‎Dec 17, 2024
05:18 AM
Interesting. Mine has been fixed since the update before last, & my windows profile doesnt contain any accents nor have I changed anything to do with it. Are people still having this problem after updating?
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‎Jul 01, 2024
12:40 AM
1 Upvote
I spent over a whole day trying various fix combinations on my RTX 4000 including the one you've suggested, but no luck. I think it must be the 4000 specifically thats the problem, or a combo of Win 11 and the 4000. Some are saying not to use the game driver, others say it works but on different cards. I've tried all of those options including removing hardware etc and plenty of re-starts in between. I've tried various combo settings in Nvidia Control panel too including creating a Stager program settings preset. I've rolled back to previous version 2.1.4 now and no problems but lost newer features and benefits. Best compromise for now.
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‎Jun 26, 2024
07:46 AM
Ditto. Exact same problem with the same graphics card, Win version and Stager version. Wasnt happening in previous versions. Frustrating when clients are on your back. Tried all sorts of settings tweak combinations. Anyone found a solution?
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‎Dec 12, 2023
07:33 AM
Yeah, that doesnt surprise me. I've got some working files coming in at 4.6gb that miraculously still load - albeit slowly. I've got 20+ files over 1.2gb that still load, 6 of those over 2gb. I've come to anticipate they'll crash so version control is key for when it does. Annoying, but essential for peace of mind. Try and import or clean up your models before importing too. Use low poly versions where possible. Also, tip is to re-start your machine before working in XD so its a fresh boot up and close any unecessary programs. Even those simple thing sometimes make a difference.
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‎Dec 12, 2023
07:04 AM
Have you tried saving that new file and seeing if the file size is noticably different than the original Stager file? Shouldn't be much difference. Still doesnt help solve your problem though unfortunately. I find the larger the file and more complex, the higher the risk of this happening. Going forward, it's best to save versions regularly to revert to a previous version for when this happens.
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‎Dec 12, 2023
12:43 AM
So annoying when that happens. Have you tired creating a new scene and importing the file into that? I've had that work some of the time.
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‎Nov 08, 2023
02:44 AM
Never! XD is now in "Maintenance mode", in other words, its the end-of-life for XD since Adobe is trying to buy Figma. See https://helpx.adobe.com/support/xd.html They've hit problems over buying it though, so that leaves us XD users in limbo. See: https://www.theverge.com/2023/8/8/23810981/eu-probe-investigation-adobe-figma-20-billion-merger-acquisition They wont support new features anymore other than critical updates until they discontinue it for good. That's customer loyalty for you, but not the first nor will be the last time.
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‎Jul 11, 2023
07:05 AM
Maybe being able to export Stager files as .fbx is the answer if it supports includes both physical lighting (spot, area etc) AND all materials rather than the libraries panel supporting .ssg. As long as I can drag & drop from the libraries panel, a 3D file format which retains the lighting and materials, then I'll be happy.
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‎Jul 11, 2023
06:58 AM
https://helpx.adobe.com/substance-3d-stager/getting-started/import-export-formats.html This page shows supported export formats (OBJ, GLTF, GLB, USD*) but highlights the "stager cannot yet export individual lights". *USD unsupported by the libraries panel so cant test but assume it would have issues as it creates a "dependancies" sub folder on export.
