‎Feb 06, 2025
07:24 AM
Ged, Thanks for the suggestion -- manually resetting PS preferences did the trick. I don't understand what would have caused this, since I don't recall making any changes to preferences around the time this began to be a problem. Thanks, Steve
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‎Feb 05, 2025
02:26 PM
Lately, whenever I try to save a PSD file as a GIF, PS just freezes. I have to use Task Manager to kill the PS process and start over. I finally have to give up and use a free on-line converter. I've made thousands of GIFs like this over the years I've used PS, and never had a problem until the last year or so. What's changed? I've tried fiddling with some settings but nothing has helped. Am I the only one with this problem?
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‎Nov 28, 2023
01:44 AM
Great news! Do we know when this will be available as an update for 25.1 users? It is not yet being offered as of this morning.
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‎Oct 28, 2023
05:14 PM
How can this be labeled a "correct answer" when the icon still obscures part of the mask? Granted, it's a smaller portion of the larger thumbnail, but the issue is not "solved." The only actual solution is to provide a way to disable the icon.
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‎Oct 28, 2023
01:50 PM
Hopefully this ability to disable the layer mask badging will be moved to prod very soon. I don't use beta and am finding the badges to be highly annoying because I can't see the full mask thumbnail. This is NOT a workflow enhancement, it is a workflow degradation.
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‎Aug 02, 2023
01:36 PM
Kevin, it's telling that seven years later this still has not been solved. The problem is that when I tell Lightroom to "Edit in Photoshop 2023", and edit the file in PS 2023, and then Save As, it tries to save to the last folder where I saved a .PSD file. It does NOT save to the original folder where the .NEF file is located. As I move through folders, editing images in LR and opening in PS, it's very annoying to have to remember to change the target folder every time I save the first .PSD with a batch of .NEF files I've just opened from LR. Once I save the first .PSD in the batch, the rest all save to that folder. But the "Save to original folder" setting does NOT work when files are sent from LR to PS.
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‎Dec 17, 2015
02:49 AM
I have CC apps installed on desktop and laptop. I am in the process of migrating desktop to new hardware, but this will occur over a period of 2-3 weeks, while I continue to use the other two machines. The current hard limit of two devices for CC apps does not recognize that there may be a temporary situation such as this, where the user needs a short term third device. Another such scenario could be if one of my two primary devices was out for repair and I had a loaner. Why have to permanently deactivate one primary device when I know I'll be using it again soon? Can't there be a way to add a third device for a limited duration?
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‎Jul 26, 2015
03:53 AM
Photoshop CC 2015 is crashing so often it is unusable. I've tried disabling "Use Graphics Processor", I've updated display driver to latest version, I've removed and reinstalled Photoshop CC 2015. I can't get any work done with this new version, so I've had to revert to CS6, which thankfully I still have installed. I would like to reinstall PS CC 2014, which worked perfectly, but I can't find the installer anywhere. Where can I find the installer? And in what specific forum should I post the specifics of my problem with 2015, in the hope that there may be a solution someday?
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