‎Jan 02, 2025
08:30 PM
so in CMYK mode i can no longer create adjustments curves nor hue and Saturation adjustment layers. Why is that?
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‎Oct 21, 2024
05:30 AM
is there a way to make this constant tutorial disappear? I don't know how many times I've clicked through it and yet it keeps coming back way to often. I like working with the CC Library, but these pop-ups in the window are just annoying.
<Title renamed by MOD>
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‎Mar 24, 2023
01:52 AM
Thanks, but turning the GPU "off" only prevents for a crash of the app. You still can not "work" in CPU mode as you can the in the first second in my video with only grey cavas that is not responding. But in the apple eco system you can not install a differend driver or overclock etc. and i have had some other issues but apple did not help in the past. You always have to install a diffrend Mac OS version to change not well documented GPU driver changes... It a mess, how ever installing the older system helps to run all gpus correct again. But it could be the GPU sniffer that was not working correct anymore on Mac OS Ventura with my 2 MPX Vega Pro duo GPUs.
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‎Mar 23, 2023
02:29 PM
Thank you for your answers. But I have already attached the Photoshop system info as a text file so that it does not become a super long post here. Then I use a MAC PRO and not a laptop with battery, i have no options like high power. I have a 15K workstation in desktop format that works only with power cable. It is an Intel/AMD and not a M1/M2. The safe mode resulted in the gray canvas problem too but no crash, because in safe mode no GPU acceleration works because the AMD drivers are not loaded, also otherwise the system was jerky in safe mode. Thanks for the tips anyway, but I just installed the older Monterey now and completely rebooted and installed all fresh. Now it works again. I will continue to give Ventura a wide berth, as it seems that Intel computers no longer really work error-free with the new OS system. Anyway, as I said the solution for me was now a fresh old operating system and everything runs again.
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‎Mar 23, 2023
08:32 AM
what can i say, i made a video here, of the latest photoshop on my mac pro 2019. looks like the software probably only runs on consumer appple silion computers now? Anyway on my Mac Pro 2019 nothing works anymore with the app. Thanks. It either just shows a gray area or crashes. Deleting preferences doesn't help, security shares are all done. The app has full access to the hard drive and the access to the acessebiltiy is also enabled. Here is the video to amuse you:
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‎Jan 18, 2023
12:28 AM
I have decided, due to my upcoming work, not to do any more tests and trips on updates at the moment. MacOS 13 itself had problems on my Mac Pro. It often told me it couldn't open files and then crashed photoshop.... it is probably as apple itself writes to ventura: That Ventura is optimized for apple silicon. And the rest has just bad luck. Anyway, I'm now back on Monterey, all files I can open and the for me stable version 23 of Photoshop is great. I will not update anything more for now, because you always run the risk of interrupting your complete workflow so much that it takes away the joy of having new features. Then rather what just works.
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‎Dec 22, 2022
01:23 AM
1 Upvote
Same repro steps as mentioned in the fist post. And yes i mean Select>Color Range. It is a 1:1 translation error as i'm using the german UI. Not sure why i can not upload a text file or any other file here to help. so here is a new video. I have deletet all prefs of photoshop. Still it is crashing. And yes i did fill out the crash pop ups. both. And this time with my email. (jung(at) I will now delete the newest version again and go back to 23.5.3 as it works correct on my system and i have to get things done before christmas. So i will come back to this post next week, when it is more time to spend here as i is slowing down unfortunately. Logs:
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‎Dec 21, 2022
02:23 AM
1 Upvote
Application version 24.1.0 Operating System: MacOs Ventura 13.1 Problem: Photoshop crashes when creating a selection using the Color Picker feature in CMYK mode after the format has been recropped. 1. Open two A4 PDF in the resolution 2400 pixels without smoothing. 2. duplicate the layer 1 time into the other file so that there are two layers in one document. 3. cut the document slightly smaller with the Crop tool, with the option "Delete external pixels" active. 4. Now try to create a selection with color picker. 5. Photoshop crashes as soon as I pick up the color with the eyedropper. Video Repro Steps:
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‎Dec 21, 2022
02:18 AM
Anwendungsversion 24.1.0 Betriebsystem: MacOs Ventura 13.1 Problem: Absturzt von Photoshop beim erstellen einer Auswahl mit der Funktion Farbauswahl im CMYK modus, nach dem das Format neu Freigestellt wurde. 1. Öffne zwei A4 PDF in der auflösung 2400 pixel ohne glättung. 2. duliziere die ebene 1 mal in die andere Datei, so dass zwei ebenen im einem Dokument sind. 3. Schreide das Dokument mit dem Freistellwerkzeug etwas kleiner, mit der option "auserhalb liegende pixel löschen" aktiv. 4. versuche jetzt eine Auswahl mit Farbauswahl zu erstellen. 5. Photoshop stürtzt ab, sobald ich die Farbe mit der Pipette aufnehme. Video Repro Steps:
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‎Apr 21, 2022
01:51 AM
please try this way. it works for me on monetrey 12.3.1 (21E258)
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‎Jan 27, 2022
02:31 PM
So Adobe has discontinued the 3d feature. Now that they have substance 3d, users are being pushed to use stager and painter etc. I miss the feature too but they have stated in an entry that they will not continue to develop the old 3d code or adapt it to new Mac systems.
