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So I've discovered a glitch with the forums that I'm not sure if anyone else is experiencing...
If you copy anything from the posting window while creating a new discussion or if you paste anything into this window, it causes a message to be displayed saying "are you sure you want to navigate away from this page? Your content will not be saved." when you press the Post Message button.
I have a habit of hitting select all and copy when I'm making posts just incase anything goes wrong. If I do that on these forums, I cannot post and loose all of my info.
If I try to paste in a link from the clipboard, the same thing happens.
I thought this is something quite serious that I should bring to everyone's attention.
This happens in both IE 8 and Firefox 3.5.7
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There are a lot of problems with the forum software, especially the reply box, but I cannot reproduce what you describe. How are you selecting and copying?
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I have a habit of hitting select all and copy when I'm making posts just incase anything goes wrong. If I do that on these forums, I cannot post and loose all of my info.
The above was copied from your opening post using Ctrl+C, and pasted in here using Ctrl+V. I am using Internet Explorer 8 under Vista, and now I'll try posting this.
Addition after first posting: No problem.
Message was edited by: Claudio González. Reason: addition.
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The only thing remotely similar to what you are getting (same message, but that's about it), is if I hit the wrong mouse button. In my case, it's just OE. I can Copy & Paste liberally, from about anywhere, to anywhere. It was that way with IE7 and now with Chrome. Copy & Paste are two things that DO work for me. Now with Chrome, I've not had any of the old issues with Block Quotes of Copied & Pasted text.
Good luck,
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What does not work is, for example, Copy with right mouse-click, which I do all the time elsewhere.
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What does not work is, for example, Copy with right mouse-click, which I do all the time elsewhere.
Well, copy with the right click works, but paste doesn't cause it brings up an insert menu.
Ok then, I dunno what was causing the problem but its gone now.
Thanks everyone!
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I dunno what was causing the problem but its gone now.
I hate when things just start working, and I have no clue as why they just did not. Still, sometimes getting things to work (whatever changed), is as good as it gets.
Heck, maybe it was that new brand of coffee that you had this AM.
If it happens again, try to map out the exact set of circumstances, as they may help someone find a fix. When trying to troubleshoot anything intermittent, I look hard for a way to recreate the exact set of variables. I'm often amazed at how many little things I miss, even trying to catalog every possibility. I had a wild mouse cursor on my laptop, sometimes. I did everything I could think of, and kept trying to find what else was happening when the cursor went crazy. Many hours were spent timing things, checking Internet activity, programs, drivers, everything I could think of. It seemed to happen in the early evening, and it was Summer (in Arizona). After all of this, I noticed that my left forearm was sweating a bit, and I'd been at the keyboard for a couple of hours. My left arm was resting on the front of the laptop. What was happening was that I was resting it too close to the little touch-pad, and the sweat was allowing something to make contact. I'd mouse with my right hand, and move the left hand slightly to the right - boom! crazy cursor. I turned off the touch-pad pointer and never had the problem again. No mouse driver. No program problem. No interference elsewhere - just a tired, sweaty left arm and the touch-pad.
Good luck,
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I figured out what the problem was. I was trying to use BB code to block out my code sample [ code ] [ / code] and apparently that's what was causing the error!
Found a new glitch appears that I cannot edit or delete my posts anymore. Once I've replied to my own post it removes that ability. I'm trying to set this post as "Answered" but the option to Edit the post or delete it is not there anymore.
Also, where's the Logout button?
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TorQue[MoD] wrote:
Also, where's the Logout button?
Top of the page.
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John Joslin wrote:
TorQue[MoD] wrote:
Also, where's the Logout button?
Top of the page.
Not always. The one at th
e right of this page is always there
, and works:
Extra linefeeds kindly provided by the software.
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it appears that I cannot edit or delete my posts anymore. Once I've replied to my own post it removes that ability. I'm trying to set this post as "Answered" but the option to Edit the post or delete it is not there anymore.
Once a post has been replied to, regardless whether it was by the poster, or another, Edit will go away... usually.
Also, I have had many instances where it did NOT appear on my posts, that had zero replies. Not always, but often enough to be a tad bit frustrating. Often, it's there, as it should be, but sometimes it's gone, just like it will be if there is a reply. I've never found the "why," when it's not there. Phases of the Moon?
Good luck, and hope that helps,