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CC Photography Programme

New Here ,
Sep 19, 2013 Sep 19, 2013

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This seems crazy economics from Adobe. Because I am an educator you offered me and I accepted a reduced price on Photoshop. This wasn't because you value my work with young people it was because I might open their eyes to Adobe products. Now because of this you won't let me buy the CC Photography Programme subscription. I and many other would have bought the original subscription offer if we could afford it. Clearly only about 700K users could do so until recently. Now you offer the CC PP as a 'reward' to existing customers. You don't have to go to Harvard BS to know that in retail there are no rewards, only incentives disguised as rewards. You want as many people as possible to sign up. It matters not one bit what anyone did, had or bought before. All that matters is what they WILL spend and for how long. I want to subscribe, I want to give you $9..99 a month, every month until I die or go blind. You won't let me do that and my only other alternative is to walk away. Adobe is turning profit away for no good reason. PLEASE if anyone reading this has any power to influence, try to convening marketing not to turn good loyal customers' money away. For Adobe it may not add up to a whole hill of beans but every little helps.






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Community Expert ,
Sep 19, 2013 Sep 19, 2013

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