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Tried to go to the Adobe Labs forum from here, by clicking on the 'General Forums' in the link sequence called "breadcrumbs" by some people
This gives me 5 sub-forums
but no 'Adobe Labs' here. However, when I click 'General Forums' on the forum main menu, I get
6 sub-furms, including Adobe Labs.
Could we please have this inconsistency corrected, i.e. have all 6 sub-forums in the 'General Forums' from the "breadcrumbs" path?
Thank you!
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Labs is NOT in the General folder. It is a top level forum. The only way to clear the inconsistency would be to remove it from the General Forums section on the home page. But that would make it even harder to find.
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Thank you for the explanation. In that case, better leave it as it is!
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I was always taught if you click on an item (General which is a main Directory) and it opens and shows titles they are subdirectories
My basic knowledge of English composition which is ancient. when making an out line is you have headings, sub headings, sub sub heading and so on. Creating directories are much like creating outline.
If you say its main Directory that is what it should be.
Shouldn't it?
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PjonesCET wrote:
That's an accordian view of sub-areas. It's not an outline...
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If you say. But I don't see the difference betwen an accordion and an outline. click on general and you have a pop down list Looks like sub directories to me.
But if the system adminstrators say that the only way it works then that is the way it is.
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PjonesCET wrote:
I have been wondering about this for a long time, but since this is "my" topic, I thought that I'll ask now:
Why do you post images on a 3rd-party website, and not directly here in the forum (using the camera icon)?
I am very reluctant to click on links that take me outside of the forum, especially links to websites that I have never heard of.
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Because of the loss (supposedly temporary but appears to be permanent) loss of attachment.
Camera is severly limite in the physical size of of the images (not file size) over 1 point wider and height than told it will not accept.
Jing is the software I use. and in addition to size I can add comments and arrows point to particular items and I can highlight or strike through specific items I want to emphsize or not show for my security.
The site is owned by the same people that own the software and is very secure. Probabaly more secure than adobe is.
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PjonesCET wrote:
Camera is severly limite in the physical size of of the images (not file size) over 1 point wider and height than told it will not accept.
No it's not! I have never found the need for attachments when posting screen shots (100s) with the camera icon on the forums.
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I've tried camera and used all the time but was constrained by the size. either wouldn't load or if it did, it reduced the size severely.
Camera Icon doesn't allow for: mark up; (highlighing, marking through, making comments).
I can just do more with this (Jing) and get my point across and make sure person viewing knows exactly what I am trying to convey. In today's world 1 picture is worth 10,000 words, and clear to boot. I can use Jing to make snapshot that can be saved to desktop. but then if camera is used it reduces size severly and quality as well. (Yes I know about clicking on it and it expanding. But that has limited size and often fuzzy results are shown when expanded.
As I said the website used for hosting the Jing snapshots is very, very secure. If not,no one would be using it.
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I agree with your estimation of The same folks that run TechSmith (of SnagIt and Camtasia fame) run
I have to disagree, however, on the camera icon and the clarity. Sure, if you have a thread with a few replies you are limited on the width that will be initially shown. And you did acknowledge that if we click the image it may be viewed larger. I'm always adding that text above the image when posting. But unless you are inserting a really super huge image there should be no issue.
This is sounding like you have a really super high screen resolution and you are capturing full screen. If that's the case it's no wonder there are issues. I've never run into an issue with a smaller screen capture.
Admittedly it would be nice if we could just paste an image instead of first saving it to our drive as an intermediate step. But it's not too bad. I generally always save using the same file names of tmp1.png, tmp2.png and tmp3.png.
Cheers... Rick
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By using I also don't waste Bandwidth on adobe servers. one reason for the limitation of Size and quality when using camera.
and by using PNG you see fine detail even on largest or smallest screen captures. on Jpeg or gif not so much. tends to fuzz out. Screen resolution on my screen is only 1440x900 (PowerBook17").
now same screen shot using Jing screen Capture:
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Ok, thank you (I was just curious).