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Hm-m, seems that we have a "new look" in the forums, as of Sunday, May 06, 2012 @ ~ 2:30PM PDT.
Not sure that I like it, but time will tell. Most of us have just "rolled with the punches," and accepted all changes.
Getting rid of a lot of excess code should help speed things up. These are the new skins that the forum announcements were referring to last week.
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If the new look means less overhead... ie-faster forum... I am in favor
As you say... roll with the punches
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Getting rid of a lot of excess code should help speed things up. These are the new skins that the forum announcements were referring to last week.
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John Cornicello wrote:
Getting rid of a lot of excess code should help speed things up. These are the new skins that the forum announcements were referring to last week.
Are "show most recent post" and tree view now considered "excess code"?
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Lee Jay wrote:
John Cornicello wrote:
Getting rid of a lot of excess code should help speed things up. These are the new skins that the forum announcements were referring to last week.
Are "show most recent post" and tree view now considered "excess code"?
Ah...well it seems tree view is working in this thread.
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Were your preferences set to show threaded? That may have stuck through the redesign.
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John Cornicello wrote:
Were your preferences set to show threaded? That may have stuck through the redesign.
Yes. It seems to work on new threads, but old threaded threads show as flat.
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I"m referring to excess headers and CSS files and the like. Functionality is separate
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Don't need all this Gray I just posted a Problem showing this:
The titles should be smaller so that even the word Browse is beside history.
I think the folks designing the skins were PC only and didn't try them on Macs.
Had they created them on Macs then they would work on both.
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It seems that we are getting closer to the way the fair forums looked. You may follow one of the links here to see, if you have forgotten:
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It's Not a fix but I fixed the problem by use of an extension called NoSquint for SeaMonkey/FireFox. I set magnification of font to 85%. and Maganification for Full Zoom level 120%
I said it’s a Font issue and it is.
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Yes, it HAS been a while, and I did manage to get used to the various iterations of Jive, so maybe this too will work out.
Having spent some time with the "new look," I have a few comments:
We no longer see the posting info of those posting - that had been rather useful, especially to "welcome" new posters. I guess that we can click on their avatar, and read up on them, but if one is responding to 100's of posts per day, that rather takes a lot of time.
The "Go to last post," or similar syntax, seems to be gone. That was useful for multi-page threads.
The color differentiation of New/Updated posts should have been red, and not another shade of blue with just bold.
I do agree that the sea-of-gray is not to my liking, but that might just be me.
I rather liked the alternating background, though that could mess up a Copy/Paste for block quotes. It was easier on my tired old eyes.
Now I have to learn that the Reply has been moved about.
I missed the "skins" thread, but did see it on the main page. Been in the UK so am just now catching up. Gotta' go read, as I suppose that I WAS warned...
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OK, John C. has addressed a few of my "issues," in the "Skins" thread, so I will just be patient and try to learn the new "scheme."
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I'll hold judgment on the new look and feel for a time, but I do have a question:
Where's the ''reply to xxxxxxx'' gone? It's no longer possible to see whose reply button a poster pressed. That was actually useful. Now we have to rely on people quoting others to know who they're addressing.
Is it me or has the font gotten a little smaller. I've been working hard all day on a book, so maybe it's just that my eyes are tired.
And I see that the editor font and the post font are different still... Just look at a lower case g to see the difference.
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Hm-m, seems that we have a "new look"
OK, so I'm not seeing things. Not sure it's a good idea to stack the reply and other buttons vertically, though. That just wastes screen space and makes scrolling forums longer.
I noticed SPDY is also being used. That's a good thing. But the layout still needs work.
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Jim - the reply/mark stuff appears to be due to older cached CSS files. Relaunching the browser or clearing the cache and reloading the page seem to clean it up.
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Chris Cox wrote:
Relaunching the browser or clearing the cache and reloading the page seem to clean it up.
I got that. But now they're all the way over on the left. That's no good. Most folks are right handed, and will move the pointer off to the right while reading a page. So those buttons should go back in the lower right cornert, not the left.
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I definitely do not like the new look, especially the gray background - the reduced contrast (black on gray) makes it just a little harder to read text. Also, the separation between posts is not as obvious as it used to be.
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Agreed on all counts.
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Jim Simon wrote:
Agreed on all counts.
With whom? We can no longer tell.
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Agreed on all counts.
With whom?
Bob. The post right above.
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Jim Simon wrote:
Bob. The post right above.
My point is that that's not obvious, given the loss of the ''reply to xxxxx'' field that used to be displayed.
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Now, we have zero clue to whom one is replying. That is a great new "feature" of the "new and improved" forum. We can only guess, and that "guess" will probably be very wrong.
Hey, let's all do a bit of Joycian free association, and see where that takes us. Sometimes, "stream of consciousness" is not really a bad thing.
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Bob Ward wrote:
especially the gray background
Medium blue on light gray certainly leaves a little to be desired.
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Bob Ward,
[Mentioning who I am replying to, as the new and improved forum does not list that.]
I agree completely.
Maybe this IS a "work in progress," but I am not feeling the love, and the usefulness of the "new look," and you reference one perfect example.
I sort of wish that I had not left the country (US), and had been able to comment on this change. So far, I find it an abomination, and a detrimental factor to my contributions. Maybe that is the goal of Adobe?