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I have only been helping here for a month, but as the other contributors are nice people far to polite to complain about people who waste our time, I am going to say this none the less.
Please, If you don't actually have a need for an answer do not post here as a decent response to a technical or technique question takes time to prepare and wastes the time of the responders and that prevents us from helping those people with a genuine need to have their issues resolved.
Far too many posts are responded to only for the questioner appearingly not to ever go back to check what the answer is and heaven forbid, marking the question as resolved appears to be far too mentally taxing for many of you, but of course its not that its laziness.
Contrary to what you may think, responders here are unpaid volunteers unconnected to the Adobe company-we don't even receive free subscriptions to Creative Cloud. Now play fair only ask questions you need answers to and be civilized enough to comeback and read the answers given and if correct close the question by marking it correctly answered.
I cannot speak for other people, but I myself store the username of anyone I try to help who disappears without trace in a SQL Server database and don't consider helping them a second time on the grounds that abuse of a free service justifies exclusion from further help in the future.
1 Correct answer
Terri, you do seem to take things to heart. Do you really store the names of posters you respond to? I was going to ask you for some advice myself, but I wouldn't want to be tracked down and have you assert your Second Amendment rights. There is also the worrying thought about where I have seen that face before!
I think you can generally spot one of the relentlessly clueless from from the first post in a thread, and when that happens I either steer well clear, or give someone else a chance
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A lot of people are opposed to the point system. Like everything, there are good and bad things about it. I could take it or leave it. For me it just gives me way of measuring what I'm doing. The MVP and ACP status have other benefits and purposes beyond just having a status badge next to your name. MVPs have access to other forums to discuss issues with the forums directly with Adobe. ACP have that plus access to certain NDA information. The ACPs used to be more about promoting Adobe products by writing articles, blogs, and a host of other activities, as such, they would need information about Adobe products prior to release to prepare tutorials and other info for the release date. Adobe now wants them now to help on the forums, which is way you're seeing a lot of people with ACP badges. Depending upon you participation, you can receive free software, but those who do get it put in far more hours of work than the cost of that software.
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Fair enough, Chuck.
Just wanted to make sure it never happened to me
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You can mark whomever you want, or just have this post as a discussion with no right answer. I'm still in contact with Noel, as I test some of his PS plugin software.
While I also get very frustrated with questions like "My Adobe is broke," I also feel sorry for the people who have to post here where English is not their native language. I don't think they have a lot of options to get help in their own language, so I'm sure it's really frustrating for them to not only have to post here, but try to understand our answers.
There's also a new forum for people just to chat and meet other members. It just opened up on Sep 1, so there is not much there yet:
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At the risk of going off topic, I'd like to invite everyone to visit the new Coding Corner. This forum is product agnostic. IOW you won't see a lot of "[insert product here] is broken" posts.
Nancy O.
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I've been contributing for a fair few years, and every so often the top of one's head comes clean off and steam comes out. But there is no way, none at all, to reach people who barely grasp what a forum is and how to read their replies. Still less mark as answered or other modern frills, which I view rather with suspicion: are people really motivated by that stuff?
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I am an instructor and freelancer, and after interacting with many people throughout the years, I have come to these understandings:
Do not expect from others what you expect from yourself. Hope for the best from people and yourself, and do not expect the best from people or yourself - in the end we as humans are terribly limited. When people disappoint you, take it as it is: just a single moment in time, nothing more, nothing less. Next time they might surprise you. Strive for the best in people and yourself, and treasure every rare moment when your expectations of yourself and others are surpassed.
And truly understand your own motivation to help others.
If I may say, keeping track of a blacklist of people who failed to actively respond to your help seems a tad... vindictive. Perhaps these users did take note of your answers, and you did help them, but they just, for whichever reason, did not respond to you. There is no bad intent involved in 99% of these cases. Just average human behaviour, in my experience.
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I prefer to put people on notice. It's too bad that the forum won't at least require basic information before posting, and no one reads the forum tips.
All they know is that their 300 layer PSD has pink blocks and the client is at the front desk.
Sometimes I'll get a user who will PM me for private troubleshooting on a problem or even for a serial number. I have to remind them it's a public forum and I need others to look at it.
Lately some have been hacking CC by replacing .dll files that change the type of license from Subscription to "Permanent" or "Volume License". Then they get OpenGL and 3D problems as a result. Ask for a System Info report. It will tell you that someone is wasting your time asking you to fix problems caused by a cracked version.
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Well, aren't you swell. You've been here a whole month, and people are wasting your time. Looks like maybe this isn't the best way or place for you to spend it.
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Terri, you do seem to take things to heart. Do you really store the names of posters you respond to? I was going to ask you for some advice myself, but I wouldn't want to be tracked down and have you assert your Second Amendment rights. There is also the worrying thought about where I have seen that face before!
I think you can generally spot one of the relentlessly clueless from from the first post in a thread, and when that happens I either steer well clear, or give someone else a chance to test the water, Gene is a saint in this respect, but I do miss Station (Ramon) with his spirited responses to the image editing challenged. But there is absolutely no point in reacting to irate posters. If you take offence, walk away and read it again after you have counted to ten, taken several deep breaths, and smoked something slightly illegal. Then explain that we are just other users, and almost every single time the thread starter will come over all contrite, apologise for their rant.
