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I have seen a few posts from the Community Help group/portal, that were placed in a few of the product forums. All that I am seeing are the link to an Adobe KB Article, that I assume points someone to a starting point, in answering their question, and in one, a reply, but not sure that that reply indicated that the linked article helped, or not. What I am not seeing is any reference to the original question.
Pierre kindly responded that these posts are being generated, and populated to the appropriate product forum, and I think that is a great idea - sort of what most of us do here, when one has posted of a product problem, or question.
This THREAD in the PrPro Forum, is an example, along with Pierre's comment to me.
I do not know if perhaps I am just not seeing the original post/question (on Chrome on PC), or if something is missing, and the original question is not propogating in the Community Help post?
In the Thread, you can see my initial Reply, and then Pierre's, and then my Reply to Pierre. The Adobe KB Article link, also shows that interaction, down thread. What I cannot find is the question, that initiated this. I feel that the Adobe KB Article will be helpful, on "How to Create a Title in PrPro," but cannot be sure.
This question might just be about ME not seeing the question, that initiated the responses, or perhaps MY just not looking in the right spot - or, it could be that the question, that prompted the response post, is just not showing up, and something needs to be changed.
I am not up on Community Help, so might just be missing something on my end. Looks like it might be a great idea, but seems that one piece is missing, or has not been implemented yet?
Any insight would be greatly appreciated.
Hi Hunt
I've been watching this thread with interest.
Personally, I have to say that I dislike Community Help as it stands. I dislike the viewer and overall presentation. It takes far too long to load up and present anything helpful. It's not friendly. It's not nimble. It's obtrusive. But that's just me.
I'm also a volunteer moderator for Community Help for a couple of Adobe products. One of my peeves (and I'm guessing the reason behind this change) is that it becomes confusing to end users where
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Sorry, Bill, If there was some explanation to the users about the incoming changes, I definitively missed it. For the moment, it is only After Effects and Premiere that use this new system.
The idea is to draw on the features of the forums (images posting, videos, etc.) and the other positive side effect is the expertise of all the forum regulars that can reply to the original question.
There seems to be a problem somewhere, because in the tests I've seen, the original question does appear in both places. (and there is somebody that did one of such test questions very lately).
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Thank you. I am still trying to get my head around Community Help, and not finding THAT much. Searching the Adobe Forums, and, I mainly get links to Adobe Air.
Luckily, Jerry.K (MOD in the PrPro forums), and John C (Adobe-Admin), have been responding within some of those PrPRo/Community Help threads, so I'm also picking up some info there.
Seems to be a WIP (Work In Progress) at this point, and needs a bit more work. It appears that there is a problem with getting the original question to show up, and even one of the original posters commented that his question had been eliminated.
Not sure how the Community Help will be implemented, and how it will either interface with, or replace the Adobe Forums, but am sure that we will all hear more, as time goes by. Right now, it seems to be a bit of a "pilot project," but still not sure of its intended implementation.
Thank you,
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Hi Hunt
I've been watching this thread with interest.
Personally, I have to say that I dislike Community Help as it stands. I dislike the viewer and overall presentation. It takes far too long to load up and present anything helpful. It's not friendly. It's not nimble. It's obtrusive. But that's just me.
I'm also a volunteer moderator for Community Help for a couple of Adobe products. One of my peeves (and I'm guessing the reason behind this change) is that it becomes confusing to end users where they should go to ask for help with whatever they are using. In my mind, the ability to offer comments on the help is intended to allow expounding on something that may not have been explained well. Or to suggest that something that is missing be added to the help.
Unfortunately I've noticed that many users discover this commenting ability and they choose to use it to ask for help when they really should be asking in the user forums. And it's frustrating when I see other moderators engage them and offer help there instead of properly directing them to the forums for proper discussion.
Cheers... Rick
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Thank you for those comments.
Can I ask a favor, please? How does one access Community Help? I have searched, and only get hits on Adobe Air, but nowhere, can I find how one gets to Community Help - but that might just be me. I'd like to take a look, and see what it's about. I know that Jerry.K, one of the PrPro MOD's, is working on it, as is John C, Adobe-Admin here.
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Hello, Bill, you do have a community help application installed with your Adobe software.
Some useful links on the topic:
On my Mac, I just searched for it, and moved it to the dock. You can do that from the start menu on a PC as well.
The online help files are also called community help, as they can be supplemented by the community.
