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The very best wishes to everyone on this short and rather dark day of sun.
Light will grow again from this day on, up here in the northern half, and light will start to wane in the southern half.
Many important celebrations will occur over the next quarter, including New Year for most (of those without a wandering one).
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All the best to all those who take the time to open this thread and read these messages. And also to the rest, of course; but they will never know...
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Yes agreed. Has been enjoyable being on this list. learning new stuff and and agreeing and disagreeing with everyone. After enough fussing we finially got a more stable version Forum Software. fewer bugs. Things are looking up.
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Cheers all, hope you had a wonderful Christmas/Haunakah/holiday and wishing you all success and happiness for the new year!
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This day may be termed the common new year, although it is the primary new year for a minority only.
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Thank you, and for my family, it turned out to be just fine - though I flat hate to fly over any holiday.
Appreciate the thoughtful post, and "back attacha"
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Now the main New Year season is over.
I hope it has been happy for everyone.
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Once again, the very best wishes to everyone on this short and, once again, rather dark day of sun.
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Well I am still alive after the Myian Calendar ran out. is everyone else?
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No blackout around here. On the contrary, the longest day and the shortest night in the year.
My best wishes to all those very few who still frequent what used to be a nice meeting place for nice people coming from the different forums...
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What I think might have been missed was a little inscription on the Mayan Calendar, that was broken off and lost. It read "To be continued... "
Hunt, still plodding along.
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No Mayan Calendar problems here... and the tech world also did not end due to the Year 2000 changeover
This year, for the 2nd in a row, we are not going to go through all the prep/cleanup work of a big dinner on the 25th... we are going to a restaurant for a nice buffet
Gift giving here is very subdued... since I already built my wife a new computer last month
Everyone enjoy the holiday season, and give your loved ones a hug&kiss for the new year
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We made it!
Jacob Bugge wrote:
The very best wishes to everyone on this short and rather dark day of sun.
Right back at you!
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No need to look for broken pieces, at least for quite a while.
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Well, fortunately, some of my investors had read of the "Mayan prophicies," and it seemed that the city of Sirince, Turkey might be spared the end of times. We invested in a Holiday Inn there, and charged a rate, similar to a Bourbon St. suite in New Orleans, for Mardi Gras. We made out like bandits!
Now, not sure how the Mayans knew of an, otherwise obscure town in Turkey, but they made us a fortune. We then sold the Holiday Inn to the Russians, who claimed that the Incas predicted the end of the world, except of Sirince, Turkey, on Dec. 21, 2013. I wish them the same luck, that we had... Of course, if things DO end then, who cares, right?
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LOL, good job Bill!
And here I thought stock in survival shelter manufacturers was the thing to invest in.
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The next thing to worry about is a midget planet heading our way in 2178 and blow the earth to powder with a direct hit.
Fortunately I won't be around to see it.
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>midget planet heading our way
Would it by any chance have a recording of Hervé Villechaize?
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"The planet, boss, the planet... !" With Randy Newman's Short People playing softly in the background.
PS - better stop now, of the whole thread will be moved to The Lounge.
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I never have found the Lounge. Seriously. Might be somewhere interesting to go to.
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It is here, Phillip:
It used to be the Photoshop Lounge. I have only visited it myself when someone has linked to a thread there.
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Thanks I've bookmarked the link I may from time to time see what's interesting.
On this partucular thread I think the moderator will bend the rules in defference to the Holiday. I hope so.
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The best wishes for your near and dear ones.Moreover, various times we use this regards also on our workplace. Many many warm wishes for those who create this thread and also those who are leaving a reply.
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The very best wishes to everyone on this day that is the common new year, though only a minority has it as the primary one.
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Happy New Year. Eat a lot of Blackeyed Peas a Hog Jowl for Good luck.