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hey ,
we are all Unsinn those smartphones and I can't find any app in iOS with which I can read and post nicely on this forum?
is there somebody out there that is also so annoyed of this fact?
is this such a big thing for a software giant like adobe to produce a simple forum for iOS and Android , that they later can sell to other companies and small business ?
the forum is so clumsy !
sorry but maybe take a look at other forums!
it drives me mad that I can't see where or how I can post a question.
why are all the answers to my question only under the bell and not under communication ?
or under the envelope that looks like that is the place where the answers are coming in....
am I the only one that is thinking:
mmmmh they made this just to have fun with us?
and I hope you improve this channel.
You can make this text box larger. Click the lower right hand corner with that right triangle made of dots, you can drag it down or to the right to make the comment box larger.
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This forum software is NOT made by Adobe. It comes from a 3rd party called Khoros formerly called L i t h i u m. I agree with you. This forum's usability needs much improvement. Hopefully things will get better.
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Hey Nancy,
we have the :
why don´t we use this to make the forum better?
And most of us are paying for this service.
Why is it so hard to get a decent support?
I am disapointed!
The money I pay for service and the feedback is not equivalent for what I was hoping for.
And a laggy forum is the last thing I need and wish from a company that is making money
with software.
I am sure that the developer at adobe are not using this forum.
so why don´t you give us a decent forum adobe?
ah for all the other people here. If you are looking for an alternative forum
this is fast
easy to use
and fun.
thnaxs nacy for pointing out why the forum is what it is.
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Hey ,
this is how Avid does it:
maybe we can copy some of the features.
maybe we copy the things that feel good?
even if it´s avid.
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Avid's forum looks slightly like the phpBB or WoltLab Burning Board forum software. Though they use Telligent (formerly Community Server) for their forum.
The Adobe forum does get updates from time to time - here's the latest (at the time of this writing):
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Thank you for succinctly summing up this "support" forum. Reminds me of how support forums were 20 years ago - cumbersome and not very helpful. Adobe - you're maling $ - do better than this!
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You've resurrected an old topic from 2020. What exactly are you having trouble with today?
This forum works well for me in desktop browsers like Chrome and Firefox that don't have script blocking add-ons.
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@Nancy OShea, i haved to agree with others that complain about these forums.
now, i've learned to find anything on adobe's site (including forums), it's best to use google and esp, some of the advanced google options. so, i have no complaints about searching because i have found an excellent work-around. and, of course, with so much experience i can find my way around the forums with ease.
however, i have not found a work-around for the small vertical size of the input textfields used to post messages.
p.s. and i posted that i had not found a convenient way to move or delete more than a few lines from the middle of post, but after posting that, i found a work-around. usually i drag the mouse to select the lines i want to move/delete, but that's a nightmare to control. using shift select works well.
so, i don't have any complaints, after all.
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You can make this text box larger. Click the lower right hand corner with that right triangle made of dots, you can drag it down or to the right to make the comment box larger.
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@LinSims, i need a very embarrassed emoji. while that won't work (i don't think) on my iphone, it definitely works on my pc. thank you!
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🤦? 😳?
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it should be red with hands over eyes. but i don't use emoji's.
for me, it's like twitter, facebook etc: a fad.
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I'd still be using the ASCII emoticons, but most of the time they turn into emojis, anyway. Still, a more or less graphical representation of an emotion has been around since at least the 80s, maybe even earlier. I suspect they're here to stay.
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oh, they'll stay. but whether they're considered juvenile or cool changes.
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20 Years ago, there where only a few people working with workstations and the rest with powerfull computer.
The support was paid.
And the hour on one of the machines was from 120$ to 2000$.
That adobe is outsourcing the support for a not that cheap software solution is a nightmare.
I am curious when this concept is going to fail.
I have seen falling many companies.
rocket start and came back like a meteorit.
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@Peter A Lund, if you need help doing anything in these forums, use google to search. eg, if you want to post something in a photoshop forum, go to google and search for photoshop forums
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If you require technical support beyond what these public user-to-user forums can provide, contact Adobe directly via phone or online chat.
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