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If I navigate to a specific forum, then do a search, it searches all forums. How do I search on the current forum only?
There is no easy way to do it, unfortunately. It's pretty much rendered the search function useless. Once you do your search, tip open the "more options" arrow and pick your forum out of the list of 7000 that makes it impossible to find your forum due to its sub-groupings.
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There is no easy way to do it, unfortunately. It's pretty much rendered the search function useless. Once you do your search, tip open the "more options" arrow and pick your forum out of the list of 7000 that makes it impossible to find your forum due to its sub-groupings.
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Accepting this one due to Occam's Razor (simplest solution).
Actually, now that you've shown me where to look, I see the forums are arranged alphabetically by product so I just scrolled down to Contribute and the 3 or 4 Contribute-related forums were right there.
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There is a very simple way of doing it:
New GreaseMonkey script!
Adobe Forums: Search this forum only
This script hacks the Search Forum form to insert the current sub-forum Community ID as a hidden value. The result is that when you enter a search, it only returns results from the sub-forum you are currently viewing.
Based on this tip posted by phyllisj9 over in the InDesign General sub-forum
and the fact that I figured out how to find Community ID in all community/* and thread/* pages.
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I stand corrected. If you run FF and greasemonkey, there is a way. 😉
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Jesseham wrote:
I stand corrected. If you run FF and greasemonkey, there is a way. 😉
Sure there's a way... but why should i 'hack' myself around the forums to find a way? And what about allthe others who don't visit this forum,,, what are they supposed to do? Not aimed at you Jesse... just generally...
This whole site is a mess of codswallop....
And now, young Mr Joslin is going to leap in with a comment or non sequitur...
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JayJhabrix wrote:
And now, young Mr Joslin is going to leap in with a comment or non sequitur...
Becoming predictable, isn't it? But still, oddly entertaining and helpful in keeping my interest here, just to see what happens next!
By the way, if Adobe thinks this "fix" is a good temporary solution--it's not. Not everyone has the option of using FF, even if they completely want to.
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Ansury wrote:
By the way, if Adobe thinks this "fix" is a good temporary solution--it's not. Not everyone has the option of using FF, even if they completely want to.
Ansury, actually, it's not an Adobe 'fix'. As far as i'm aware – haven't used it and have no intention of using it – it's a user fix....
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I know, but that's not ruling out someone from Adobe knocking it down a few levels in priority because "there's a workaround". There isn't.
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I guess my sarcasm didn't come across there. I use Safari. Ramón suggested the workaround, which I agree is of little use to most visitors to the forum.
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I think the sarcasm wasn't obvious (at least to me) just because I could totally see Firefox fanboys saying that and being completely serious.
(Don't deny it you religious nuts!!! )
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i'll give you fanboy in a minute...!
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I know lol
It's all good though, I'm an Opera fanboy with some Chrome on the side. (Doesn't sound healthy, does it?)
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If you don't like FireFox there is always Safari (even for PC types) and I belive Opera is written for PC types as well (PC types meaning windows machines - not Privileged Characters )
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No one is privileged in this jive, jive world. Oh wait, except perhaps the people with the special forum titles. Forgot about that. And the multi-blobbers, them too.
PJ my primary problem is that at work my only options are IE (nooooo) and Chrome (ok but only IE for backup). Opera I have at home but that's not as important in these jived up forums.
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Why in the world would your company cripple you that way. IE is the most unsecure browser in the entire world known to men and martian's. The only thig it really should be for is download Wondows updates.
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I just google anything I need to know and bypass the forum search. Google will give better results and the correct forum. Kinda sad but true.
CharlesBelov wrote:
If I navigate to a specific forum, then do a search, it searches all forums. How do I search on the current forum only?