‎Jan 31, 2024
09:07 PM
This isn't a biggie but it seems it should be easy enough to implement. Could we get the Camera RAW window to use proper Windows 10/11 Title Bar and Color Scheme behaviour and settings? Upon install, if you open Camera RAW it lacks a title bar. The "Toggle Full Sceen" does not add the title bar. However if you are not in full screen and drag the botton edge, a Windows title bar will appear so the window can be dragged to a different monitor. This is useful if trying to match Camera RAW settings to an existing image open in Photoshop. However the Title Bar does not obey the Windows Color scheme (in my case the standard Dark Mode) instead chooing bright white. Nor does it offer the Minimize, Maximize and Close window buttons. I may be wrong but it seems trivial to add proper Windows behaviour and always show a title bar unless the hotkey F is pressed for Full Screen Mode in which case the ESC key should return to showing the title bar. Most apps work this way so it would be more intuative than having to know you must first drag from the bottom or side before you can get the title bar to appear so you can move it to a different screen. Basically just make Camera RAW obey Windows standards. Thanks! -Darv
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‎Nov 30, 2023
12:57 PM
In CameraRAW (and LightRoom) add an option to allow the user to specify where DNG files are stored. Currently behavior seems to always store new DNG files in the same folder as the file(s) being processed. Ideally it would the user should have an option to specify where to store the DNG files. Default = Current Working Folder alongside original files. Optional = Specified Folder. Being able to specify where the DNG file is saved would have the following advantages. 1. DNG files saved and processed on faster but smaller m.2 SSD drives. 2. Make management of resulting DNG files easier. Ideally you only need them up until they are saved as a PSD, TIFF or JPEG file. 3. Simplify and speed up batch enhancement and processing of multiple files such as panoramas. Example: In my current work flow I store my images on a much larger, but slower USB or internal hard drive. My system has smaller but much faster m.2 nVME SSD drives that are ideal for batch processing. In my workflow the DNG files are only needed while I am editing. Once saved as a PSD file I have no need for the DNG file. The DNG files are currently stored all over my USB drive in various folders representing each shoot. Since my phone and other devices also use the DNG format it's time consuming and somewhat confusing to just do a search for DNG files when I need to free up drive space. I may confuse the DNG files from different devices and delete the wrong ones. If I could specify a faster location and keep the generated DNG files separate from my original images it would sure make things simpler. And it seems like a simple thing to add. The option could potentially even allow storage of the resulting DNG files on the Adobe cloud service? Thanks for your consideration Darvin Atkeson
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‎Nov 17, 2023
08:43 PM
Disregards.... something went wrong with my Creative Cloud. I restarted it and received a notice that the Beta update had failed. Installing it now.
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‎Nov 17, 2023
07:43 PM
I have been using Photoshop Beta and updating with each update. Today I received and update notice, did the update only to find the program was removed from my system. Photoshop Beta is nowhere to be found in Creative Cloud. Did Adobe pull access to those who recently signed up for the Beta with the last major release or did something go wrong?
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‎Oct 23, 2023
02:51 PM
Resolved the problem by first reverting to version 14.5 by downloading the EXE file, then upgrade using the 16.0 EXE file to upgrade. Vignette is now adjusting the edges correctly rather than turning them white. Unclear as to what caused the bug. Darv
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‎Oct 21, 2023
03:19 PM
Can anyone else confirm this bug with version (seemed to start in version 16.0). The Vignette Effect now seems to just turn the image white rather than correctly blending properly. It really bad. 1. Load a dark image with or without vignetting. 2. Wihout making any other changes alter the Vignette setting under the Effects Panel 3. Note how the effect now turns edges totally white instead of just brightening the color. This cand't be correct as it totally messes up the results. Looking to see if anyone else see this odd behaviour. I checked the forums but can't find any other mention of it. -Darv
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‎Oct 06, 2023
04:06 PM
I have checked this against the shipping version and it works fine in 25.0 The problem seemed to have started in 25.1. I just downloaded the current update as of 10-6-2023 and still see the problem. It's easy enough to check: 1. Open any image. 2. Select the Brush Tool 3. Press the Alt key to bring up the color selection tool and select a color from the image. NOTE: The Color Wheel no longer updates to show the new color but a new color does appear in the Tool Bar. In the shipping version the Color Wheel will update each time to show the selected color. If there is an option for this behavior in the settings I am not aware of it. Thanks! Darvin Atkeson
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‎Nov 07, 2020
07:58 PM
1 Upvote
Seem to be having a problem with the current version of Photoshop 22.0.0 and Google's version of the NIK plugins that was not present previously Open any image. Run NIK's Color Effex / Detail Extractor Click OK to apply the Detail Extractor Click with the paint brush anywhere on the screen (say with red paint) You should get a single dot painted but not be able to paint a line. The image freezes. Photoshop continues to paint but does not update the primary canvas. The thumbnail however updates. Deleteing the NIK Color Effex layer does not update the screen. Only way to fix is to save the file, close it and reopen the PSD file. Can anyone reproduce this? System Info Windows 10 - Current version just updated NVIDIA GeForce 650 Ti juste updated to current drivers. 32 GB RAM Thanks Darvin Atkeson YosemiteLandscapes.com
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‎Apr 10, 2019
09:32 PM
Didn't have a chance to try it till tonight but that did the trick. Just going back to 20.0.3 returned Photoshop to normal behaviour. Not really a fix but at least I can get back to a normal work flow. Thanks!!! Never knew that was there! Darv
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‎Apr 09, 2019
08:58 PM
Thanks again for the suggestions. Unfortunately double clicking the title bar doesn't work in Filters in Photoshop. I'm an old Windows tech so that's one I wish they would address. The Reset button didn't do anything. It keeps the 3/4 screen size and I have to resize on every Filter that uses similar screens. I don't suppose you have any ideas on how to restore the previous builds? On a project at the moment and would settle for just reverting back to the previous version. Thanks -Darv
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‎Apr 09, 2019
07:29 PM
Thanks for the suggestion. Unfortunately no change in behaviour.
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‎Apr 09, 2019
05:31 PM
After a recent update the Filter Window sizes are no longer remembered by Photoshop. For instance if I open any image, then go to the Filter ? Lens Correction it only fills 3/4 of the screen vertically. I can pull down the window to fill the screen of course. Next time I open it, it reverts to only filling 3/4 of the screen vertically. This problem also effects: Filter Gallery Adaptive Wide Angle Camera RAW (though it has a work around using the full screen button) Lens Correction Liquify Vanishing Point Shake Reduction .... None of these seem to remember the screen size set during previous usage. It's a huge impact on my workflow to now have to resize the window each time I go to use the filter. This was not a problem prior to the update. Windows 10 64 bit, current build. Nvidia GeForce 650 Ti Driver 32 GB RAM Photoshop 20.0.4 update 1920x1200 Dual 24" Displays Any help greatly appreciated. As you can see from the image below, the filter doesn't fill the screen. Dragging it down will work but then the next time it's opened it reverts to this size. 0 Links
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