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I start by apologizing if the answer to this question is well known, but I have never used a newsreader myself.
A large number of the people posting in the forums in Spanish prior to this new version of the forums did it in the ex Macromedia side, where almost everyone used newsreaders. Almost all of them stopped participating in the forums when newsreader access became unavailable.
Quite recently, some of them began coming back, but their profiles show them all as "Newsreader_User". Is there an easy way for them to recover their ancient IDs/screen names?
That message was posted in July 2007 on the old Macromedia system.
Someone just replied to it today, so it got bumped up.
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User ID: register the right Adobe ID
Screen name: register the right screen name / Adobe ID
Post history: no.
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Newsereader_User was a generic account on the old Macromedia Forums. All messages posted via newsreader came in from that account. Some of the people never had an ID/Screen name. They were all lumped into that one account. So there is no way to separate them.
Are you referring to new messages posted recently? Or to their names in old threads that were moved over from the old system?
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Thank you both for your answers.
I am talking about recent messages posted by older users, which appear in the list of topics like this:
As I understand things, only registered users who are logged in can post messages. Am I right in thinking that such persons are logging in correctly using valid Adobe IDs, buth that they must change their screen names? And that, when if and when they do so, there will be no record of their past history in their profiles?
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Can you give a link to one of the new messages?
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Gladly. Here is the latest:
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That message was posted in July 2007 on the old Macromedia system.
Someone just replied to it today, so it got bumped up.
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I'm sorry I didn't notice that myself -the dates are there for everyone to see. Maybe because previously messages were deleted quite a lot sooner than nearly three years?
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Claudio González wrote:
... Maybe because previously messages were deleted quite a lot sooner than nearly three years?
I wonder whether the life span of threads in the Macromedia forums was longer. That might explain some of the huge differences in numbers of posts attributed to individual posters; when the fair forums ended I started with a number of posts here that corresponded well with my annual number of posts back then.
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I did visit those forums regularly, but I wasn't a frequent visitor. If I remember correctly, threads were not deleted over there. As a matter of fact, there was no supervision whatsoever on them -at least, in the parts in Spanish.