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Hm-m, seems that we have a "new look" in the forums, as of Sunday, May 06, 2012 @ ~ 2:30PM PDT.
Not sure that I like it, but time will tell. Most of us have just "rolled with the punches," and accepted all changes.
1 Correct answer
Getting rid of a lot of excess code should help speed things up. These are the new skins that the forum announcements were referring to last week.

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@ Bill Hunt:
Bill, has your face always been this red in your profile picture, or is this another byproduct of the new forum look?
Looks as if you loaded an Adobe RGB image and the forum software. stripped the embedded profile (if the file was in fact tagged).
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@ Station_One, as noone will know to whom I am replying, otherwise, I am not sure. That was shot in Hawai`i, and I HAD been drinking, so maybe it was the sun, the wine, or maybe the "new and improved" look of things?
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station_one wrote:
Bill, has your face always been this red in your profile picture
It's clearly a color-management issue, as the tiny icon isn't the same color as his full profile picture. I've viewed Bill's full profile picture before, and it wasn't that red, so it's definitely a NEW color-management issue.
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I also argee that I dont like the new forum look.
Its funny how on the right there is still Points for Correct and Helpfull answers but nowhere to see what people have. Not that I even cared about it but thought it was funny. Maybe im missing something.
Like Bill said I to liked seeing posing info of people.
This version needs work.
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This version needs work.
Oh yeah!.
Anybody else not like the buttons on the left now. I mean, most of us are right handed. Why force us to drag the mouse across the screen now. They were fine where they were. Moving them won't speed load times, so why were they moved?
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This reminds me of Google Reader's recent oversimplification... er I mean redesign. Most users didn't like it and still don't. Why water down and remove useful features like "reply to"?
Adobe software users are a pretty sophisticated bunch and typically things go in the opposite direction - providing more power and functionality over time.
There also seems to be more open/dead space around each post when viewed in Chrome... in Firefox things look better, though not sure why there is such a difference. <== Need to clear browser cache of previous content and this is fixed.
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This reminds me of Google Reader's recent oversimplification... er I mean redesign. Most users didn't like it and still don't. Why water down and remove useful features like "reply to"?
"Go to Original post" is also missing. How about: "Reply to Original post"?
To avoid replting to some obnoxious people I prefer to "Reply to original post" but this has been removed. Also in a long thread, there is no short cut method of going to the original post. Can you imagine scrolling all the pages in this thread:

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It appears they have done away with points and the red "meatballs". Can not see them listed in user profile either.
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It appears they have done away with points and the red "meatballs". Can not see them listed in user profile either.
Yes it is all gone and I think it is good thing because some people in DW forums thought that they have some god given rights to abuse some posters because they have clocked up some 50,000 points over the past 15 years!!!!.
IMHO all users should be equal and nobody should be shunned or insulted unnecessarily.
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Adobe has a thread going with know issues of the new skins HERE
Also it looks different in each browser.
I use Chrome and buttons are missing and the color is mainly all white-ish
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Hm-m. I would imagine that those folk would "abuse" others, regardless of any "salami" showing. I do not believe that their contributions are the only reason for their poor behavior, but could be wrong.
Having lived with the "new and improved" forums for a few hours, let me say that I am less than impressed, and at many levels.
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Copied wrote:
It appears they have done away with points and the red "meatballs". Can not see them listed in user profile either.
Yes it is all gone and I think it is good thing because some people in DW forums thought that they have some god given rights to abuse some posters because they have clocked up some 50,000 points over the past 15 years!!!!.
IMHO all users should be equal and nobody should be shunned or insulted unnecessarily.
That won't make a difference They have had the same Attitude since DreamWeaver was a MacroMedia Product I had DW since two versions behing the Studio 8 Package and attempted to ask 4 questions in That time I did not receive som much as an acknowledgement of my questions. I ended up finding out for myself. Unaware if the the method I used was correct. Its more of a Who'sWho Club than giving answers to anyone's questions.
I don't care about the points but they could acknowledge how long you've bee a member. example counting my DW experience I've been a member since 2002

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Forum admin has announced that sausages and points are coming back.
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Interesting. Internally some folks called them "sausages." Guess that's similar to meatballs (just had dinner with my 92-yr-old Italian mom). These ARE coming back. There was a last minute issue with them. Should have that fixed soon.
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Getting rid of the point meters -- I will call that one a good thing.
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It seems that the threads that you are reading, are populated by some unsavory folk. Maybe I hang out in different product forums?
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Looks like things might be changing, as I type.
Now, it appears that new, or updated threads, are not bothering to show at all. One must look at the date/time, and then calculate when they last viewed a product forum.
Not a good thing!
Sometimes, I wonder why I even bother to try and help in the Adobe product forums. Adobe, and Jive, seem to want to make it more difficult, with each change. What is the "end game?" Does Adobe want us to all just go away?
Does Adobe want things to focus only on the Community Help, and for the forums to die?
Sorry, but I am becoming much more frustrated with some of these changes.
Good luck to all, but I think that I might just retire from here too.
Bad move Adobe!
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Eccchhhhh. Even more wasted space.
I think I'm gone, not that it matters.
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New look, and a newer look . . .
I was wondering about the grey folks were talking about here. Everything was a rather sparse white for me. Then I refreshed my browser, and BAM! it's grey. Too weird.

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