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‎Jan 25, 2022
02:36 AM
I actually wanted to write, please do not take it personally. It should apply to adobe. I know it's only a community forum now, but the old one has been closed. Anyway, today it works again with the GPU support. It's really annoying to use something so unreliable. Who knows what tomorrow is? So if it would be possible, Adobe, please add an option for GPU selection if there a more than one GPU. Also the 2022 Mac Pro will probably have multiple GPUs. But that as multiple M1 variants. This is of course only a guess, but the problem will remain if apple still makes it modular.
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‎Jan 24, 2022
01:40 PM
Hi, thanks for your opinion on this. I'll note that other software manufacturers also manage to make it work easily. And I can't disable a graphics card on the Mac Pro Mac OS like I can in Windows. It does not work. I can remove it. But why should I do that with a 4000 Euro graphics card? Indesign and Illustrator manage to pick a gpu and work. Only Photoshop ticks around. If it is really so difficult to install the function, Photoshop is not a professional tool but rather a chip shop around the corner. In any case, it once again does not work with the gpu support and I now do my work with affinity Photo. That works directly. But I still can't accept that I paid for the subscription, have a pro work machine and use pro software and it doesn't work properly. This is simply not acceptable. It just upsets me. For example redshift render is able to manual select and deselect gpus in my system. do take it Personal it is mean to adobe.
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‎Jan 18, 2022
01:43 AM
1 Upvote
I have found another way if it doesn't work with the monitor reconnection and Photoshop still denies GPU support: Check if your Brush gets the red dot if you change the size, if and you only see an outline then: 1. disable GPU support under performance. 2. set the cache level to 6 3. disable native desktop under technology preview. 4. restart Photoshop 5. now enable GPU support again and set the cache stur back to 4 and enable native workspace under technology preview again click ok and restart Photoshop. check now if you see the red dot while you change your brush size. It should work now. This helped me when it didn't work with the monitor trick. I have 2 MPX modules (so then 4 Vega GPUs) and unfortunately Photoshop is always confused. Perhaps an option should be added in Photoshop that allows a specific GPU to be used for Photoshop. Since the automatic capture does not work 100%.
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‎Nov 15, 2021
02:34 AM Simply replug the monitor to the GPU. Thanks Ed.
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‎Nov 15, 2021
02:33 AM
I was spending hours of testing – omg. Best solution ever 🙂 Replug the Monitor. Now it is working. Thank you so much.
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‎Nov 15, 2021
02:08 AM
As the title says I have a Mac Pro with 2 x MPX Vega Pro II duo - in my Mac Pro 2019. The system installed is MacOs 11.6.1. It happens with the latest (23) and pre (22) versions of Photoshop. As soon as I want to use photoshop with this configuration, Photoshop stops with the GPU support. Noticeable by the fact that everything jerks. Zooming etc. also the brush strength preview in red is not displayed. If I remove one MPX module, everything works again as it should. Does anyone from Adobe know the problem?
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‎Aug 31, 2021
03:27 AM
When I read all this here in the forum and also experience it myself, I always come to the thought that Photoshop has passed its zenith. I still read that an Adobe engineer is looking at this and that. Unfortunately, there is still not the possibility in the world to work with other software, because it is just a monopoly. No agency I know uses a Photoshop alternative professionally. You can only hope and wait until the barrel overflows and a rethinking takes place. For example, I have a bunch of 3D PSD that I can't use now on. Photoshop lagged as soon as I opened them because it immediately turned off GPU support and didn't turn it back on for newly opened normal PSD. I always have to close Photoshop completely first. I have of course always written nice bug reports. But that stops now, the program does not get better.
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‎Aug 17, 2021
01:13 AM
Well, in the latest update Photoshop points out that the 3D functions do not work. Thanks, not what I expected but a clear statement. At least I can send an official message to the customer. 3D is dead.
