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When I go to the Premiere Elements forum I see a screen with all discussions showing. If I come to this forum I see 'Trending Discussions'. How do I set it to display all the discussions?
Insanity is hereditary, you get it from your children
Sorry, that link on the overview page wasn't working - I've fixed it.
The ability to set the default tab for a forum is not available to normal users.
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You beat me to this same question.
I believe that someone has given instructions in one of the "new & improved" discussions, but I cannot locate that now.
Before the recent change, one could go to the Discussions Tab, and set that as default. Those tabs are now gone.
I have poured over My Profile, and about everywhere else, and cannot find a setting for Discussions to be set to the default.
Will see if some kind soul will share their "trick." Wish that I had followed those instructions, when I first saw them, rather than believe that I could come back, when I had a moment - bad move on my part.
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I'm wondering if it is broken functionality of the Discussions view link:
Insanity is hereditary, you get it from your children
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The Lightroom forums discussion view has been coming and going for me, and the "Discussion view of this forum" link has disappeared. I work around this by clicking on one discussion (thread) and then clicking "Discussions" in the breadcrumbs at the top:
and then I bookmark the URL, which has the "view=discussions" parameter:
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Sorry, that link on the overview page wasn't working - I've fixed it.
The ability to set the default tab for a forum is not available to normal users.
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Dave Merchant wrote:
...The ability to set the default tab for a forum is not available to normal users.
Doesn't this look like a step backwards? I hope it will become available again very soon...
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Dave Merchant wrote:
The ability to set the default tab for a forum is not available to normal users.
But as I recall it used to be. I presume there is a setting stored in my preferences somewhere recording (for the PRE forum) that it was my preferred view.
Why is it no longer considered suitable for 'normal users'?
Insanity is hereditary, you get it from your children
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nealeh wrote:
Why is it no longer considered suitable for 'normal users'?
Asking "why" here is not likely to get you an answer...
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Pat Willener wrote:
nealeh wrote:
Why is it no longer considered suitable for 'normal users'?
Asking "why" here is not likely to get you an answer...
If this IS the Forum for Discussion of how the Forum discussions (not Product disscusions) work, each and every employee that works on the Web site and particularly the adobeforum design and operation, should be mandentory requirement of Job to be signed up and Monitor this Group under pentalty of dismissal. And field questions and to answer questions. The User are using the Forums to give and receive questions. But if the Forum isn't working right The User demand answers. Just having this is saving Adobe millions of Dollars in the need Tech support. They ought to keep it up properly.
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Why is it no longer considered suitable for 'normal users'?
Well I am able to see a list like this:
This view is sufficient for most people AFAIK.
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The tab strip is not visible to normal users in this new skin (an Adobe decision, don't ask me why), and the button to set a default tab is part of the tab strip itself.
nealeh wrote:
Why is it no longer considered suitable for 'normal users'?
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What I did to solve this was to follow the suggestion to add "?view=discussions" to the URL of every Adobe forums bookmark in my web browser. It works very well and it's the functional equivalent of setting Discussions as a default tab.
For instance, for the Photoshop forum:
Thank you to whoever offered that suggestion. (JC?)
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I have used Bookmarks for all the forums since the days of the fair forums.
Back then it looked like this (for this forum with the name Comments and Announcements about the Forums - User to User Forums):
After April Fools' Day in 2009, I had to change, and then it became this, all by itself:
It still works, so I normally use the Bookmark to get from a thread (opened from whichever page) to the top of the forum.
The row of links ends with Forum Comments, nothing about Discussions, but it is there all right.