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Thank you for that link. I will now explore it, to get a big of a "back story." I was only seeing one end of things, and as you point out, it is currently a "work in progress."
Greatly appreciated, and I will echo Claudio's sentiment - nice you have you around.
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Well, two of these Community Help messages have made their way to the Forum in Spanish. Here are my first impressions.
1. I like the idea in principle, but not very much the way it is being implemented.
2. First, these are being posted in a forum (the one in Spanish) that houses all Adobe products under the same roof, but without including any indication in their titles about which product they refer to. This forces one to open them to find out this, and then follow the included link to find what issue the article is addressing. Suggestion: as there are no mods in the Forum in Spanish, ask selected people to post details.
3. Second, they are presented as ordinary threads, which makes it very easy to tranform them in endless discussions initiated by newcomers looking for help. Suggestion: close the threads except for selected people.
4. The messages do not remain at the top of the list and can quickly go to the next page or, even worse, be archived. Suggestion: Create a new sticky folder/subforum with a descriptive title an keep a link at the top of the list of topics (like the one to the Report Spam thread).
And that's enough as a start.
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We now have three messages; and the link in the third takes one to the second page of the article in the second message. Not very useful, I would say.
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Claudio, there is currently an issue that John Cornicello and Mark Nicholson are trying to fix. The question being asked is not displayed.
Indeed, for localized "all in one" forums, it would be useful to have the app name as a prefix of the discussion. I'll forward that feedback.
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Thanks for the info, Pierre. It's nice to have you back and active around here.
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I believe that Jive has identified the issue of blank threads and developed a fix. Deploying it this evening will involve a bit of down time, probably around 30 minutes sometime between 6pm and 11pm Pacific Time.
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This issue appears to be resolved. Posts coming in from Community Help should now have a reply with the proper comment(s) from the Help system. If you continue to see any blanks please let us know.
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Well, the post from Community Help that we were seeing in the Forum in Spanish are no longer there, so I cannot verify what has changed (except for their disappearing ).
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Sorry, Claudio, I deleted the posts without any original question...
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PECourtejoie wrote:
Sorry, Claudio, I deleted the posts without any original question...
A pity, Pierre. The articles were in Spanish, and this isn't at all frequent in these forums... Similar to the situation in the forum in French, I would guess.
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At that time, it was the guidance we received, to delete them, as the system was buggy. I don't know if John's post suggest that the comments would appear on existing posts, or if new posts would get the question.
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Here is a Video Lounge THREAD on the Community Help posts, that might be useful for those interested in the function, the intent and how the development is progressing.
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Unfortunately, I'm seeing the same behavior today. A few CH posts with no replies. Back to support...
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John C.,
I too have seen some of those. Guess that the "fix" did not hold, or maybe they were forum-specific?
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Appears to be a different issue. Similar results, but a different cause. Still working on it...
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Yesterday we got a new post from Community Help in the forum in Spanish:
As fas as I can remember, the only change with previous (and undeleted) posts is that this one has a descriptive title in Spanish. However, and as expected by me, the thread was promptly used to post an unrelated question and its answer(s). May I suggest again that these posts are either closed, or open only for posts from selected participants?
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Claudio, this one seems to be working fine, in that the original question is there. Of course, as it was the case in the help files, the question might not be related to the article at hand, but it has been quickly answered.
In the past, those posts were confined to the community help (you can see that for the CS4 pages) and fewer people were answering them, and only with text. Now, the Community Help Moderators can use the features of the forum, other users can answer, and the forums get more visits/answers. The only downside I see is when people post corrections to the pages, or link to additional content. It might be confusing for the regular users of the forum, hence the explanation posts I made in some forums.
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Pierre, I fail to see what is gained by Community Help by the addition of unrelated questions and answers -which can lead to long arguments...
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Claudio, the issue was that the commenting system to the help files was meant to get user additions to the help files, with links to tutorials, corrections, and suggestions.
But many users started to use it as an help forum. Then it became the majority of the posts in help, being noticed only by the moderators, since other users might not know what page has a comment on. (unless they reverse-engineer the RSS feeds to the help files, but that is another story.)
Seeing that, and knowing that the user-to-user forums are meant to answer questions, questions in the help pages now open a discussion here, that is mirrored in the help files.
Do you suggest that the discussion should not appear in ACH at all?
Addendums to the help files can still be done here, and as you said, it will also benefit the users of U2U.