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Hallo zusammen!
Ich habe vorher ein CC-Account gehabt und darüber alles abgewickelt. Nun habe ich einen Schritt zurückgemacht und eine CS6 Version gekauft. Jetzt aber, wenn ich die CS6 installiere und dann starte, kommt bei mir der Application Manager und sagt ich solle die CC-Version verlänger
Was kann ich tun?!
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This may be one for this specialized forum (where you may be able find the answer from previous threads),
or for Customer Care (tick I Still Need Help and hope for an agent available for a chat),
Apart from that, the Photoshop forum is here:
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ok danke!
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You are welcome, c.
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Thank you for your assistance. I was thinking of Moving the post, but there are options of which forum to Move to, as you point out. Rather than choose the wrong one, and both confuse the OP, plus likely cause another MOD to make a second, or third Move, I believe that your suggestion is the best for the OP.
Normally, I would now Lock this thread here, but in case the OP needs to drop back by, to get clarification, or additional instructions for the other, product-specific forums, I believe that it should be left open. It can be Locked at any time, and hopefully AFTER the OP has gotten answers. I like your Reply.
Again, I appreciate your help,
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Thank you for your kind words, Bill.
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In my opinion, it is highly unlikely that someone looking for a solution to this problem will come to this forum looking for an answer...
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I believe Bill believes it may be best left to c to decide where to try next.
It seems that c has took it to the first suggested forum yesterday, with this thread:
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Jacob, my point is that, in my opinion, this thread does not belong in this particular forum. And although your suggestions are excellent and seem to have been useful for the OP, they are not specific solutions to a specific problem. Therefore, I see no need to keep this thread active, which I think right now only serves to increase the number of visits.
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You are right, Claudio.
Especially since c did already start a thread which will hopefully lead to an answer there, or wherever else it may lead to.
I believe the (up to) two crucial questions are whether to merely suggest the (possibly) relevant forum(s) or to have a moderator move the thread there, and unless moved whether the thread should be locked or deleted (and if so when) or left to sink into oblivion.