gator soup
gator soup
‎Feb 22, 2025
11:45 AM
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‎Feb 04, 2025
10:08 AM
i recall the PS image in my desktop screenshot above was applied screen sharpening LOW in Camera RAW i uploaded the image here, including a License released into the Public Domain via this irrevocable perpetual Royalty Free License for unlimited use. If anyone need somethis more specific, please post here (60MB)
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‎Feb 04, 2025
08:45 AM
ok -- no interest -- i never did mind having conversations with myself... Im going back to school looking for a few tutorials -- i recall sharpening can be applied in channels -- i think my general sharpening approach barely scratched the surface of bringing out the potential of this particular image this is what the original scene looked like -- when the backlight hit that leaf the magic happened...
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‎Feb 03, 2025
05:07 PM
I shot something over my head sharpening and wondering if I can post the original .nef here for free educational use -- royalty free perpetual licensing released in Public Domain) -- I think it may be interesting in a sharpening exercise sense. I can post it on a download link (inside a .zip) or how would I attach the original .nef here so you would have the original RAW file If this isn't permitted -- please delete here is a peek (I putzed around with it a bit) ---shot on Nikon D810, Nikkor 105MM 2.8 4912x7360 (very close) ---Sample opened in CS6, RAW, ProPhotoRGB, 16-bit ---viewed at 100percent on a 5K Retina screen running Mojave/CS6 I think it could be sharpened better
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‎Jul 07, 2019
06:30 PM
1 Upvote
ok my bad
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‎Jul 07, 2019
06:24 PM
>> i will try editing from my wifes computer and then upload to mine edit in photoshop (in the sRGB colorspace or save as for the web in sRGB as a last step) photoshop is displaying FULLY color managed - it is the unmanaged apps (and/or missing ICC profiles) that are causing the issues- so-called wide gamut monitors only show the error more pronounced
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‎Jun 28, 2019
09:02 AM
yes, you are on point (consistently) ... Photoshop colors and profiles I see crystal clear, it's logical and intuitive and simplistic, but maybe I just have more daily experience with it and Photoshop is certainly a lot less complicated than what Acrobat deals with maybe I'm just getting old ... I recently upgraded M$ Entourage 2008 to Outlook 2016 (Mac mail apps) wow it lost some critical features and got more unintuitive ... then there is the recent move I made from OS-X 10.6 to macOS 10.12 and 10.14 ... technology and commonsense certainly are not standing still for me
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‎Jun 28, 2019
07:19 AM
1 Upvote
>>> I've been successfully exporting pdfs for print for about 20 years and it's never been so convoluted. amen to that, brother! I, too, have managed to squeak by with a degree of consistency in my closed work flows, but I see how a shop dealing with numerous 3rd party documents a day has an impossible task with all the ****** up (my edit) color coming in, the fact that a lot of them don't have a clue even how to deal with proper document only makes it worse
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‎Jun 27, 2019
07:12 AM
>>I sometimes find that I get a dialogue warning box telling me there are different colour profiles assigned when opening different documents and it becomes confusing and frustrating .. I juggling Japanese, American, European and individual corporate client profiles... this is very simple in concept that should be crystal clear I highly recommend you slug through my ASSIGN-CONVERT TUTORIAL Five simple steps to profile enlightenment setting Color Management Policies to these is the first step because it takes (manual) control of the behavior and notices you of missing and mismatched profiles
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‎Jun 11, 2019
09:30 AM
Is there a macOS (which version) that can't open Cs6 Illustrator 16.0.4 because of the Java error? in other words: What is the latest Apple OSX that can open iLL 16.0.4? it appears Mojave 10.14.5 will not allow iLL to open because it is impossible to make Terminal install the Deploy.bundle and 1.6.0.jdk files (it hits the Java error on an Erase, start-from-scratch 10.14 / CS6 install) I am reluctant to install latest Java updates if I am ultimately unable to put the Deploy.bundle and 1.6.0.jdk files in place
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‎Jun 11, 2019
09:00 AM wrote My recollection (perhaps wrong) is that InDesign 8.1 was for Creative Cloud subscribers only. And is no longer available to anyone, as of last week. this screenshot is from my cs6 retail perpetual install Help>Update... - why I think 8.1 should be the latest update for disc users (my machines never came into contact with anything beyond CS6, including anything related to CC) It would be interesting to hear from anyone who has just successfully updated a _CS6_LS16.dmg CS6 start-from-scratch install using perpetual retail boxed disk serial number the following versions were all taken from previous cs6 Help>Update... install (again, no CC or later versions of Adobe software involved): CS6 Design Web Premium, perpetual boxed retail versions supplied by Adobe LIST OF UPDATES DMGs for Mac (or higher): Acrobat X Pro: 10.1.16 Dreamweaver: Fireworks: Flash: Illustrator: 16.0.4 InDesign: Photoshop: 13.0.6 (Bridge:, Camera raw:
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‎Jun 09, 2019
08:23 AM
no one says they are still working on the Help>Update... 'update failure' and request for manual updates I will update when the support process concludes with a definitive response
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‎Jun 08, 2019
03:47 PM
follow the updaters down to the actual download: THEY ALL FAIL ALL THE SIMILAR PRODUCT PAGES and/or DMG UPDATERS HAVE BEEN DELETED (Except Photoshop when I checked a couple days ago)
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‎Jun 08, 2019
03:37 PM
follow the updaters down to the actual download: THEY ALL FAIL ALL THE SIMILAR PRODUCT PAGES and/or DMG UPDATERS HAVE BEEN DELETED (Except Photoshop when I checked a couple days ago) if you missed downloading these files they are most likely unobtainable from Adobe I'd rather not clog up this post - it being epic and all for the java problem the past 5 years I'm just saying CS6 'has been' changed dramatically by Adobe...
