icons of the most recently opened files. The program itself does not close down but keeps running. The behavior is the same no matter which kind of file it is (psd, png, jpg, etc), no matter what the size is, no matter where on the computer it's located, etc etc etc. Trying to create a new document brings up the dialogue box, but the new file won't appear-- clicking "create" does nothing. Bridge works, but a file clicked on through Bridge does not open. This literally started about ten minutes ago. Nothing on the computer was changed, nothing about my Adobe account was changed, etc. Other Adobe programs are running exactly the same way they did before and not acting strange. (ETA: Actually, AI is fine but AE is acting weird too... new projects can be created, old projects can be opened, and files can be imported, but they can't be put into a composition if they weren't already there. WEIRD.) I am hoping that maybe this is a simple fix and everything won't need to be uninstalled and reinstalled and so on and on, or God only knows what, so I would rather ask about it first! All advice appreciated.
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‎Aug 31, 2017
07:16 PM
Hi all, I have a number of free background images that were created in 3D programs (and always picking up more.). My separate render file of the figure(s) is then added to each of these, and the two are composited. The problem is that the background files NEVER seem to have depth of field. Everything is in equal focus, which looks weird and unrealistic. Blurring the entire background out and keeping the separate image of the figures in focus on the foreground layer isn't much better. So here's the question. How can I blur the separate background image with a realistic perspective/depth of field-- the front of the image less blurred and then the blur gradually increasing as it moves towards the back, so that it looks exactly like what you'd see in a photo or on film? Example: A tree right next to the figures would be less blurred, the ground leading back to the door behind them would be more blurred, the mountains in the distance are the most blurred, etc, on a subtle continuum. Thanks in advance to all the smart people here for their ideas!
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‎May 31, 2017
05:29 PM
Hey all, So I promised to post a piece on a forum that requires digital compositing. Normally, I would obviously be doing this in PS, but there are endless problems with re-opening programs that were just updated to the 2017 versions (and that's a WHOLE different post.) AI has not been updated and is still opening. So does AI have some workarounds to do the same thing? It clearly isn't primarily designed for photo compositing, but can it be done, and what's the best way to go about it? Thanks for all advice.
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‎May 31, 2017
05:25 PM
I'm having that problem with programs not opening in the first place right after the updates, but for me, they never actually opened at all and I got an error message. Has that ever happened, or have yours always been opening briefly and then crashing?
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‎May 28, 2017
12:43 PM
Hi all, I just updated most of the Adobe CC programs yesterday to the 2017 versions. Immediately after this happened, not one of the updated programs would open. They all returned the same message: "application was unable to start correctly 0xc000007b. click OK to close the applications." The few that were not updated are fine. This obviously happened because of the update. (Yes, the computer was restarted, etc.) All of the questions I've been able to find about this error are from several years ago. PLEASE, somebody has to know what's going on here!!
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‎Feb 10, 2017
08:12 PM
Thanks so much!
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