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Why do you go back to the first page when you hit the back button after reading a post on the THIRD (or other) page? It should send you back to the third page or whatever page you just came from!
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this was reported the 1st day of the "new and improved" forums. i think it's so that once something scrolls off page one, it'll be forgotten.
what? that's not the intention? shocking!
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I noticed it's benefit immediately this morning upon returning from a week off - I had zero desire to check the unread conversations that had fallen off the front page. Hopefully they're all answered.
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But Jesse, that's almost never the case when someone hits the back button. 99% of the time they're looking at posts on the 2nd or 3rd page.
However it sounds so much like a lame Jive excuse, like "Remember Me" not working correctly being "enhanced security", I wouldn't be surprised if the clowns used it to explain their bug.
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That's what I was talking about, Ansury - I was looking through a week's worth of unread stuff and got to page 2, clicked on a thread, then clicked back to get to what should be page 2 but instead was page 1. Rather than dealing with that over and over, I clicked "mark all as read" and came over here and tried to make a joke about it.
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Oh. Wow. There's a "mark all as read" button.
I suppose that's nice, but I don't dare click it-- I'm afraid it might format my hard drive or something.
Jive: "Sorry about that, just another minor bug!"
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I've not been around much over the holiday. and trying to find or remember where you left off in any longer thread is such a PITA that any thread with over 10 posts gets ignored by me
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A week to get to page two?! One of the forums I used to read and reply
to regularly still goes to 2 pages every day (/I think[1])/. It was 4 or
more pages back in April when Jive first went live.
Adobe/Jive failed to meet my 90-day tolerance factor, so I am scarce
now. That forum could very well be down to one page per day since last
P.S. They did update the TOU <
> to more agreeable terms (to me) just within that tolerance date.
However, it was pre-dated to October 15, 2008. I have been checking it
regularly and I am fairly certain that it was not posted that long ago.
Mark A. Boyd
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A week to get to page two?! One of the forums I used to read and reply
to regularly still goes to 2 pages every day
Heh. I didn't check to see page three, four, five, etc... I'm sure they were there.
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Section 8, use of your content, has not changed.
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It has been said that the behavior is due to the AJAX technology used to generate the pages. Alas for now it is what it is.
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MikeKazlow wrote:
It has been said that the behavior is due to the AJAX technology used to generate the pages. Alas for now it is what it is.
Muahaha... points for you for pointing out this gem of Ajax sucking. Ajax sucks, it's true, it's true. No really--you're serious? If that's true: WOW... and WTF? Honestly I'd be a little surprised if Ajax crap was really to blame--I think you mean to say Jive's poor implementation of the Ajax hack. Of course they would never say it that way.
Yet another reason Jive Clearspace fundamentally blows. I hear a list of all the issues with this software would wrap around the moon 6 times, with "broken login" and "no browser compatibility" to spare. Would probably fill up Adobe's server space, the list is so long. It would probably fill up the Internet too.
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I seem to recall that gmail is a fairly substantial user of Ajax technology, but when I'm looking at the two-hundred-fifteenth page of archived emails, click on one to look at it, then hit the back button, I'm back on the two-hundred-fifteenth page, not the first. So it's not Ajax that is at fault here.
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Michael D Sullivan wrote:
I seem to recall that gmail is a fairly substantial user of Ajax technology, but when I'm looking at the two-hundred-fifteenth page of archived emails, click on one to look at it, then hit the back button, I'm back on the two-hundred-fifteenth page, not the first. So it's not Ajax that is at fault here.
It's not really (although I think it's funny to blame Ajax anyway), but it's valid as a lame Jive excuse. The problem seems to be that the Ajax hack that loads the page you're supposed to be on isn't called when you hit the back button. It's a fixable problem technically speaking (with the addition of yet more JavaScript) but-- is Jiveware is capable of being fixed...? hahahahaha...
Hmm-- Google, Jive, Google, Jive....yeah I'm gonna have to go with Google as the more competent one there, sorry Jive.