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I just finished reading Steve Job's "explanation" for why the iPad et al. cannot work with Flash -- and it was the biggest load of (you know what) I have seen in a long time.
1. Flash is not closed. Adobe has, for many years, published the specification freely on your website:
2. Apple is one of the most closed companies there is out there. I mean when was the last time you could buy OSX to install on your Dell PC?
3. The real reason Apple doesn't want Flash on their devices: They lose control of the media the devices play. Flash allows high quality media to be delivered to a wide array of devices -- and if that alternative if available on the Apple devices, their users are not going to re-buy media they already own or can access from other sources (e.g. Hulu). This means less iStore sales, which is why Apple is crying like a baby about Flash.
I propose that Adobe revoke all licenses for their Apple software -- Flash, Photoshop, Dreamweaver, Audition, Premiere, etc -- the whole nine yards. That will send a strong message to Apple. I am absolutely done with Apple -- mine are going on eBay tomorrow. I will however continue using Adobe products on the Windows platform.
If Apple can dictate that Flash can't be used to develop for their devices, then Adobe should be able to dictate that Adobe products cannot be used on OSX.
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MikeSDCA wrote:
If Apple can dictate that Flash can't be used to develop for their devices, then Adobe should be able to dictate that Adobe products cannot be used on OSX.
And who would that hurt the most?
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Mike, I know you weren't feeling happy when you wrote your message, and that may explain why you posted it in a user to user forum -no fellow user can do anything to help you with your problem. But, revoking all Apple licenses for Adobe products? You must be joking.
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While Apple is only about 20 or 30 percent of the entire world, the fact is Apple Users are about 50 to 60 percent of Adobe's entire market for Graphiccs design, and chance are items the would use products for the print Industry , more Likely 70%.You want Adobe to go into Bankrupcy?
Sad fact is that almost any system Hangs or crashes are caused by Flash. And I know for personal experince that not one Flash content on the internet actually plays smothly with spits sputters and waits for content. I would know a smooth running Flash movie or slide show if it was to bite me. Except I have one movie I created myself that runs without stutter after it loods up and that only because its about 10 pictures with captions and no sound. Its a Resorce hog. Why would Jobs want a product that would bring an iPhone iTouch, or iPad to its knees.
There is still the 15 year old problem wit spliting a word file into multiple PDFs if it has section breaks. (15 years is a Long time to not fix a Bug). Its not an apple issue because its spanned 3 different Processors and to different systems Unix and C++/Objective C.
Adobe needs to get some decent software engineers and fire the entire BOD Corporate Officers. then and only then can they repair their image.
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Sad fact is that almost any system Hangs or crashes are caused by Flash.
Please check your facts there, because you're far from the truth.
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Please read Jobs open letter. I am paraphrasing what he said. The number one system Crasher for Macintosh platform is Flash.
My personal experience is not crashes. but long lags for loading, audio skips almost like a scratch on a record. as I said I have only seen one Flas item that didn't do so, and that was one I created for my website that had no audio and just a very few pictures.
How they know, well each time something crashes on a Mac, window comes up asking you what you were doing when crash occured you fill out. Then you send to apple. beside what you fill in they receiive crash file dumps showing exactly what was affected. Indicators of what causes the crash are give as well. I am sure Jobs is basing his response on te information received from these crash dumps.
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Not sure how it is on the Mac-side of the street, but I have not had one crash/hang with any Flash content on any of my PC's. Now, I do upgrade my Flash Players, and only use a few browsers, so I might not be a good test case. Still, not one hang/crash with any Flash content.
That said, I have had many crashes and hangs due to Apple's QT Player on the PC, and especially with Adobe programs. This is not an indictment of Apple in any way, but they seem to have issues with the PC and also with Adobe programs on the PC, when their software is involved.
On the Premiere forum, there are many power-users, who refuse to even have QT Player installed on their workstations, and obviously do not have clients (or suppliers), who are on a Mac. For me, having QT Pro 7.5.5 has been fine, but several 7.4.x version were death, as were some of the 7.6.x versions (seems that 7.6.6 is OK with Adobe programs). Remember, those version #'s are for the PC, and I have no clue as to how they might relate to any Mac version.
Not sure what the issues are with Adobe Flash and Mac's, so cannot comment on the validity of Mr. Job's declaration. It might also be that the issues with QT and Adobe is PC-specific, but as I am not on a Mac, I only know the PC side of things.
Just some observations from the PC "trenches."
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Quicktime is a relatively new technology on the PC side of things, Quicktime on Mac had been er for ages. Things were relatively easy to go back and forth from PC becuase the wwas windows media Play WMV, WMA files because MS suppled a media Play for Mac that could read those file. With MS deciding to throw any applications such as IE/ OE MediPlayer and others under the bus. Apple had no choice but to develop a version of QT so that people that had Mac Clients could send and receive content that could show on either side. It only been a recent return after several years Hiatus wmv/wma support through a Company called flip4mac. Even now certain copyrighted protect version still can not be played on Mac even with the flip4mac.
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This is the Forum Comments forum. This forum is intended for discussions
on forum functionality and operations, not for discussing blog posts
made by other companies.
If you want to discuss the technical issues with the Flash Player on the
Mac go to And
if you ask nicely over there, I might even teach a little Computer
Science 101 class explaining why the Flash Player can not possibly crash
a modern operating system.
If you want to discuss Adobe policies, such as a possible abandoning of
the Mac platform, you are welcome to do so in the feedback
forum as
(which discussion I will not be joining).
This thread is now closed.