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Why don't you just ignore this poster. At the moment s/he is running rings around you guys and you're all going ape. Just let s/he keep posting.. as when reported for abuse, delete the post. Banning is never a solution as the individual can keep creating new avatars.
So, seriously, ignore the individual – and also let the others here ignore LT – and, i am sure s/he will get bored and drift away. It is all this pointing out and banning and deleting that is adding fuel to the fire.
To elaborate, you can ban an ID. You cannot keep banning an individual who keeps creating new IDs. Ignoring will lead to boredom and silence. By all means, delete inappropriate posts but stop there. S/he'll get bored and move on.
Basically, it boils down to maturity of moderators vs immaturity of moderators.
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Wow! 23 replies... and all deleted! Seems like LT's been at it and nipped in the bud!!
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Yup, there was a wholesale delete in at least 3 threads.
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People around here seem to think that the mods are the ones dictating the rules. This isn't true, we make suggestions but the decision ultimately lies with the Adobe Employees assigned to the forum and the same thing goes to banning users.
Doing nothing just because we can't ban him permanently isn't really an option. It's not an option when dealing with spammers and the same goes for him. So what if he makes a new account? When banning someone the forum software has the option of also deleting all the posts of that user so us deleting his posts is purely optional.
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Plus the ignore thing has been tried. It doesn't work.
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~graffiti wrote:
Plus the ignore thing has been tried. It doesn't work.
Ignore long enough... it'll work.
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shunithD wrote:
~graffiti wrote:
Plus the ignore thing has been tried. It doesn't work.
Ignore long enough... it'll work.
That's true I guess but impossible to organize. He's been ignored for more than a month in the past and stuck around. Then some newbee would come in and say one little thing that may barely have anything to do with him and that would fire him up for another couple of months.
You're not dealing with your average forum troll here.
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shunithD wrote:
~graffiti wrote:
Plus the ignore thing has been tried. It doesn't work.
Ignore long enough... it'll work.
years has not been long enough. i don't see why it should work now.
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Your answer is a kne-jerk. Please read my original post carefully...
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No, it's not (see? i can also dismiss your argument without any explanation)
The rules aren't just for those that play nice and don't make 3 accounts/day. I for one treat him like any other spammer, in the morning when i check my moderation queue i copy/paste the usernames of the spammers and LT's accounts to their respective threads and then start reading the threads from the Photoshop forums.
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This guy desires attention. By opening a thread about him, you are giving him the attention he wants. Please take your own advice and ignore him. Adobe will continue to ban how ever many id's he wants to take time to create. Mods will continue to report him as a spammer so adobe can remove his accounts and posts like they do for any spammer.
Im locking this thread so he has one less thing drawing attention to him.