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Because this interface is unacceptable.......I left the high school prom years ago and refuse to go back.
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The "powers that be" are supposed to be tweaking the e-mail config 2day so that might be an option for you. Providing that they get the threading sorted. I'd like NNTP to but it's a dying protocol unfortunately.
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tweaked_eye wrote:
Because this interface is unacceptable.......I left the high school prom years ago and refuse to go back.
I'll only answer your question if:
1/ You're giving out points
2/ You give me some points
<sulk>Major sulk. Doubly so 'cos there's no emoticon for sulk </sulk>
Actually, i doubt it very much. As SDA said, they're trying to use the email option as a substitute. But that's a far cry from NNTP. However, i believe that the software they're using – Jive ACE (A$$) – does support NNTP. This has to be confirmed and, if it does support NNTP, why Adobe is not using it. One reason, i believe is that the NNTP doen't work with the points and correct answer anal effluent (or ejaculate), system that they (or some bright bean counters) seem to have a fascination for.
Hopefully, JC or Kanguyen will be along to clarify why. However, in a case like this, they'll probably not be ble to give the correct answer – if they answer at all – for obvious reasons.
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points don't work through email but they still implemented it so i doubt that that's the reason
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How come? If you post a reply the OP likes, by email, you'll still get points won't you?
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well, apparently you can't make threads marked as a question from email and you can't give points from email
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Oh right, so you can get them but not give them. Should be able to post a question though. I assume you can start a thread?
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me? never tried, i'm not into email but yes, you can make threads using email
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It's already been stated that the reason we don't currently have NNTP,
is not because Jive doesn't support it, but rather the single login
for all of Adobe makes NNTP much more difficult to set up. This
together with the fact that Adobe didn't realize how important it was
to us added up to the fact that we don't have it.
Jochem pointed to a post indicating that our (very loud) protests have
been heard, and they are looking into how they can make NNTP a
possibility. The only thing we can do now is to sit tight with our
fingers crossed. (and maybe write some letters to Adobe
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Harbs. wrote:
It's already been stated that the reason we don't currently have NNTP,
is not because Jive doesn't support it, but rather the single login
for all of Adobe makes NNTP much more difficult to set up.
That i think was the most assinine idea anyone ever came up with. I see no reason for not having separate log ins for store and forums / downloads. In fact, i can't think of one good reason to combine the two.
If i were a user of the Adobe store, i would definitely prefer to have a separate login and password for that area. I think most people would. I see a lot of aliases in the forums. In the store, you'd want to use your real name for tax and audit purposes. Moreover, what's to stop people creating two identities anyway? So, the whole purpose of a common id is meaningless.
Am sure, that even at this stage, it wouldn't be too difficult to separate the two. For instance, whenever i open the forums i see a welcome at the top of the screen. Right above 'Home'. Yet, i still have to login to the forums... what gives? Idiotic.
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I myself do not have a clear opinion on whether the single login is a good idea or bad, and I really don't have the interest in investing the brain power to develop one.
However, it's more than just the Adobe store. It's linked to product registrations, Partner accounts, etc. There very well might be valid reasons for connecting the two...
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... like maybe if there are other things planned that tied into other services and need the Adobe ID?
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Chris Cox wrote:
... like maybe if there are other things planned that tied into other services and need the Adobe ID?
Yeah. Maybe something like that...
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There's something in the Air!