can't reply to replies on my own post
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Hey all, I created a question the other day (and I am so sorry if this is a silly question) but I can't reply to replies to my question, so I can't update people. The example is as follows
This reply button actually directs me to this window
Which, when I post, creates this
Instead of replying to the reply, I create a whole new reply to, my own question.
Is this a case of visual bugs where I have actually replied to the reply? Or is this broken, because from what I've seen in other forums, replies are indented and bordered almost, so it seems as if it is not replying to the reply, but replying to the original question.
Thank you for your amazing support - here is the link to the forum post
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probably because you posted in a bugs forum. i moved your thread to a non-bugs forum, so replying now should work the way you expect.
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Thanks !
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you're welcome. (does everything work well?)
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yes! Thank you
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you're welcome.
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Anybody know how to start a post? There appears to be a SEVERE problem with adobe's servers. It is 7:43pm ET on 31Dec2024.
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clck the post to community button
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Thanks. I did a search and found it.
Just posted about a failed Adobe install. Was simple for many years. Still is for users, but Adobe's code it must be ALOT more complicated...probably all that data collection. Now I have a PC that became damaged. ARE ADOBE'S SERVERS SAFE???
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your question is nebulous, but the servers are safe, if you use
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thanks. Seems the PC was shipped with a BIOS that was not compatible with the hardware. As yet uncertain, but so far so good.
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ouch. hope you get that fixed.
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I'm having the exact same issue with my first ever post. I was able to reply once but now I can't anymore. It's listed under Bugs. Could you move it to a different forum for me as well? Thank you!
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your post was merged into a bugs thread,
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i saw your request to have your post (and responses) unmerged. i did that
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Amazing! Thank you so much for your help and quick response, much appreciated!
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Bugs & Ideas forums are un-threaded. New posts land on the bottom, regardless of who replied to whom.
Discussions are threaded.