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I did NOT post this:
Any ideas?
I did post one email to this thread which never made it (and didn't get returned either). The cotent of the email had no connection to this though...
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I was wondering what that post had to do with that thread.
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Since you didn't post it, I deleted it and it was not relevant to the discussion, I have deleted it.
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Thanks Michael,
But that does beg the question. How did it happen, and what's to make
sure it doesn't happen again?
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Any relation to the email someone got addressed to someone else (Jim Stone) about resetting password?
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I think I remember the post you're talking about, but it's deleted now. Had a feeling it was a bug when I saw it.
What happened is -- you got Jived!
Jive bugs, that's what happened! (I'm guessing..)
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Since the email posting seems to carry a lot of info in the title of the email, could that be spoofed somehow?
Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they're not watching you!
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With it having been deleted there isn't much I can do to research it. Can you tell me more about it?
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Hi John,
I was worried about that!
Here's what I posted by email:
Message-Id: <>
From: Harbs <(email address)>
In-Reply-To: <1232099930.347741244079849754.JavaMail.jive@sgaurwa44p>
Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Mime-Version: 1.0 (Apple Message framework v935.3)
Subject: Re: [Forum comments] Re: A Different Perspective On The Point System
Date: Thu, 4 Jun 2009 08:54:56 +0300
References: <1232099930.347741244079849754.JavaMail.jive@sgaurwa44p>
I think Dave hit the nail on the head.
Whoever implemented the point system obviously considers the forums a
place where users should be encouraged to give free tech support to
newbies for Adobe's products (and save Adobe money on tech
support...), while traditionally it's been a place where users can
learn from each other (pros and newbies alike) to get a greater depth
of understanding of the programs.
What's getting all of us worked up is this shift in focus. If the
entire purpose of posting is to increase ones point status, the forum
has become a very shallow experience. While it *is* true that people
might answer questions for points, the answers will likely be
shallower answers.
I am personally not against a point system per se, but I am opposed to
the way it is implemented. If *ALL* users could give points (or kudos,
or what-have-you) for a useful answer (and not just the OP), with no
limit to just three per thread, people would be encouraged to give
more complete and universally useful answers. I believe that such an
implementation would promote the joint learning atmosphere instead of
stunting it...
On Jun 4, 2009, at 4:44 AM, dave milbut wrote:
>> The
>> object of answering questions is to solve problems. Whether the
>> answer
>> is a 5 liner, or ten page disertation; if fixes the problem is all
>> that matters.
> if that's the purpose of this forum, then yes, yes it is.
> if the purpose of this forum is to TEACH adobe's users how to use
> [an adobe app] photoshop (the way the pros here taught me when i
> started back in '02 or so) then the points system is destroying this
> forum.
> so maybe adobe needs to clear up the purpose of this forum. is it to
> be just questions and answers from now on? in effect, a radical
> shift in direction and departure from its roots? or is it to remain
> THE resource on the web to go to learn from real professionals how
> to use adobe's products?
> --------------------------------------------------------------
> This message was sent to: Harbs.
> To post a reply to the thread message, either reply to this email
> (recommended) or visit the message page:
> --end--
What showed up (some hours later -- under my name) had nothing at all to do with the thread and was signed by someone else entirely.
I noticed that a lot of my email posts today have been very slow to appear...
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Let me know if it happens again. And ask that it not be deleted if you report it here so I can see it.