OMG, it's all gone slanted on me! (italics)
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Almost everything on the site has switched to italics, though the subject and editor seem to be displaying non-italics.
Was this done on purpose?
I upgraded to IE10 for Windows 7 the other day, and it's been fine up to now. I don't think it's IE10's fault.
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Same italics here... and no changes to OS or browser
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On Chrome and XP-Pro, I do not have that display, that you show, and John T., is seeing too.
Will look at IE, and report.
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IE 7 & 8, both on XP-Pro - no italics.
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Interesting! Bill, what happens if you clear your browser cache?
I've noticed in the past that a page may display in italics ever so briefliy before everything would straighten up. Never had it just stay that way before, though.
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Using IE on two different computers (one Win7, the other Win8) gives Italics, but Firefox gives it to me straight.
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I'll try that, however I seldome use IE, except for testing.
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The whole system is whacky the last few days. and tonight some are switching back to they way there were last week. the some have this jarrying type face that is dark and heavy.
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>what happens if you clear your browser cache?
Win7 and IE9 here... and I have IE9 set to automatically clear all history every time I log out (started due to a work policy that I copied at home, and just have never unchecked the option box)
While this means that I have to log in every time I come to the forum, it also means that "everything" starts fresh when I use IE
And... I am still seeing italics, even with a "fresh every time" browser
Oh yes... the log in page is NOT in italics, so I think it is some change in the forum code
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In IE (both 7 & 8), I did clear the cache, and never got the italics.
Now, based on Phillips' comments, I did head to several more forums, than I normaly do, just in case. Still, no italics for me - yet.
I know that you and John T. are both on newer Windows OS's, where I am still on XP-Pro SP3 on this old laptop. Maybe something there?
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I use a Mac an it not browser specific. I can copy the link to message that has the Bold type and use in:
Google Chrome
they all so the sme way.
suppect the style sheet for the showing of have gone belly up on several servers and I just happen to hit all of the defective ones.
I do get a post no and then th looks as it should,
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I am getting everything in italics (even the text I am typing now) while using IE9/Win7. No such effect in Safari/Win7 or Firefox/Mac.
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I've bypassed around the problem so I don't see the corrupt style sheets, by unchecking allow documents to use other Fonts I have set to use veranda fonts. Looks like it did before the trouble appeared. they're not going to fix it anyway. So I'lljust workaround the problem.
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The font-family: “abobe-clean, …” is what is doing it. If you edit the styles in IE F12 mode and remove this font-family entry in a couple of the BODY tag styles, the italics is gone.
The “adobe-clean” is coming from a style-sheet downloaded from and so a way to defeat the italics is to assign to the local loopback address by adding the following to your hosts file:
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I use a Mac. I use either FireFox or SeaMonkey
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Thank you, ssprengel. I will try that workaround!
Phillip, the hosts file, to redefine name-to-IP mapping, is available on all systems.
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I'll have to see if I can locate it and try it out.
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On windows its: c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts
You can edit it with notepad.
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Again, many thanks, ssprengel. I have been enjoying a more readable forum site all afternoon.
Speaking of hosts... If you didn't know about it before, the following site is a GREAT resource. Adding their entries to hosts effects an instant block on some 15,000 bad web sites that you really don't want any part of your computer accessing.
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Suddenly getting againg the "all in italics" in Explorer/Win7, but not in Safari/Win, Firefox/Mac or Safari/Mac. I apologize for being so ignorant, but the above instructions are not clear enough for me. Is there anyone out there willing to spell them out for me?
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Are you on Windows, Claudio?
If so, edit this file with Notepad or Wordpad:
Add this line to it at the bottom.
Save it, close all instances of your browser, and relaunch the browser. Note that this may affect the other browsers as well.
If the italics persist, you may have to clear your IE browser cache.
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Thanks, Noel. I'll give it a trial tomorrow. And I did clear the browser cache before posting...
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Noel, I followed your instructions, and the italics are gone, but they reappear if I use the Back button. They disappear again if I use my bookmarks, but reappear each time I use the Back button.
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I have just cleared again the browser cache, closed IE and relaunched it. No change; I still get the "all in italics" every time I use the Back button.
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Ssprengel, I want to thank you especially for thinking of this.
I've known for a long time that Adobe downloads their adobe-clean font via typekit, and I've not really liked that Adobe font very much. Without it, their pages are programmed to default to Helvetica Neue or Arial (I think I only have the latter).
And I've long used the hosts file to block stuff I don't want accessed (mine's over 15,000 lines long).
I just never thought to put the two concepts together to force these web pages to fall back to Arial. Now, in addition to solving this italics BS, the pages are more readable than ever! Thank you!!!