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I should be able to post a thread containing an uploaded screenshot without moderator approval

Enthusiast ,
Jul 23, 2021 Jul 23, 2021

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Hi all, I've been at these forums for over 7 years now. I've never once received or gotten anywhere close to any kind of disciplinary action or warnings. I have over 100 likes and 20 solutions. Suffice to say it should be obvious that I'm not a bot, scammer, new account, or someone that would intentionally post inappropriate pictures.


I do scripting and coding. For nearly every thread, I have to provide a lot of technical information so that the community here can help out and answer questions or issues I need help with, which in nearly all cases means I need to provide an uploaded screenshot to show others what's happening or what's going wrong.


Every time I do this, I have to wait to be manually approved. Sometimes this takes hours and I feel that it's redundant given my credentials. If my account were a week old or I had barely any activity? Sure. But there should be some threshold I should reach where this is no longer necessary -- or in the least, I should be notified that my thread is awaiting moderator approval and notified when it is approved. As it stands, I submit my post, everything looks fine, I go back to the main forum, and nothing is there. I have no indication or way of knowing when my thread is made public (if at all or ever) and this seems like a very redundant and inefficient use of everyone's time who's involved -- myself and moderators.

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Enthusiast ,
Jul 23, 2021 Jul 23, 2021

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The most recent example of this would be this thread. As far as I can tell, it took 25 minutes to approve. Now that's not too bad and certainly could have been longer, but I think my point still stands -- is this really necessary? Does the forum really need a human moderator to look at every single uploaded image from non ACP users? Surely if nearly every other modern forum in use today can trust it's community and users without needing to manually approve every single image, Adobe should be able to manage to as well. Again if my account were a week old or I had yet to hit some threshold that's perfectly reasonable, but as far as I can tell this will continue to happen unless I become an ACP.





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Community Expert ,
Jul 25, 2021 Jul 25, 2021

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Probably the combination of code and screenshot flagged the artificial intelligence spam filter.  The system works well for the most part (we rarely see blatant abuses on the public side) but it's not perfect. 


Nancy O'Shea— Product User, Community Expert & Moderator





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Adobe Employee ,
Jul 26, 2021 Jul 26, 2021

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We do not have a moderation queue so I'm a bit confused as to what you're seeing "awaiting moderator approval".
We have a system that when a user is tenured, such as yourself, it should avoid the automatic spam filter. Having a thread in the spam queue would mean that it wouldn't be visible to anyone unless it's manually taken out from there (this usually takes more than 25min).
Because the post you mentioned is now live there's no way for me to check where this was before. If this happens again, can you take a screenshot of what you see and post it here? I'll take a look 🙂





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