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‎Jul 11, 2023
06:52 AM
Hi Cyril, Thanks for the response. The clarify or add to this, I've created the models within Stager, so for example as a test - a wall panel with some wall pictures, wall lights, wallpaper textures/ materials, sofa etc. I've then added Physical lights (example: a spotlight) to the wall light to illuminate the scene. If I then try to export this, I have the option of saving as a .ssg, .gltf, .glb, .obj, .usd, .usda or usdz file format. No export for .fbx unfortunately and .usd isnt supported in the libraries panel, only .usdz. Whichever format I try to export, it either saves without the lighting inside when dragged back onto the libraries panel, or it creates a sub folder (called dependencies). So if I drag back into the livraries panel - say a .usdz file, then it doesnt show any lighting or materials. As a test to illustrate: Create a cube. Add a texture. Add a light- try a spotlight, and illumate one side. In the scene folder, put the cube and light into a new folder and name it. Save your file as an .ssg. file for later. File > Export > Selected - then save as a file name and format of your choice - lets use .usdz as that is supported by the libraries panel. Create a new folder in the Assets > Libraries panel and drag and drop the newly created .usdz file into that folder. re-open the .ssg file of not already open, so you can compare the original with the new .usdz file. Then drag that previously saved .usdz file from the Libraries panel into the viewing/ modeling area. You'll notice the materials and light dont show or appear like they did with the other one. In the "scene" panel, you'll also notice the lights dont appear in the directory structure, but the cube does, except the material doesnt show under the materials tab. The name exists, but the actual material thumbnail doesnt. Not sure if I'm explining myself very well so best compare the original cube with material, the the .usdz one dragged newly in. Other formats that can be exported from Stager suffer from either materials or lighting omissions. For example, export as an .obj file and it saves a .obj file, a .mtl (unsupported file format in Libraries folder) and a sub folder full of .pngs. Folders arent supported so tried dragging across individually, but isnt recognised as a texture for the cube. Basically, theres no work flow I can find to create a new 3D model inside Stager (not importing a 3d file from another program) that includes textures AND physical lighting (spot, area etc, not illumination), to then export that model and then drag back into the libraries panel, that then drag from the panel into an existing scene and keeps that lighting and textures. Sorry, probably confusing, but hope there's a slim chance that helps illustrate the problem. Thanks. Dave.
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‎Jul 11, 2023
01:00 AM
Agreed. such a time waste and pain. voted up.
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‎Jul 11, 2023
12:57 AM
3D Stager doesn't currently support its own native file format (.ssg) within the Assets > Libraries panel, yet supports more generic formats with less functionality. This is crazy! .ssg files natively support all the features within Stager, specifically both Physical lighting (spot, area, point or directional) and materials. Other file formats that the Libraries panel does support (.glb, .obj, usdz, .gltf, .fbx) dont support both, so there is currently no way to create 3D models which support both materials and physical lights that can be saved in the libraries panel. This is a major issue when a scene has been created and an additional model needs to be imported from the library, say a model of a street lamp or desk lamp with both physical lights set-up and surface material patterns built in to the .ssg file. Only way is to laboriously go through File > Import > 3D model - then find the file location. Would be so much more simple to drag and drop the preset from the library panel. .ssg needs support in the Libraries panel ro suitable alternative option. Thanks.
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‎Jul 10, 2023
07:26 AM
I'm looking for a solution & hoping the community can help please. Please excuse my terminology if incorrectly used. I have created various 3d models that I want to drag and drop into Substance 3D Stager scenes from the libraries panel to speed up workflow. I repeatedly use these models across various projects. "File > Import > 3D model" - then finding the files each time is laborious. Drag and drop much quicker. Some of my models have textures/materials and include various "physical lights" - spot, area, direction or point, to speed up having prelit files ready to use. Unfortunately, the libraries panel doesnt support the .ssg (Substance 3D Stager) file format which supports both textures and lighting, so I've investigated which file formats support draging and dropping from the libraries panel which support (a) materials and (b) physical lighting - spot, area, directional or point. I can't find any or any workflow or file format that provides whats needed. Some formats either (a) don't support importing materials with them or (b) Stager lighting. .usd supports lighting but doesnt carry across textures. .glb supports textures but not lighting etc. Same with .obj, usdz, gltf or .fbx. All either have issues importing the textures/ materials or the lighting or cant be imported into the libraries panel. If I drag and drop from Bridge or Windows file explorer, it swaps over the file instead of importing into the current scene. Anyone any suggestions please? Adobe - an idea - please support .ssg format in the libraries panel ASAP as this will solve it! Thanks. Dave.
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‎Jun 08, 2023
12:21 AM
I'm getting the same issue on PC. Did you get the issue resolved and if so, how please?
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‎Mar 27, 2019
02:12 AM
Unfortunately re-installing brings the problem back for me, but not for Extensis support. Re-starting makes no difference. The Technical support guy at Adobe tried the latter when he took over the computer. I tried the first after we'd concluded SF9 being installed was causing the conflict. The Techie guy tried everything he could check and switch on and off including re-naming folders to rebuild them, checking settings in Creative Cloud App, checking and un-checking fonts and families etc. He tried his own account, and mine, but same results before uninstalling SF9, when the fonts in XD then returned to normal.
