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[locked] Adobe Customer Service is the WORST I have ever dealt with.

New Here ,
May 03, 2010 May 03, 2010

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Everyone, I encourage you to voice your opinions and (surely)  disgust with Adobe's Customer Service.  Voice it here, voice it in  every single one of their forums, and voice it in forums all over the  web - you'll find them, NO ONE ever has anything good to say about  Adobe's customer service. I won't stop here, I'll find the appropriate  channels and report this.  When I do, I'll post it here.

I have found on more than one occasion their reps to  be utterly incompetent, whether it's tech support, sales, or a simple,  general product question!  I'm certain this company doesn't give a  crap about it's customers because they have a monopoly on us.  They  figure, WE need them.  There's no excuse for this lack of support  especially on products that cost thousands of dollars - not to mention  when it's "upgrade time" a year or 2 later, you get screwed again for  $800 or more!

Today it took me 40 minutes (this was after I waited in line 20 minutes for my call to be answered) to  actually NOT find out my question.  Which simply was - "I'm going  on vacation next week.  I want to make sure if my product is delivered  during that time, Adobe requires the package be signed for.  I don't  want it left on my doorstep."  The customer service rep who, was from  another country, kept stating that since I didn't have a tracking number  yet, she didn't know and to call Fed Ex. Yes, that is correct - I have  purchased a product and they don't know when it'll be available.

I wasn't going to accept that a huge company such as  Adobe just sends their packages out without ensuring their safe  delivery.  Especially when we're talking about thousands of dollars  wrapped up in that one little miserable box.

The only  reason I eventually hung up was because after tearing her a new one, she  finally "double checked everything" for the 5th time and told me my  package would arrive this week (while I'm in town).   Does this mean I  now have a tracking number?  LOL!

Needless to say, my  Father-in-Law will be staying at our house as a backup in case the Adobe  Customer Service Rep was "talking out her A**".  Would anyone like to  place bets on the likelyhood of that?


Annoyed  Adobe Customer #SGT33805947563214KLU857458SHIGYES85741289654.






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Advocate ,
May 03, 2010 May 03, 2010

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AdobeDoesntCare wrote:

Everyone, I encourage you to voice your opinions and (surely)  disgust with Adobe's Customer Service.  Voice it here, voice it in  every single one of their forums

The only Adobe forum for feedback on customer service is the Adobe.com general forum. In every other forum it will be locked or outright deleted.





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