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It seems the editor now (and possibly for the past several days) wants to insert extra blank lines. Not the ones you normally get while typing, but extra ones between typing and when the post shows up in the thread.
When it does it, I have found I can even edit the post and remove the extra blank lines, only to have them reinserted after the post is updated again (or maybe that's just the "sometimes the edit doesn't take" bug rearing its head).
A minor annoyance, to be sure, but just one more little thing wrong, raising the blood pressure incrementally...
I come to these Adobe product forums to 1-Learn and 2-Help (when I can) but I will have to say, I could ALMOST believe the people who think Jive was selected by Adobe as a planned way to drive people away, so Adobe would not have to deal with them
If somebody had FORCED Adobe to use Jive, I think Adobe would see it as an act of industrial war!
Oh well... since Jive is the only game in town for Adobe products, I guess I'll just continue to work around all the "quirks" of the forums
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Yep, the phantom Line Break has been an undocumented "feature" for some time. There are several threads on it, plus some fixes, in this forum.
If I recall the "fix," it's to add two (?) Line Breaks at the beginning of a Reply, then just Backspace.
I switched to Chrome from IE7, and have yet to have one... uh-oh, probably just jinxed myself with that statement.
Good luck,
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I come to these Adobe product forums to 1-Learn and 2-Help (when I can) but I will have to say, I could ALMOST believe the people who think Jive was selected by Adobe as a planned way to drive people away, so Adobe would not have to deal with them
If somebody had FORCED Adobe to use Jive, I think Adobe would see it as an act of industrial war!
Oh well... since Jive is the only game in town for Adobe products, I guess I'll just continue to work around all the "quirks" of the forums
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Yes, Jive has certainly been a wild, strange ride for a couple of years.
PS - so far, the Line Break Jinx has still not struck my Chrome
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Thing is, I've seen the ones that get added while you're typing for years.
What I don't believe I've seen before are ones that get added when submitting.
I've not done anything - save for allow Windows to keep itself up to date. No new add-ons, no config changes, nothing I can think of that should have affected this since I didn't see these extra lines.
Next one I see that won't let me edit it out, I'll try the add two lines at the beginning and delete them trick.
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Ah, I missed where these Line Breaks were coming in.
I have not seen any added upon posting.
Something else to keep my eyes out for.
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It's very intermittent. Haven't seen it happen again since early today, when it had happened several times.
I wonder if changes are constantly going into this forum software...
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>wonder if changes are constantly going into this forum software
If there are changes, they don't reflect in the Jive version number at the bottom
Some days, I really have to wonder if Jive is the worst forum software ever... other days, I don't wonder
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Another observation: Not only is there an extra blank line when this happens, but the two blank looking lines together are both composed of a newline and a single space.
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Even more supporting information...
Now paragraphs are losing their formatting, seemingly coincident with blank line additions.
Note the oddball formatting in this message: