Community Beginner
Community Beginner
‎Nov 04, 2013
01:09 PM
1 Upvote
Earlier posts by Adobe indicated this was fixed in v11. Evidently it is still a problem, a major annoyance after all these years. -- Roy Zider
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‎May 23, 2012
10:01 AM
LoriAUC: That is a very helpful listing indeed. The obvious reply to that is, "would it be too much trouble for you to link each of these entry points to the engine it is activating?" In that way we can understand why the deskew under OCR is better than the others we have tried. Perhaps one of these four other methods also leads to the same deskew engine used by OCR. Just to be clear: my question is: how does the user invoke the deskew engine used in OCR without OCRing the document? (edit added 6/30/2012) -- Roy Message was edited by: FUBARinSFO to reinforce the original question, which remains unanswered.
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‎May 21, 2012
04:54 PM
KnightD: Precisely. -- Roy Zider
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‎May 14, 2012
05:03 PM
Noel: With 17KB of payload in a 3,085KB package, that would be a ratio of 0.551%, or 551 parts per million -- like CO2 in the atmosphere. Or alternatively, 181 X burden rate of total package to payload. Probably surpassed only by NASA missions to outer space. I'm not tracking the traffic. I just saw the ref above to <F12>, but haven't used it (assuming that's where you're getting your numbers_ -- Roy
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‎May 14, 2012
03:04 PM
40 Mbit uplink -- 100X my uplink. No wonder the developers don't get the complaints they should be getting. Turns out <F12> works in IE8 too.
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‎May 14, 2012
11:33 AM
Dave: I'm using IE8, but the issue of add-ons would be the same. I've disabled most of my Startup programs, but startup services still has hooks. This has been a problem with this forum before, I think, as I note -- but I would have to see if and to what extent I've made note of this problem before. My objection is to all the cruft attached to the web page by the designers -- just check out the javascript on some web pages sometime. And just saving this web page takes over a minute (1:30) and 100% CPU. The saved page is 3 MB (!!) -- I mean, really. This page has 68,076 lines of code+text in it. Give me a break. WordStar with overlay was less than 100KB. There are 30 WordStars on this page alone, and yet is still sucks. -- Roy
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‎May 13, 2012
11:59 AM
As it turns out, not all is lost. There is one good thing about this new design: all the wasted space is on the right side of the window, not the left. This means that you can expand the text size and/or shrink the window and will see only the thread on the left. No add-on required. Perhaps the designers had this in mind when they appropriated 30% OF THE WHOLE WINDOW for their own idea of a process improvement, but somehow I doubt it. -- Roy Zider P.S. The typing of this message still has noticeable keystroke delay. Their efforts would have been better spent making impovements in performance. From the days of WordStar there has been better keyboarding of text input than what the user gets here.
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‎May 12, 2012
08:05 PM
Claudio: Very interesting. So I'm not the only one who's noticed that, besides the whole stock market. Thanks. -- Roy
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‎May 12, 2012
06:41 PM
Whoaa -- dual 30" monitors. Star Trek command center. Indeed, in my dreams. My son got a huge (horizontal) monitor from Santa for Christmas. More real estate, to be sure, but not better resolution Still 85 to 100 dpi or so. Santa, however, is still using what I think has been for all practical purposes the standard monitor for a long time: 12x9 = 15" diagonal, 1024 x 768, 85 dpi. Immediate identification of web designs that ignore this canonical target -- like this new forum layout. Maybe one of these days the monitor manufacturers will get to fax resolution -- 200 dpi -- at which point I'll spring for a major upgrade. -- Roy
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‎May 12, 2012
06:33 PM
station_one yes -- exactly what I want to do. I've posted a reply to that thread, inquiring about add-on for Internet Explorer. Thank you. -- Roy Zider
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‎May 12, 2012
06:31 PM
Is there an add-on like this for Internet Explorer? I'd like to recover that screen real estate that has been seized by this new design But that's really the wrong approach. The forum design should simply add a button to close the panel -- every multipanel interface I'm familiar with has this as a matter of initial design -- e.g., Adobe Acrobat's left navigation panel This is a forum defect that should be fixed by Adobe, not by users having to add yet more cruft to their browsers to compensate for bad design. -- Roy Zider P.S. this reply editor is faster than before, but still a noticeable delay between keystroke and on-screen glyph. Message was edited by: FUBARinSFO
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‎May 11, 2012
12:16 AM
How do I recover all the screen real estate wasted by the vertical frame on the right in this new forum design? -- Roy Zider
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‎Apr 23, 2012
04:09 PM
LoriAUC: Yes, that's what I've done. The deskew result is different than with OCR. That is the point of this post -- you appear to need to do OCR to get a proper deskew.
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‎Apr 19, 2012
06:12 PM
1 Upvote
Sue: You've really posed a perfect issue. The problem with the text that AAX produces as a result of its OCR is that when you go to index these files, all this gibberish ends up in the index. Check dtSearch Desktop sometime, and you will wonder how it gets any work done at all with what it has to contend with. It's an improvemnt over AA 9, but still not acceptable. Most people don't scan legal discovery documents, so would not be terribly inconvenienced by this problem -- until they searched for a string and can't find the document. The use of of the Text Touch up tool is not a solution, as the visuals of the displayed text are terrible, for one thing. At the moment, what I do is use AAX for scanning to image, not OCR. Then I take a second pass at the dox with ABBYY FineReader. At least there you can edit what gets into the hidden text. In addiition, there is the problem of AAX's poor deskew algorithm when optimizing the pdf. Only the one it invokes in OCR works worth anything. I'm still working on this aspect of the problem. If you come up with an improvement on this problem. with or without AAX, I for one would like to know. -- Roy Zider
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‎Apr 19, 2012
12:55 AM
Hello: I've found that the deskew performed with Optimize is inferior to the deskew when you OCR the scanned document. Is there a way to invoke the deskew performed by OCR instead of the deskew in Optimize? I've got some tabular timesheets, with no recognizable text. OCRing them and saving the images and then reassembling the individual pages into a PDF is not a great solution. Thanks in advance for your help. -- Roy Zider Adobe Acrobat 9 and 10 Windows XP SP3
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‎Apr 18, 2012
09:43 AM
Thanks -- have posted a couple of threads, I think. I'll review what I did last night.
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‎Apr 17, 2012
11:33 PM
I've just resolved a similar problem, but it wasn't due to the solution here. Where can I post a solution to the problem where the user can't reply to any messages (no 'Reply' button) even though Adobe.com has him logged in. -- Roy Zider
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‎Apr 17, 2012
11:31 PM
Where is forum that collects complaints about Jive Software? I can't find a 'website feedback' link anywhere. Is this the forum -- Adobe Forums > Adobe general forums > Forum comments? I wasn't able to find this forum directly -- only stumble across it as a result of a 'jive software' search result. If so, what is the direct path to this 'Forum comments' subforum? Update: just found it -- under 'General Forums | Forum Comments' <REDACTED: user reaction to this discovery> -- Roy Zider Message was edited by: FUBARinSFO Message was edited by: FUBARinSFO
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