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Please advise. Also, why the firewall around moderators that prevent PMs?
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I don't know about your real problem (I imagine it has to do with Adobe IDs and changing their email addresses rather than the forum, but I don't know), but w/r/t:
Also, why the firewall around moderators that prevent PMs?
There is no such "firewall." PMs to moderators work just fine.
What's the problem you're having that made you think they were blocked?
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When you click on someone's forum ID, you go to their page... and the message option is in the upper right corner
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Did you change it at Here are the instructions for changing your Adobe ID (email address):
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Also, why the firewall around moderators that prevent PMs?
In addition to what John&John said, some have a full PM account and are unable to receive more PMs; that applies to anyone.
In these MVP times it may also be difficult to know who is a moderator, unless it is stated in the Profile.
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[ abusive post deleted ]
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Which coward deleted post # 5 without giving his/her name? what has he got to hide?
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Now that you have returned with a new id, you are calling yourself MVP now?
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Thanks everyone.