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‎Jun 08, 2019
08:26 AM
Mac mini 2012 new to me I did an Erase, start-from-scratch Mojave 10.14 install ran the most recent Adobe DesignWebPremium_CS6_LS16.dmg (the full CS6 Design Web Premium trial installer and entered the retail boxed perpetual serial number) did hit a problem updating the .0 versions the LS16 installed through Help>Update... - now that the direct stand-alone app updaters have been deleted off Adobe servers a couple weeks ago, and Adobe support unable to discuss CS6 - I'm stuck with .0 apps...
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‎Jun 07, 2019
07:09 PM
hitting problems trying to install CS6 Illustrator 16.0 on a 10.14.5 Mojave macOS (2012 Mac mini i7) sudo mkdir -p /System/Library/Java/Support/Deploy.bundle generates this: mkdir: /System/Library/Java/Support/Deploy.bundle: Operation not permitted 2MM1014:~ editeduser$ sudo mkdir -p /System/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/1.6.0.jdk generates this: mkdir: /System/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/1.6.0.jdk: Operation not permitted 2MM1014:~ editeduser$ I AM UNABLE TO COPY THE FOLDERS IN PLACE I did not install the the latest Java from Oracle because 10.14 is pretty advanced DO YOU THINK IT MATTERS (or is my approach broken)? Note: The Oracle Java License has changed for releases starting April 16, 2019 Version 8 Update 211 Release date April 16, 2019 I see hunter3740 Jan 4, 2018 10:21 AM (post 28) pasted in a lengthy process - too involved for my pea brain. IS THERE ANY HOPE FOR MAKING ILLUSTRATOR CS6 WORK AROUND THE JAVA ISSUE ON MOJAVE 10.14?
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‎May 24, 2019
08:03 AM
give this a review (get the test images into your problem apps and OBSERVE): DOWNLOAD PDI TEST IMAGE Photodisc Color Management Calibration Target Reference Image Baby Faces How To Achieve True Pri… remember: some Windows 'color managed' apps only convert tagged filed to sRGB what this means is proper tagged files will still show over saturated reds on so-called wide gamut (Adobe RGB) monitors on Windows OS remember: you cannot hardware calibrate or profile wide-gamut (Adobe RGB) monitors to sRGB unless it has an sRGB preset I just replaced my Apple 30" display I was careful to select a replacement that 100% sRGB hardware I chose not to get a wide gamut (Adobe RGB) monitor with a sRGB preset, but if your wide gamut monitor has a sRGB preset, try it... this is old, but maybe useful: WIDE GAMUT ADOBE RGB LCD Monitors Screens Troubleshooting Over Saturated sRGB Color Reviews on the Web Tutorial
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‎May 21, 2019
05:45 PM
Thanks, by your: >So the X Standards require an Output Intent Profile, which lets everyone know what the expected destination profile is Output Intent Profile terminology has always confused me - compared to how Photoshop uses source and destination (which seems much more intuitive) would your Output Intent Profile represent the document Source profile or a profile or standard based on the print space?
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‎May 19, 2019
01:45 PM
1 Upvote
I really like that post, rob day I don't know if I understand it all yet beyond 'profile on / profile off' (for monitor display purposes) and for sending CMYK 'numbers' straight to the printer but it is clear Acrobat color management takes a lot of practice and observation for most people to figure out...
