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Hi, I am new to Dreamweaver and this forum. I am trying to update info on a website. The document was updated yet the only version I can get onto the website is the old version. How do I get the new version on the website. I am using CS3 Version 9.
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This is not the Dreamweaver forum, how did you get here?
did you click on the Dreamweaver forum link and end up here?
Or did you just click on the first forum link hoping it was the correct forum?
The reason I ask is there are way too many Dreamweaver people ending up here. No other forum people seem to have this problem. Please answer, you maybe the key to help solve this mystery.
BTW you need the Dreamweaver forum to get an answer to your question.
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I went to the Dreamweaver website, clicked on help and got to the forums area. It gives you a vehicle to log in to ask questions so I just assumed that since I started on Dreamweaver that is where I ended. Do you have the link to the Dreamweaver forum?
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Am i wrong or does this seem to be happening to new posters / members... maybe it's a glitch... they sign up and it kicks them here instead of the DW (or other forums). I couldn't find help in the DW page... maybe the OP went thru the Help menu in the program??
PS: Basically all Adobe support is beginning to stink on a rapidly escalating scale....
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I just tried this again. Yes, it just allows me to sign up in Adobe and
not DW. There is an 800# that I have for adobe users and will try to
see if I can get any help.
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I've been tell you you folks that the people are not just throwing darts and picking a forum. Here is a person that just said she was in the Dreamweaver forum clicked a help link and land here.
Evidently there is something wrong with the linking in the Dreamweaver forum. If a person original came to the Adobe website clicked on Support then forums they would go to forum main page.
If they read the DW button and saw the Dreamweaver item in fine print on the button and clicked they went to proper. Place. However there must be something wrong with the linking in that forum that are bouncing people here. or the instruction on the link they are clicking is written in such a way as to misinterpreted. Another explaination as to why people are accidentally ending up here.
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Might be different in CS4, but in DW CS3 I just explored the online help options - none of them brought me here.
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Kath-H wrote:
Might be different in CS4, but in DW CS3 I just explored the online help options - none of them brought me here.
The OP clearly mentioned CS3. However, i couldn't duplicate his/her route. Perhaps, because we're already signed in? As mentioned in my earlier posts this seems to be happening to newbies / new sign ins.
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Thanks for your advice. I did go to the help and I still am unable to do what I need to. I will keep trying. I think I am just missing one step.
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7thave wrote:
Thanks for your advice. I did go to the help and I still am unable to do what I need to. I will keep trying. I think I am just missing one step.
What help did you gp to?
To go to the Dreamweaver forum, click here:
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It does look like some wires are crossed someplace.
I think that Adobe's Webmasters need to go in and look to see why/how this is happening.
Maybe when the Macromedia fora were rolled into Adobe, things got, er-r-r, messed up. Yes, that's it - messed up.
Good luck to the poor Dreamweaver folk, who are getting dumped here and do not realize it.
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Adobe's Webmasters
That's an oxymoron par excellence!
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Well, could it be something like what happened to me this morning? I came back after several days to see if there was any noticeable progress. I used my bookmark for this forum, and this is what I got:
As can be seen at the top of the screenshot, Firefox indicated the correct URL of this forum, but I landed in a specific thread of a completely different one!
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chalk it up to a:
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You mean to a mobile bug? Didn't know we had those around here; almost all that have been reported seem to be petrified and permanent...
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7thave wrote:
Hi, I am new to Dreamweaver and this forum. I am trying to update info on a website. The document was updated yet the only version I can get onto the website is the old version. How do I get the new version on the website. I am using CS3 Version 9.
You need to go here:
And yes, please answer Buko's questions... it'll be a big help...
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Well it just goes to show you that this Jived up forum is more Jived up than first thought.
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And everyone thought that the DreamWeaver people were just coming here to pester you nice folks.
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OP said "I went to the Dreamweaver website, clicked on help and got to the forums area"
He did not say he had gone to the DW forum... in fact, he asked for a link
I will "presume" that Dreamweaver website is "somewhere" at the product information page
Does anyone know if the DW product page(s) has a HELP link?
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Have tried duplicating OP's steps but no luck... OP is not very clear about steps she took.
There are no Help links that i could see on the DW site – yup, the product page.
Clicking Help in the program takes one to various options. I have a feeling that OP got into the forums from there (Community Help?), had to sign up to post (check the post and membership dates) and after signing-in got kicked here...