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‎Mar 26, 2019
10:06 AM
Another update from Extensis as to what they did to see if they could re-create the problem but couldn't: "We did perform some testing with Adobe XD and did not notice any issues with font availabilty. This is an outline of our test; 1. Installed Adobe XD from the Creative Cloud app 2. Browsed Adobe fonts and activated Noto Sans Bold, Semi Bold, Light and Regular 3. Launched Suitcase Fusion and confirmed that the new Adobe fonts were listed within the Third Party Fonts area 4. Launched Adobe XD 5. Created a new job and applied Noto Sans Bold to a text box 6. Saved the job and quit Adobe XD 7. Relaunched and re-opened the job and the font was still available" Anyone else having the same issue, or is it just me?
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‎Mar 26, 2019
09:22 AM
OK, Sent Extensis a tech support question and asked if they knew what was going on and any fix. This was their reply: "Greetings Dave, We're not aware of any issues with Adobe XD with Suitcase Fusion 9 and aside from yourself, there's been no other report from other customers regarding this issue. We don't perform any QA testing with Adobe XD ourselves as it's not one of the applications that we include auto-activation plugins for but based on what we can see in your screen shot, it looks like the issue involves fonts synched from Adobe own Font service rather than from any fonts activated in Suitcase Fusion. Adobe Fonts uses it's own delivery mechanism to download and activate their fonts to the operating system and although we do show all synched Adobe fonts in our interface, we don't interfere with them. Additionally the fact that other Adobe applications can see those fonts but XD can't would definitely suggest this is an XD specific issue." OK, Adobe, back to you as Extensis seem to think its XD's issue. What do you think is happening here please?
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‎Mar 26, 2019
08:00 AM
Update: OK, after a couple of helpful hours with an Adobe Tech support guy, we've worked out that uninstalling my Font management software "Extensis Suitcase Fusion 9" has temporarily resolved the issue for XD. I'm guessing there's a conflict between the two. But that still now means I'm without independent font management & the CC2019 Adobe Photoshop plugins that they bundle with it which I use for previewing & embedding all Google fonts inside Adobe Photoshop & Illustrator. That and general font management. So I'm stuck. I can now use XD correctly but not font management & CC2019 plugins. Anyone help resolve this please?
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‎Mar 26, 2019
04:23 AM
OK, this is pretty confusing so this screen shot might help: Basically, I've installed fonts via Creative Cloud fonts manager over the years, and this has slowly been getting worse in XD only. The problem: XD is showing some Adobe fonts; - (a) Some installed fonts and variations are showing in the drop down list but giving a warning that fonts are missing when I try and select them, (b) Some installed fonts and/ or variations missing from the list. (c) Some showing in the font family list but I've not even installed those variations. I'm only talking about the Adobe installed fonts via The Creative Cloud App. I've not checked system ones for now. See below for the all the fonts I've installed via Creative Cloud fonts app only, and the problems each font family and variation has: All show correctly and are installed: Gibson - Light, Regular, Semibold Nunito - Bold Some show, but some show as installed but not showing: Lato - Showing font: Medium, I don't have these installed but are in the drop down list and show: - Light, Light Italic, Regular, Italic. NOT Showing font: (I don't have these installed but are in the drop down list:) - bold, bold Italic, black, black italic. NOT showing in the list but are installed: - Semi Bold Noto Sans - Showing font: Light, Regular. NOT Showing font: Bold. NOT showing in the list but are installed: - Semi Bold Open Sans- Showing font: Regular, I don't have these installed but are in the drop down list and show: - Light, Light Italic NOT Showing font: (I don't have these installed but are in the drop down list:) - Italic, Semi Bold italic, Bold Italic, Extra Bold, Extra Bold Italic. NOT showing in the list but are installed: - Semi Bold, Bold None show in XD dropdown but installed in Creative cloud/ Fonts manager: ASAP - Regular, Italic, Bold, Bold Italic Muli - Regular, Italic, Semi bold, Bold Pacifico - Light, Regular, Bold Roboto Condensed - Bold (Shows Extra Bold Italic - but is greyed out and says missing font) Source Sans Pro - Semi bold Titillium Web -Regular, Semi Bold, Bold OK, so can anyone advise as to why I'm having the above fonts issues and how to solve it so installed fonts actually show without missing font errors and ones I've not installed, don't? Thanks. Dave.
