Community Beginner
Community Beginner
‎Sep 15, 2023
10:18 AM
Thanks. New to the community forum - this timewasting was just bugging me so much that I had to add to this thread not knowing if it was the best way to get a Feature Request open. I've been asked to upload a lecture/science forum to YouTube, but to make sure that we're GDPR complaint and that the Closed Captioning is available and correct because we are really, really focussed on Disability Access. I'm already a week overdue on getting this uploaded, and the end is nowhere near in sight yet!
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‎Sep 15, 2023
05:33 AM
The new caption editing tools are great, but I'd find my workflow would be twice as fast if, when you split the caption track and create a duplicate caption entry, the edit that you make to one is reflected in the duplicate. For instance, the transcription generates 4 lines of text in a 40 second block of video. That's too much; it obscures for example, a powerpoint slide. The lecturer has left a bar on the bottom of their slides that can be overlaid with a line of text / caption. So you do a cut in the caption track at the point the audio track reaches the end of the line. You now have two identical 4 line blocks of text in the caption list. This is OK. You go in and delete the end of block 1, then you have to go in and delete the start of block 2. When you have a duplicated block like this, you should be able to drag over the text to delete from caption 1 and simultaneously highlight the text you're NOT highlighting in the duplicated text. A single press of the delete key would then delete the text you don't want from block 1 AND the text that's remaining in block 1 from block 2. This could be done by holding down a modifier key, say, or having a preference settable.
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‎Aug 04, 2021
07:30 AM
Great. That seems to be working now. I thought it was that which might be stopping the traffic light window controls from working, but they still do nothing at all. I guess that's a separate thread!
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‎Aug 02, 2021
03:49 AM
Thanks for the tip... now in August and this is STILL a problem... Only occassionally use Adobe Illustrator now, and herein lies a problem with the CC model... Fire it up to do some work and spend an hour trying to undo the brokenness created by the applications updating. So not only are we laying out monthly for a product we use less than 12 times a year, but when we do it also costs us money in lost productivity fixing things that shouldn't be broken. Way to go alienating your customers, Adobe. Oh no... still broken. And it stops the traffic lights from working, so... FU (Fix Urgently!) Adobe.
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