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A few minutes ago, I was in the process of writing a reply to this message in the PageMaker forum:
when I was misteriously and violently taken to this old and locked thread in the InDesign forum, without my intervention:
Naturally, I lost all that I had written.
Anyone else? Anyone who knows how or why this can happen?
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Hope all is going well in Chile. Thoughts and prayers.
Now, to you experience, I have not had that one - yet... Just today, I did finish a reply. I checked that I was still logged-in as me, as I had two telephone calls. Sure enough, I was still me. I hit Post Message, and the forum jumped all about for a few moments. Odd behavior, that I have not seen before. When the jumping ended, I had become logged-out and then logged-in as WAHunt3, my alter-ego. The one that Adobe likes better than me. OK, the logging-in and out has happened before, but never when I have checked my log-in status (something that I do with much greater regularity now).
Also, the jumping is something that I have seen in the editing screen, with greater regularity. While typing at the beginning of the editing screen, the whole page will jump, and I find that I am not at the bottom of the editing box, like 100 of those "phantom line breaks" have hit, and the page is not at the very bottom. Scrolling back up seems to correct things, but this has now happened about a dozen times.
I'm on Google Chrome on XP-Pro SP3.
Good luck,
PS - just think of the number of folk, who fall through various other "rabbit holes," and I ain't talking Alice in Wonderland 3D here.
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the_wine_snob wrote:
Hope all is going well in Chile. Thoughts and prayers
Thanks for both your thoughts and your prayers. Hopper opened this thread immediately after the earthquake,
and I posted there some details about how we saw the whole thing from the inside. I had meant to report periodically of further news, as I have done in similar threads in other (non Adobe related) forums, but the thread slowed down very quickly until it died (*), and I did not think it was proper of me to force refloat it.
The country is slowly recovering from a catastrophe that took less lives but produced quite a lot more material losses than the initial estimates. External help will be needed to reconstruct all that was destroyed -in the most affected areas there are still many people sleeping in tents, water and electricity haven't been fully restored yet, communications are irregular, many hospitals are unusable- but the will is there. We have recovered from many similar catastrophes in the past, and even from a larger one, which was the strongest earthquake so far recorded in the world, so there is hope.
Thanks again for caring; knowing that there are people abroad who do is certainly a help.
(*)Addition: Most probably because I seem to be the only Chilean, and one of the very few Spanish speaking persons, posting regularly in these forums...
Message was edited by: Claudio González. Reason: addition.
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Bill, had you noti
ced this? I have just noticed it myself.
In your message #1 above, you are identified normally:
And in my message #2, it says correctly that it is in response to Bill Hunt,
but two lines later, when quoting your previous message, it says the_wine_snob wrote:
So it seems there is still some confusion regarding your screen name...
Initial extra linefeed kindly provided by the software.
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I did follow that earlier thread, immediately after the earthquake and tsunami. Thanks for keeping us updated. Again - thoughts and prayers are with the wonderful people of Chile. Though a "wine_snob," I have to admit that that was was the least of my concerns, though it is now a large part of the economy and will be useful to recover. Good luck there.
Now, I have noticed just what you point out. I am not sure as to the why. Going back to the forum changeover, I had been BILL HUNT from back to the NNTP only days. Notice the all-caps from the OS's of that era. When trying to consolidate Adobe Accounts, I had specified the_wine_snob, as a screen name, but it never was used. Fast forward to the intro of Jive. I filled in my Adobe I.D. Account info, as requested. Out of nowhere, the_wine_snob surfaced after many years in limbo. I tried to change to BILL HUNT (the old screen and log-in name), or Bill Hunt (a more modern version, with initial-caps), but both were unavailable. When the recent Jive update hit, boom! I was then Bill Hunt, one of the two choices, that could not be used. How, why? I have no clue. Why the_wine_snob does appears often, is a mystery to me. It's like the logging-out, then immediately logging-in as WAHunt3, my alter ego. I feel like the main character in Fight Club (Edward Norton's unnamed character), as I do not know who I am, where I am, or what is going on, from moment to moment.
Lot of stuff, and probably none will be helpful to anyone. Still, I think that it points to some oddities, since the initial forum changeover, and the volatility things, even now.
Good luck and great fortune,