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‎Nov 09, 2016
01:36 PM
Using the traditional method of applying a stroke to a shape (i.e. using the fx button in the layers panel to add a layer effect) the stroke color picker shows a real time update on your working document as the picker color is selected. In the new stroke properties bar at the top (the one with new features like gradients to a stroke, dotted lines etc) the color picker doesnt have re-time previews (on my version anyway).
Anyone know why? Is there a setting to activate? Surely both color pickers should show real time updates without having to click on OK to see changes each time. A small but annoying waste of time when repeated multiple times.
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‎Jun 26, 2015
04:59 AM
1 Upvote
We purchased "Robodemo" by Macromedia around 10 years ago before it was re-named to Captivate after Adobe swallowed the company up. Upgraded to Captivate shortly after. Was a great tool at the time when we used it. Need it again now but wont install on our newer machines and would obviously be outdated anyway. Having this back within the CC suite would be great.
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‎Dec 09, 2014
09:25 AM
Warp (> Edit > Transform > Warp) from what I can find out seems to only support a standard 3 x 3 grid with a fixed quantity of control points/ handles. I'd like to suggest the ability to add further points/ handles & a customisable quantity of grid squares or even presets of say 4x4, 5x5 etc to improve accuracy under certain conditions. Puppet Warp isnt available on a Smart object after using the "Edit > Transform> Distort command first", otherwise that might have been an option.
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‎Oct 23, 2014
06:18 AM
Cant see that menu in Photoshop. Are you sure you're not in Illustrator as that's an illustrator menu structure? We're trying to get this to work in Photoshop CC. I'm in cc2014 - latest version & still not fixed for me.
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‎Jan 20, 2014
08:27 AM
Thanks for the info about AE, Reimund. Sounds like it works in a similar way to what I imagined.
I appreciate that recent digital cameras are more megapixel gifted, I suppose to clarify my earlier comments, it isn't so much the pixel size of the original image you're linking to but it's the actual size its re-sized to when in the document that effects the psd file size.
Appreciate your point about being able to switch between seeing it or not though, maybe they'll introduce that as an option. I personally wouldn't benefit from seeing a place holder outline in my work so would keep the flattened image option. Not sure how Photoshop would be able to handle effects or masking applied to it either if it was just a placeholder box, so maybe that's the reason it works the way it does.
Try suggesting that as a new idea topic of its own as this might get lost and overlooked in this post.
Alternatively, work at far lower psd document resolutions using linked smart objects or other scalable objects and re-size your canvas back up later.
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‎Jan 20, 2014
05:10 AM
The file size of the PSD is directly proportional to the preview size in the document, so a 35mb jpeg file previewing at actual size would be pretty massive in file size as you said. Scale it down to something smaller/ more manageable and the file size shrinks though, so unless you work on a huge hi -re screen capable of resolutions around the 7000/8000k width (that's 8k TV resolution!!) then it would be normal to be working on a much smaller image / resolution.
I do see your point about you wanting it to act more like a placeholder than a linked file though, but the only problem would be as to what happens when the link is broken. What would appear, an empty transparent box border with an x in like a DTP package? Personally I'd sooner see a flattened preview than that and accept the larger file size.
Not familiar enough to AE to know how it handles linked files that are broken from the link. Can you clarify what it does or is it something like the above?
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‎Jan 20, 2014
03:32 AM
I'm confused. As far as I can tell, its doing what you've asked for.
Please explain what your doing in steps for us to re-create it and what you're expecting to be able to do that its not currently doing.
What is a "proper link"?
From what I can tell, PS CC doesn't embed the file, it creates a flattened preview (not copy) which stays with the file, keeping the original file linked. Break the link by re-naming/ moving etc, it reverts & shows the flattened preview & locks you out of re-scaling until the link is re-established. It still shows and can be worked on though.
As far as I know, that how a "proper" link works, or were you expecting something else?
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‎Nov 18, 2013
02:28 AM
+1 to all the above - would love to see this feature
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‎Nov 11, 2013
08:50 AM
I'd like to know this too, more specifically I have a bunch of selected live shapes with rounded corners in several folders/ layers, as vector masks and shapes, but it wont scale the corners when re-sizing. It does the fancy "keep the corners the same" nonsense, I just want to scale it down and have the corner radius scale with it. I dont care if its a live/ dead/ resurected/ zombie layer, I just want to scale it like I've always done! Help!
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‎Nov 04, 2013
02:45 AM
Appreciate that, Jeffrey. Just hoping the first step/s can finally be started though, otherwise they'll never get done.
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