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Ha! Ha!...
But not so simple... snappy answers get sluggish points!
Losing examples: I'm a shark, i bark.
Winning exaamples: ,,,,,,,,
Get the drift? First three, i like, get the points
John Joslin wrote:
Buko. wrote:
We need to get rid of the point system.
Agreed; but these antics won't make it happen any quicker!
Oh come on. don't tell me there is not a button that will turn this crap off. All they have to do is push it. In fact one wonders why it has not been pushed sooner.
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I wish you'd post this stuff in one of the "Lounge's". Your're just creating
more noise in this forum, making it harder for those that are monitoring
this to separate the noise from the good stuff.
Best Regards,
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S.D.A. wrote:
I wish you'd post this stuff in one of the "Lounge's". Your're just creating
more noise in this forum, making it harder for those that are monitoring
this to separate the noise from the good stuff.
Best Regards,
Well that would be stupid. Do you really think anyone would notice if we posted this tuff in the lounge?
We need to get rid of the point system.
Edit: Do I get some points
Message was edited by: Buko.
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Buko. wrote:
We need to get rid of the point system.
Agreed; but these antics won't make it happen any quicker!
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John Joslin wrote:
Buko. wrote:
We need to get rid of the point system.
Agreed; but these antics won't make it happen any quicker!
Oh come on. don't tell me there is not a button that will turn this crap off. All they have to do is push it. In fact one wonders why it has not been pushed sooner.
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John Joslin wrote:
…these antics won't make it happen any quicker!
There's no way of telling what degree of "antics" may be necessary. Here's a little story for you:
Last year, as some of you may remember, I had occasion to ask Adobe for my money back within the allowed 30-day period for a copy of Photoshop Elements I had bought in a moment of temporary insanity. After countless, polite phone calls, faxes and emails to Adobe Customer Service, I was still getting the runaround from Adobe for weeks.
Then I lost my patience and fired off the first of two very angry emails, in the first one of which I limited myself to telling them "you are an impenetrable den of thieves!"
That one generated yet another runaround-copout type of email response from Adobe, so I finally wrote something to this effect: "OK, you thugs, you keep your göd-d@mned money, you apparently need it more than I do, perhaps to pay those poor people you shamelessly exploit in Pune, Mumbai, Calcutta or New Dheli!"
Within 48 hours I had a call from a Customer Consultant for Adobe in Canada (I'm in California) who promptly arranged for me to get my refund. Evidently the outsourcing of customer service to India is a very sore point PR point with some corporations.
So, unfortunately, patience and politeness don't always work. But straightforwardness ("antics") did.
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I fully understand your story Ramón but you were taking positive action to achieve a result.
I too totally support the abolition of points and stars, for all the reasons expressed many times, but Buko's tactic is not a positive interaction with the other party but just a noise.
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You're a funny one to be talking about mushing up the signal:noise ratio, Steve.
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Phos±four dots wrote:
You're a funny one to be talking about mushing up the signal:noise ratio, Steve.
Yeah I guess so. I hope they fix the e-mail "issues" soon to.
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Jay has pointed out a way,
How we may still have a say,
Getting many points,
Getting rid of points.
That would give a new meaning to an old saying: You win some, you lose some.
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Now that's what I'd call cheesy.
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I agree with Steve: interchanges of this sort belong in the Lounge and not in here. JC and company are busy enough without having to inspect full threads like this just to find if they contain any relevant data that may help them to help us.