‎Feb 24, 2025
04:55 PM
I really think that I need a new primary HD, though. This one is just too small, I haven't replaced it in a long time, and at this point, there are much better and larger options.
By @RealAnise
Lucky you are using a Windows system then, and not a Macbook.
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‎Jan 30, 2025
12:40 PM
Unfortunately, the camera is the main problem. I went threw several cameras before finding that Anker makes a camera that works. There's a certain protocol Adobe requires of the camera. To my knowledge, any Anker camera should work. I use the Anker PoweConf C200 2K.
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Community Expert
in Photoshop ecosystem Discussions
‎Apr 14, 2024
05:04 PM
1 Upvote
‎Apr 14, 2024
05:04 PM
1 Upvote
You still need adequate primary hard drive space to download and unpack the files during installation.
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‎Apr 14, 2024
01:47 PM
See my reply in your other thread. Uninstalling the applications will not make all that much difference. There are other things that will be vastly more effective in freeing up space.
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‎Mar 19, 2023
12:30 PM
Imagine that: a Dave LaRonde tip that doesn't work. I'll add it to the very long list.
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‎Sep 18, 2022
02:58 PM
Thank you Peter I will try that trick tomorrow. Thank you so much
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Community Expert
in InDesign Discussions
‎Sep 11, 2022
02:49 PM
‎Sep 11, 2022
02:49 PM
I guess this is a proper topic if you're using InDesign to collate and produce the EPUB...
Word is pretty much the universal standard; if they choose to use Google Docs or Pages or whatever, all of those will save in DOC or DOCX format. I'd request submissions in DOCX or RTF (the bare-bones, exchange format used by Word and other apps).
I'd also do all the collation, editing and basic formatting in Word, as it's a far better long-document manager and editor than ID.
Your final version, ready to be imported into an InDesign document for formatting and layout, should —
Have no spot formatting whatsoever.
Every paragraph should have an assigned style (preferably not including "Normal" — create a specific body text style and devolve things like bullets, inset quotes and the like from it.
Any inline formatting such as bold or italics should ideally use a character style named something similar but not identical (Bolded, Italix, etc.) ID will interpret standard bold and italic properly, but as spot formatting over which you will have no control.
Keep the number of styles to a minimum, and make them appropriately hierarchical. Heading 1 should be the source style for Heading 2, which should source Heading 3, etc. Your body format — let's call it Body Text — should be the source for all other body formats such as bullets.
Don't fuss too much with the exact look and layout in Word. It's more or less a 'manuscript' and you will be able to completely change the styling and details in InDesign. (You cannot, though, much control the look and style in ID with what you do in Word, so it's best not to try too hard.) Getting appropriate styles assigned to each paragraph and each instance of inline formatting is the goal.
Along with spell-checking, editing and (important) removing ALL instances of more than one white space. No double spaces, double paragraph returns, double tabs or any combination such as tab-space. (Tabs don't make it into EPUB anyway, so don't use them.)
This should produce an ideally clean and "vanilla" document for formatting and layout in InDesign. I assume you're aiming for a reflowable EPUB, so once you get there you will need to make certain choices about the structure and formatting options. You may wish, for example, to put each story in its own INDD file and manage them using a Book; this has a few advantages for content formatting over a single document file.
And while EPUB goes directly to Kindle, there are some significant differences in how the readers handle content, so it's either "choose one" or plan to have two differently formatted source documents, one for EPUB-as-EPUB and one for EPUB-into-Kindle.
You'll have more questions. We'll be here to answer any we can. 🙂
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‎Oct 23, 2021
02:52 AM
So what are you supposed to do with existing files?! I just upgraded and now for the life of me cant get any of the files i was already working on to have a transparent background. every thing that SHOULD work, still just shows me a white background on the my artboard, the thumbnail on my layer shows that its supposed to be transparent but if i try to export to PNG = white background. completely assinying. oh yeah, and now ive already wasted at LEAST an hour trying to figure wtaf is happening here. what kind of "upgrade" is this? disgusted
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‎Oct 22, 2020
08:33 AM
What worked for me was to Right Click the PhotoShop.exe file and go to properties. Then to Compatibility. Then click on Change high DPI settings then at the bottom under High DPI scaling override I checked Override high DPI scaling behavior. Scaling preformed by System
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‎Mar 29, 2020
04:52 PM
Can you use it with zoom/skype/google meet etc? If yes, then it's likely it will work with Ch as well. (You might need to grant Ch permissions to access the camera as it can be blocked by the OS on mac)
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‎Apr 02, 2019
11:48 AM
The email actually had me going for JUST a second. But by the time I got to "InDillushop/XD"... not so much. Even though that actually could be a good idea if it were implemented right, which is a *big* if! Also, I have a bridge to sell to bigfb...
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‎Feb 08, 2019
02:50 PM
1 Upvote
Yay! I don't know if I can afford the Pro 9000 right this second, but that's probably what I will get soon. If UPS can deliver through the snowstorms, I MIGHT do it now...
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‎Dec 19, 2018
10:57 AM
1 Upvote
I think the answer is you won't know if the webcam works until you try it, so be sure you can return or exchange the camera if you need to. I've had difficulties with a camera that CH used to recognize but then wouldn't in an updated release. But I finally found a strange workaround. I use a virtual camera, ManyCam, to play recorded footage in CH -- CH always sees ManyCam-- and then I discovered that ManyCam also sees my live camera, and CH can see my live camera through ManyCam. That's an option that may work with other cameras that CH doesn't see directly.
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‎Feb 28, 2018
10:30 PM
Cool, good luck! Kevin
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‎Sep 01, 2017
08:57 AM
You can use the combination of Iris Blur and Field Blur under the filters > Blur to create the required effect. Have look at video tutorials created by adobe to use the Iris Blur and Field Blur - Photoshop Playbook: Selective Focus - YouTube Russell Brown: Tips and Techniques for Using Tilt Shift, Iris Blur, and Field Blur in Photoshop CS6 - YouTube I hope this helps you to achieve the required effect.
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‎Jun 02, 2017
01:21 PM
1 Upvote
Hi there, I completely agree with Monika on this. It won't be correct to say a "drawback" for Illustrator. It's a program designed for vector graphics. We have Photoshop to take care of image editing. Please feel free to report if you need any assistance regarding Photoshop or contacting support. If you have a specific workflow for Illustrator, you can share that as well so that we can try to assist you further. Regards, Om
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‎Jun 16, 2017
08:03 AM
Moving to Photoshop Lightroom​
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‎May 28, 2017
01:52 PM
1 Upvote
start by updating your mc visual c++: if that fails to solve the problem:
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‎Nov 18, 2015
02:55 AM
It is unbeliveable how nobody at Adobe is willing to spend a minute of their time trying to understand their customers. The problem here is that when you create a textbox BY CLICKING AND DRAGGING, JustifyAll becomes available. However, if you created your text box by simply clicking once, WITHOUT DRAGGING, JustifyAll is not avaiable. Chris Cox's reply from Nov. 26, 2010 is quite condescending and makes absolutely no effort to help. It is unfortunate that Adobe doesn't have better standards of customer support, but not surprising: Adobe made its fame with some great products, but the user experience of using its websites, including account management, support and what-not, is terrible.
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