I think most forum regulars are on Noel's beta tester team. He has a pretty good resource there if you think about — a half dozen buddies with much better than average Photoshop skills. It was moi who suggested the presets based Auto-fx Mystical Lighting after I'd managed to simulate some of the Mystical Lighting effects with Star Filter Pro. I swap emails with Noel now and again, but I must drop Ramon a line to make sure he is still above ground.
Incidentally Terri, ISTR you mentioned the UseNet Photoshop groups, so you are aging well if that avatar is supposed to be you
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You little devil Trevor. Where did that girl get my hat, come to that where did you get that photo-looks as if a massacre has just taken place. I actually bought that hat at a U2 gig when they were on tour in England a couple of years ago, so I guess it wasn't designer after all-just priced like it was. If you could see me from the neck down you'd see I'm not quite as fit as the girl in the photo. For your pure cheek I'll mark you as having answered the question -providing you don't pass on the fact that my pic is 5 years old lol Off course I haven't aged a day in that time.
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Trevor, you do manage to come up with some interesting images. This was one of the main reasons I recommended you for the ACP program, because you do try to foster a sense of community here with your replies and images, which is what Adobe wants.
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Hi Dyers,
Well you've been here all of one day and I already don't like you. I hope your better with Photoshop than you are at making friends, but as I've never heard of you I doubt it. Incidentally are you sitting under a Hair Dyer in that picture lol
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I already don't like you.
Dang. There goes my whole day.
I hope your better with Photoshop than you are at making friends, but as I've never heard of you I doubt it.
Funny; I was thinking the same thing when I read your OP.
are you sitting under a Hair Dyer in that picture
Yes, a 60 year old pink, salon hair dryer. I trust that doesn't break any rules.
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This forum is a tool which people use following the spending of money. It's unreasonable to expect people to use it as a social site. Maybe folks should just be happy that they were able to help.
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Don't agree Rob,
If we were paid it would be a tool just to help, as we are not its fair to occasionally be light hearted and gripe when people are rude or just take us for granted. I'm very pleased when I manage to help out someone-that's why I come here and particularly so when they say thanks-irrespective of points. I'm not so pleased when I feel I've been used as an extension to Google by someone with no manners who takes an answer without saying a word, but then again I'm clearly not as saintly as you.
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I've worked in IT for years. If you have this attitude toward people who need help, you will burn out quickly.
When you choose to answer questions, you have to accept how they are asked and the knowledge level of that person. I probably wouldn't post here because I don't generally need the level of help that is available, and I have other resources to check. Those who post here aren't the enemy and they aren't annoying- they are frustrated users who need assistance and not judgment or nitpicking.
As for points and post counts and whatnot- I have no clue what those are and don't care. I've been using Photoshop since version 2.5 in 1995 and I just muddle along doing my best
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Well said, I think. There's another aspect to this than burn-out, too, and it's that when someone does come to a forum for help and finds someone who claims to be part of the support system whining because they aren't getting enough attention, it's discouraging. Insecure people don't make for great support because they're stuck in "it's all about me" mode.
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Mr Dyers you are clearly a fool and I cannot be bothered to reply gracefully to you. What is irritating is you clearly haven't read the thread from the beginning and so don't really know what we are talking about here.
Please email me in the unlikely event of you ever doing something positive like helping someone on the forum with Photoshop, because at the moment I just consider you to be someone capable of only talking out of their backside.
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I don't work in IT, I actually have a small, but highly successful business of my own. Ask yourself this though as you have answered the equivalent of 6 questions in 15 months are you really seriously qualified to comment on a thread that concerns wasting peoples time as it clearly won't ever effect you? Similarly with that level of input your scarcely likely to suffer from any form of burnout this side of 2050. As for treating anyone as the enemy, read any one of my posts and you'll find I am generally very courteous, comprehensive and most people thankfully say helpful. I'm afraid you cannot expect me to respect a view from someone who chooses only to provide help when paid to do so, which it appears is your stance.
As far as I can tell the principles on the forum largely agree with me and if you know who they are and read this very long thread from the beginning you will see that- and really that's all that concerns me. The fact that this is my first time back on a Photoshop forum in a good few years enables me to be controversial as I have no reputation to damage, the principles here do! So they can't say anything about the poorly thought out questions, the failures to acknowledge their assistance and the general ingratitude of certain people. Having said that 75-80% of people who use the forum are a pleasure to meet, talk with and sometimes help-my comments relate to the 25% of people who are not.
I would really encourage anyone who is casually reading this to tick the like box under your post if they agree with you that wasting the time of the unpaid professional Photoshop experts on this forum is fair? It would be interesting to see what the balance of views really is. It won't change my opinion I suspect, but I believe in the freedom of speech. Sorry if I've been harsh with you here but on the net you tend to get as good as you give.
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I've been helping out here for more than a decade, and have successfully answered far more questions than my point count would suggest. It's actually very rare to get even a thank you, let alone have someone mark the post as correct (that's largely due to the fact that you get your responses by email, and you'd have to make the effort to return to the web page to mark the answer). If you are in this for the positive feedback, you're in the wrong place. Helping others should be its own reward, along with the education you get by doing so.
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Peter Spier wrote:
If you are in this for the positive feedback, you're in the wrong place. Helping others should be its own reward, along with the education you get by doing so.
My point exactly.
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Alright, this thread is getting out of hand. Personal attacks and insults are not allowed in our community. Locking this thread.

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