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‎Aug 17, 2021
01:10 AM
Well, in the latest update Photoshop (22.5) points out that the 3D functions do not work. Thanks, not what I expected but a clear statement. At least I can send an official message to the customer/client.
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‎Aug 16, 2021
08:13 AM
Thank you very much for your answer. I am already aware that 3D no longer gets the attention. But I can't, as a market leader/monopoly, just leave the functions broken in the program and then not offer any more bugfixes. So then they must be so consistent and cut off old braids. So now I am in an impossible situation with the customer who has no understanding for this. However, your tip does not help. Because when I disable the native part in the technology section, the whole workspace glitches. And then I can't work with it at all. It is then also slow and the support of the brush preview is then gone and also the rotating of the canvas then no longer works and some filters then also no longer work. Phew, but thanks anyway. Besides, the customer wants to make changes to the PSD himself and it was just easier. Now I have to get him to buy/rent more software and train his employees and find a new workflow. Also, rendering a packshot takes much longer than just changing the texture in Photoshop and saving it. Stager is already fast in the preview, but rendering cleanly takes time.
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‎Aug 16, 2021
06:21 AM
Also the 8bit lighting effects from the filter menue, where you can create a spotlight and light up a photo that way no longer works – but this also already in earlier versions. Normal map generator is slow as hell – was working in 2018. It goes on and on... and it's really starting to feel like adobe just isn't improving.
I am just really frustrated – no answers so far... other than me as a Solo entertainer.
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‎Aug 16, 2021
06:21 AM
Also the 8bit lighting effects from the filter menue, where you can create a spotlight and light up a photo that way no longer works – but this also already in earlier versions. Normal map generator is slow al hell – was working in 2018. It goes on and on... and it's really starting to feel like adobe just isn't improving.
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‎Aug 16, 2021
02:31 AM
Now a video with the latest and greatest of Adobe Photoshop (22.4.3) All in black.
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‎Aug 16, 2021
02:30 AM
Also now a video with the latest and greatest Version of Photoshop 22.4.3 🙂
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‎Aug 16, 2021
01:56 AM
So i made another longer Video to show my problem, it seems that if i open the texture, the GPU acceleration (OpenGL in this case) gets automatically deactivated:
So maybe Adobe has to look at OpenGL implementation and fix it with OpenCL or Metal replacement? If not and 3D in PS is dead, then please remove it! You can't seriously work with it in newer Releases, at leased not me on this production machine (MacPro 2019 with this damn expensive useless GPU).
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‎Aug 16, 2021
01:55 AM
I have made another longer Video for better understanding:
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‎Aug 16, 2021
01:28 AM
Another problem with the new Photshop version is if you had a 3D PSD open and close it, then open a normal image and then want to rotate the workspace with the R key, Photoshop refuses to do so saying : "This operation could not be performed because this function only works on document windows for which OpenGL is enabled". It now seems as if PS disables graphics support, because zoom and panning are slightly more jerky than usual. So now we have a mixture of Apple Metal (Native working environment) OpenCL and OpenGL. (No wonder that some things maybe broke 🙂 Anyway, now I always have to close and open my Photoshop completely to work normally with normal images. As you can see, one thing leads to another and I always wonder, does Adobe test their software properly before releasing it? It's just legitimate criticism that a company has deal with.
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‎Aug 16, 2021
01:03 AM
Hi Eugenio, No, I am using a MacPro 2019 with a Vega Pro Duo. But the problem is also on all other Imacs without M1 chip. I have no M1 system here so i can't test. It is due to the fact that Photoshop 2018 works differently it seems. All versions after 2018 have this "problem". I have at least tried to install the oldest version available (21.2.10) and still this display error with the blur occurs. Yes I have in the past always used the same model and also file. it is a simple bend polygon area with a texture. Pure Textur, without any rendering effects. this I still created 2020 on my old MacPro 2010 with PS 2018 and everything was great. Then I updated to the new Mac Pro and at the moment just Big Sur and now the client wants changes to the file. But it doesn't work now as it did in the old version. I have also rather the suspicion that Adobe operates for a few years damage limitation, since apple revises its systems so that photoshop has more and more often errors with graphics crads. But that's just my feeling. I had to reactivate the old MacPro and continue working with the old Photoshop. This is a real workflow breaker. Unfortunately I can't upload the open PSD here in public, because then I'm in breach of kind of NDA contract. Here is a Video:
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‎Aug 12, 2021
02:47 AM here is also a short Video about the difference. My Workaround is: reactivating an old Mac with High Sierra and PS 2018.
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