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Every time I edit a post (mostly for spelling and/or typos) I must edit the post twice. First edit is made and Update clicked.. I return to the tread to see the post unedited. I edit again.. click Update... return to thread THEN the post is updated.
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Mac OS... same behavior in Chrome and Safari.
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That happens to me a lot - Firefox on Windows 2000. I always thought that I must have clicked the Cancel button by mistake...
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Not any direct help, but this is a problem that I have not seen, on PC and Chrome. Edits always "take" for me.
Good luck, and hope that Jochem's suggetion helps.
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Seems to have been corrected after the latest "Clearspace" correction.
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Is it possible that you are going back to the
thread by using thr Back button of your browser? I aslk because that would take you to your unedited message...
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That would cause it, but that's not the issue.
You are taken back to the thread after editing. The edit isn't present. I've even reloaded the thread, emptied browser cache and reloaded thread, logged out and back in and reloaded thread. Simply put.. the initial edit does not take place.
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ScottWeichert wrote on 11/8/2010 10:56 AM:
The edit isn't present. I've even reloaded the thread, emptied browser cache and reloaded thread, logged out and back in and reloaded thread. Simply put.. the initial edit does not take place.
If it happens again, could you try the following:
- click "Back" until you reach the edit page again;
- check the message ID in the URL;
- open a new browser tab and go to (with
the messageID for xxxxxxxx);
- verify the content and the timestamp of the message.
If the content is old, the message was not updated. If the content is
new, the message was updated but somehow the cache on the webserver is
out of sync. If that is the case, please check again after 5 minutes and
only if the message is still old update it again through the website.
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It has never happened to me, in FF.
Maybe this is one for John or Jochem.
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I have no recollection of this ever happening to me. Firefox/Mac, Explorer/Win 7, Safari/Win 7.
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Hi Scott, This is Ken Nielsen, Paul Drake to you, just saying hi and nice to see that you are still posting. Things have really changed around here but it's nice to know you are here.
Now for a question from Sally33
&*(&&)&& - obliterated by static...
Auto Removed by Jive
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Hey Ken Hope things are good with you and you're not getting the rain we are down here.