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‎May 19, 2019
10:02 AM
likewise, if your PDF is untagged - and you set up your printer to Convert to a print space ICC profile - you want to be aware of the same issue (the Source profile you are using for the conversion must be correctly assumed)
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‎May 19, 2019
09:55 AM
further, if your PDF is un-tagged (it does not contain an embedded ICC profile) - or objects within it have been mis-tagged or mis-converted it will most likely not display correctly in Acrobat UNLESS Acrobat's working RGB/CMYK profile matches the document's correct color space UNTAGGED DOCUMENTS: Acrobat will apply/assign/use its working RGB/CMYK profile for its conversion/translation/correction to the monitor space just like photoshop i am not positive about all the Acrobat export presets, but that has been my experience
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‎May 19, 2019
08:34 AM
yes, thank you all >I read all the rants and disclaimers I'm just STILL LOOKING for the download page if perhaps someone has that information FYI: I have cs6 indesign updated on a third 2011 MacBook Pro - V 8.1 is apparently not for Creative Cloud subscribers only I've communicated directly with Adobe employees and engineers many times on their forums and I'm optimistic there are some still here who may have been with Adobe long enough to know the answer and respond to my issue
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‎May 18, 2019
03:52 PM
1 Upvote
Brucgovn ACP posted this for photoshop in 2015 I found on another post: Photoshop CS 6 update : Adobe - Photoshop : For Macintosh I am certain pages like this also still exist for the other apps in the CS, but they are so buried in CC Cloud dominance and moving the website around it is nearly impossible to find them
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‎May 18, 2019
03:01 PM
note to adobe: I just installed cs6 from your above download image on four Mac computers, 2 MacBook Pros (2011), a 2010 Mac Pro, and a 2012 Mac mini the installer worked SEAMLESSLY (10.6.8, 10.12.6, 10.13x, 10.14.4 all latest versions start from scratch install) Help> Update... worked SEAMLESSLY on all machines (a lot of time to download the updates, authenticate, and install during the process) EXCEPT ALL THE APPS APPEAR TO BE .0 verified in Get Info on the app icon and Photoshop> About Photoshop ARE YOU AWARE OF THIS BEHAVIOR? PS: on the off chance your install DMG and Help> Update... process actually updated my apps as high as possible (they just report in error to the .0) - please let me know because I tend to go with what I see and what I know
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‎May 18, 2019
02:52 PM
RE: InDesign 8.0, CS6, OS-X macOS HELP PLEASE locating a direct download link to manually run and update my InDesign from 8.0 - to the late (8.1?) I found and manually download Photoshop 13.0.6 and Acrobat 10.1.16 .dmg files and successfully updated them on my local machines I've read all the disclaimers and rants, just need a link that works MORE INFO I just started from scratch installing my multiple licenses of CS6 Design Web Premium on four Apple computers ranging from 10.6.8 Snow Leopard to 10.14x Mojave After I figured the new installer out: the installers ran SEAMLESSLY on all OSes They also appeared to successfully HELP> UPDATES... all the updates completed with "Successful" acknowledgement and row of app icons that were supposedly updated AND all seem to be working (except iLL Java which I haven't addressed yet) but when I checked all the apps were still .0 even the set on my 10.6.8 install EVEN MORE INFO THAN THAT I installed from a fresh download image off the Adobe server
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‎May 16, 2019
11:10 AM
You mean the dark blue R1 G1 B5 in the left side i don't see how any printed media could reproduce 1/1/5 as anything other than black to the naked eye even the right side RGB 0/1/14 but whatever color you are trying troubleshoot, a solid fill may simplify but to the visual mismatch on the screen you must get your source profile and color settings in order and nothing in color-managed Adobe apps will match until you: use (apply) the same correct source profile ensure your color settings are not changing your source document at that point Adobe apps should use the embedded profile and make consistent color translations/conversions/corrections to the monitor profile lastly, if you are using pantone spot colors in Adobe, i would expect room for error on the monitor between apps - it seems more of an art than a science to most users and not too many people know how deals with pantone and spot colors in PDF, but if it's correct (what you want) that's a huge clue...
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‎May 06, 2019
08:43 AM
>>windows photo viewer is color managed yes, but (excuse that) does windows photo viewer convert/translate/correct tagged RGB to the monitor profile OR sRGB and what happens if you open untagged RGB in windows photo viewer (it would pay to know how Windows treats untagged RGB in its process) the last time i checked Windows was 'half' color managed (for lack of a technical term) - it converted tagged RGB to sRGB (not tagged RGB to Monitor RGB like Photoshop)
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‎Apr 12, 2019
06:30 PM
PS the viewsonic in my first post is attached to a 2011 Mac Mini 5,1 running 10.13 (and 10.6.8 on s second internal SSD) i still like the old stuff and not too proud to say so... but 10.6.8 has gotten to a point where it is no longer much use except to run golive and micro$oft entourage
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‎Apr 12, 2019
06:26 PM
moreover i just put an old 10.6.8 clone from 2015 into a Mac Pro 2010 5,1 machine - booted into 10.6.8 - and made a new profile using the same Xrite package on an old 30-inch Apple Cinema Display the news here for me is that it worked and copied over to the Mac Pros 10.11.6 system and looks great
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‎Apr 12, 2019
04:52 PM
i can tell you Mac OS X macOS 10.6.8 just profiled my viewsonic VX2370 IPS LED screen using Eye-One Match 3 3.6.3 and it looks good in Finder and Photoshop CS6 the final Luminance reported at 69.1 cd/m2 (but the screen appears to about actual 120 cd/m2) it also has the neutrality and color saturation i recognize from 'calibrated' monitors all the way back to CRT and Apple Cinema Displays
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