Dear Adobe..
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You are not addressing Adobe here, but perhaps someone can give you a hand with your problem if you explain it clearly, completely, and serenely. Rants are wasted with us.
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This forum is to discuss how the forums work, not individual products
If you are having a problem with an individual product, post the name and a Moderator will move your message
If you are having some other kind of problem, please do as Claudio suggested
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He IS talking about the forums. For about the last two weeks, when signing in, about one time in four I will get a pop-up asking for my mobile number so Adobe (or Jive perhaps?) can send me an SMS should I ever try to sign in to my account only to find it has become corrupt/ lost/ etc. Not being convinced it is legit, and not being inclined to give them my number even if it IS legit, I too always hit Skip This Step. But it IS getting annoying.
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Well, my crystal ball failed to indicate that the opening message referred to what OldBob says...
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Ah... have not seen that so wasn't aware that this was a forum issue and not a specific program issue
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The page asking for a cell number is part of the AdobeID account restoration system and nothing to do with the forums. Filling in your number is entirely optional.
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Optional, or not.. it's annoying, it's asking for something that Adobe does NOT need, and if you skip it, IT KEEPS ASKING!!!!
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It's nothing to do with us, so stop shouting. We can't turn it off.
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I contacted Adobe support. They don't want to make it go away.
Yet another case of Adobe not giving a 5h|t about anything. How do they keep customers?
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Why not just give a fake number like 87654321?
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I tried 999-999-9999 and it didn't like it. I tried a couple of others - not accepted.
Adobe is trying really hard to get that information. They disguise it behind "account security", but you know what they are really doing with it. It becomes part of "big data".
And - here's the kicker - I shouldn't _have_ to enter anything to get it to stop asking. I _should_ have an option to click to get it to stop asking me for my mobile number. But, then, that would kill their big data plans.
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Happened to me once, I just hit "skip" and it hasn't bothered me again.
Yes, I agree, it shouldn't come up, but I think we all have bigger privacy problems than that, in this googleized world. They know your phone number already, without asking.
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I keep hitting "skip", and I keep getting the BS request. This is never-ending. At least once a day. Here's a screenshot from today (total number of times I've seen this page: lost count at 42.)
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You can enter any made-up mobile numbers, the format should be valid for your country. For example, like this:
07949 123 456
It works for me but you need to use something for your country numbers (me thinks so).
I would have thought that simple things like this can be resolved by your self rather than posting here on a public forum where Adobe staff may not necessarily read them.
Why are you so reluctant to give your cell number? Is it because you don't have one or is it something else? I doubt Adobe staff will keep phoning you, unless, of course, they have special deals for you!!!! You never know you might gain something by receiving a call from them!!
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Don't 'make up' a number unless you know it's not actually a valid number. That example is for a garage in Essex, and they'd have been sent your account reset information! And the press wonders why identity theft is on the rise...
Click SKIP and it will go away. If it's displaying every time you visit the site then you are blocking the cookie that tells Adobe you pressed the SKIP button.
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Copied wrote:
You can enter any made-up mobile numbers, the format should be valid for your country.
First, as Dave Merchant‌ has pointed out, your suggestion is not the brightest idea for the reason stated. Second, I shouldn't _HAVE_ to enter anything. I should be able to click SKIP and never see it, again. But that isn't working. My fault? NO. Adobe's fault. wrote:
I would have thought that simple things like this can be resolved by your self rather than posting here on a public forum where Adobe staff may not necessarily read them.
Kindly get to know someone before implying that said individual is a simpleton who can't think for him or her self. I've been in the IT industry since 1987, and I am not feeble-minded or dumb or "intellectually challenged". If the issue were fixable by myself, I WOULD HAVE FIXED IT, ALREADY.
I also know that this forum, although hosted by Adobe, isn't necessarily monitored by Adobe - but I know that Adobe employees do, occasionally, lower themselves and deign to peruse these forums from time to time. I posted, here, hoping that one of these wandering souls might read it. wrote:
Why are you so reluctant to give your cell number? Is it because you don't have one or is it something else? I doubt Adobe staff will keep phoning you, unless, of course, they have special deals for you!!!! You never know you might gain something by receiving a call from them!!
Because I'm the kind of person who will go out of my way to reduce the number of companies that have my cell number. A) My number is NONE of their f&^%ing business; B) companies that do get ahold of it sell/give it to who-knows-how-many other companies to exploit.
I like my privacy, I hate unsolicited advertising, I despise targeted advertising, and every company that ignores my right to be left alone gets an ear full of poison.
If you love being a part of big data and don't mind being invaded by every marketing jerk, more power to you. But do not make the mistake of assuming that just because you like it, everyone likes it, or should like it. That's solipsistic narcissism.
Nor make the mistake of thinking that it's okay - it isn't. It's invasive.
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I agree there should be a 'Don't ask me again" option, but the Powers That Be have decided against it.
If you want to enter a number then always use something from the drama blocks:
- in the UK, any number in the range 07700 900000 to 07700 900999 inclusive.
- in the USA, any number in the range (area code)-555-0100 to (area code)-555-0199 inclusive. It must be a geographic area code.
These numbers are permanently reserved for on-screen use in TV and film, so will pass the format check but will never be allocated to a real exchange. There are similar blocks for other countries, but Adobe's form doesn't care which one you use.
If you don't set up the phone-based account recovery feature and you have purchases registered against your account, then it's important to enter an alternate email address on the AdobeID account settings page, so you can recover your password and access your product keys should the primary address ever stop working.
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But, therein lies another problem. I _have_ entered a bogus number (although not the xxx-555-xxxx I should have), but it wants to send a text message to my cell number in order to confirm. If I give it permission to do so, of course I don't get a message. But, then, a week or two later, the stupid "give us your cell number" page is inserted right back into the login process, once a day at the least.
Thankfully, I don't have any purchases through Adobe, so there are no worries about that. The only reason I have this account is for the forum. And I'm not happy with the Jive interface, and I've tried many times to stop using these forums - sadly, there are very few resources that are decent for CF support, so I'm forced to keep coming back.
To use "Adobe" and "frustration" in the same sentence is redundant. Adobe != satisfactory experience. But, my employer insists on using CF and will not ever consider Blue Dragon or any other CF clone.
EDIT: I just remembered something about the 555 prefix in the US.. something from the 1980's. Back in the day, (xxx) 555-1212 was "directory assistance". I had completely forgotten about that. Looks like it's still going.
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Does anyone have an email address for Adobe support tickets? I figure that since Adobe doesn't (or I should say "rarely") look in here, I want to email them a screencap of the irritating window that keeps slipping in asking me for my cell number. Maybe then they'll stop doing it?
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I agree we should not have to give a phone number. When I chose the "skip" option it continued to ask for a cell number.
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You don't have to provide a phone number, but the stubborn software will continue asking for one every time...
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And we wonder why there are so many incidents of road-rage and active shooters. It's the little things that build up over time.