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I personally don't like these new +++ signs next to my Member status at all.
I myself give zero credence to the points system in these forums and I don't particularly want mine highlighted via these +++ signs.
For those who like it, all well and good but to me it promotes an artificial and misleading pecking order or ranking.
Is advice from a +++ Member better than advice from a ++ Member? Newbies might think so. I don't.
I've often seen forum regulars give sub-optimal responses (me included). No matter. We're all learning.
It's probably a forlorn hope but I'll ask anyway: is there any way of switching this off in the Forum Preferences and becoming a plain old Member again?
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I seem to recall a forum subscriber, who turne OFF the little "salamis" of days gone by, with some sort of add-on with FireFox. Cannot recall the name of the add-on, but it did a lot of things to customize one's view of the forum. Now, that would be just for personal display, and others could see such things. I also do not know if the new +'s could be controlled with that add-on.
My jury is still out, but will probably boil down to "just living with it."
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Bill Hunt wrote:
My jury is still out, but will probably boil down to "just living with it."
That's what I'm expecting to happen but I'm assuming that Adobe appreciate feedback since they're obviously tweaking the forum software regularly.
I've been pleasantly surprised in the past (with Adobe and other vendors) when I've raised concerns early on.
Sometimes things change. Sometimes my concerns are read and politely ignored
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There's a lot of feeling in different directions on this topic. A lot of people find those indicators useful, and some people really don't like them.
Personally I like them.
But it's not my intention to make this a back-and-forth thread, merely to point out there is a lack of agreement on this topic.
I do think, though, this morning's implementation is pretty ugly. On the other hand, perhaps I'll grow into it.
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Yes. I am sort of a "fence-sitter" on that subject.
I have seen the good, and also the potentially bad.
An example is a poster awarding the "Big 10" to someone with more salamis, or +'s, when they just reiterated the advice from several others. Personally, while a "restatement," CAN be good, to drive a point home, I have seen this happen, when the person with all the stars, points, whatever, makes the statment, that many others had been, in their replies.
OTOH, when one gets salamis, stars, whatever, they then have a much heavier burden, to make sure that every word they type is 100% correct. I have bumped against that in the past, so "watch my step," and unless I can verify things, 100%, refrain from commenting on some threads.
The good, the bad, and the _____ . That sword can cut both ways.
Yeah, a fence-sitter here,
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Bill Hunt wrote:
…I seem to recall a forum subscriber, who turne OFF the little "salamis" of days gone by, with some sort of add-on with FireFox. Cannot recall the name of the add-on,… I also do not know if the new +'s could be controlled with that add-on.…
There are many ways of turning off unwanted elements. One such way is by means of Adblock Plus and Adblock Plus Helper, see below
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As a last touch, to improve legibility and readability, I like to use a Firefox add-on called No Color:
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You're right, John, we do appreciate feedback on the points system (and anything else).
Thank you!
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TerriStoneCHL wrote:
…we do appreciate feedback on the points system…
Here's mine:
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Oops, there went your points...
Heck, I recently tried to use my Adobe "points" for the CS6 MC upgrade, like I can use my Hilton and United Airlines points for products. The person at the Adobe Store thought that I had lost my mind.
Oh well,
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Bill Hunt wrote:
Heck, I recently tried to use my Adobe "points" for the CS6 MC upgrade, like I can use my Hilton and United Airlines points for products. The person at the Adobe Store thought that I had lost my mind.
Oh well,
Bill, if you asked that, you were certinly out of your mind...
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Heck, I recently tried to use my Adobe "points" for the CS6 MC upgrade,
If I was in charge, I would give it to you...and to every other top contributor....I think that would be a small price to pay for such valuable help.
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I always thought that at some date (yet to be disclosed), there would be a "winner" declared, based on their "points." That subscriber would then be flown to the Official Adobe Compound in San Jose, and hosted at the Friday "Maine Lobster Lunch," then given 5 mins. with the Product Manager, of their choice, to ask questions - wine on the "winner." What happened to that?
BTW - is there any way that you can award me, like 20K "points" for that... ?
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I personally liked the old "salami slices" or "meat balls" as some called it.
What I like about the new system is that staff is now also judged with plusses; there is no doubt that some staff members are vastly less experienced than some long-time users and forum members.
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Aw hell, I thought it was a handsomeness indicator.
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For you, probably. For me, well no way.
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I personally like to see the top contributors get some kind of recognition and now that I know what effect voting (Was this helpful? Yes or No) has, I can influence this recognition by consistently voting "Yes" when someone posts a helpful answer. The important thing is that people who really are helping others are getting recognized.
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acresofgreen wrote:
I personally like to see the top contributors get some kind of recognition…
In the better late than never department, it has some nostalgic value. Of the top nine (why nine, why not ten?) participants in the Adobe Camera Raw forum, for instance, one has been banned for just about three years and another one has been deceased for some time now.
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acresofgreen wrote:
I personally like to see the top contributors get some kind of recognition
Fair enough but I don't think this points or voting system has any credibility. There's no quality control.
Daily, I see the wrong person in a thread "get the points" (not that I care) and often excellent answers get no votes at all because the person getting the answer does not bother to vote (not that I care).
I just strongly dislike the pecking order created by these prominent artificial +++ signs.
Nuff said.
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Quiet, knave! When I want your opinion I'll beat it out of you!
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Funny. Cruel by funny.
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They need one for normal users that post a lot of useful info over the years, but but are not industry professional. Such as MCC which is whatis used on MS for its answers forums. I have been designated by MS and even have a certificate from MS for that Status. MCC. (MS Content Creator or Master Content Creator).
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They need one for normal users that post a lot of useful info over the years, but but are not industry professional.
Agreed, which is why we just introduced the new forum designation of MVP (most valuable participant). There are a few ways to become an MVP, which are explained here:
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MCC stands for "Microsoft Community Contributor" last I looked, Philip. Of course, they could have changed it.