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Where are the archives of the old (before current version) Adobe forums? I am looking for posts from around 2 years ago that were either in the InDesign or InDesign Scripting forums. I desperately need some script code that someone provided me (that was lost with a system reformat). I have posted a request regarding it in the Scripting forum, but haven't gotten a response yet.
I was hoping that the archives of the old forums are available someplace so that I could search for it.
Was it a Dave Saunders script, perhaps? My archive turned this up, even though it's rather more than three years old:
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Cyndee M wrote on 10/12/2009 10:47 PM:
Where are the archives of the old (before current version) Adobe forums?
I believe content from April 4 2006 onward is available in the forums,
though you might need Google to find it as the builtin search of this
forum lacks the documentation to make powerful searches.
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Thank you. I have been trying to search both in the forum search (it seems
it only gives an option to search back to 2008) and in Google without luck.
I was hoping for some way to search for the post(s) using my user name
(which is different in the old forums than the new) but can't find a way to
do that.
The issue doesn't have a specific enough term in it to enable me to find it
otherwise (so it seems).
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Cyndee M wrote on 10/12/2009 11:00 PM:
Thank you. I have been trying to search both in the forum search (it seems
it only gives an option to search back to 2008) and in Google without luck.
I was hoping for some way to search for the post(s) using my user name
(which is different in the old forums than the new) but can't find a way to
do that.
I have downloaded a complete set of all the forum messages that are
available in the system to a local database. If you can give me your
previous username I should be able to create a dump of every message the
system has that was ever posted under that username later this week (as
long as it isn't "newsgroup user").
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jochemd wrote:
If you can give me yourprevious username I should be able to create a dump of every message the
system has that was ever posted under that username later this week (as
long as it isn't "newsgroup user").
Well it is shame about the 'newsgroup user" short fall. I, same as you and many others, used the old forums for years through the news group feeds. Some how the old system new which 'newsgroup user' posts where mine. At least I seem to remember seeing my posts listed on the website as "Ian Skinner (newsgroup user". But maybe that is a fever dream.
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The newsgroup user thing is a self-imposed limitation, I am not going to generate a dump of 200K+ messages.
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I understand. Thanks for your time. I no longer need the help with this as
Harbs has provided me with a script that works for what I had been looking
for. I appreciate your help.
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Was it a Dave Saunders script, perhaps? My archive turned this up, even though it's rather more than three years old:
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Thank you so much, I believe this is the one I was looking for.
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Good hunting, Noel!
Looks like a cross between Jong's script and mine...
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Another rarely mentioned advantage of NNTP: you can save any or all posts. The earliest in my Indesign folder is from Sysop welcoming people to the new group - it's dated 11 January 2000. Windows Desktop Search on this old XP box turned up Cyndee's missing script in about ten seconds. Another half minute to do an advanced groups Google search by MessageID to find the thread.
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Thank you.
The old forum user name was either "cyndeemeystel" or "cyndee meystel" -- I don't remember if there was a space or not.
Your help is very much appreciated.
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Cyndee M wrote:
Thank you.
The old forum user name was either "cyndeemeystel" or "cyndee meystel" -- I don't remember if there was a space or not.
Your help is very much appreciated.
It was "Cyndee_Meystel".
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Thank you.
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Do you by any chance remember the name of the script? Or some other
identifying factor?
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The name I used for it was InsertPages, but I don't know if it was names in
the messages; it may have just been the lines I needed to save as a script.
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Check the scripting forum. I just rewrote it for you...
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Cyndee M wrote on 10/12/2009 11:40 PM:
The old forum user name was either "cyndeemeystel" or "cyndee meystel" -- I don't remember if there was a space or not.
Under the username (Cyndee_Meystel) I have a bunch off messages going
back to 2002 (, but I
see nothing even remotely related to inserting pages in a document.
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There was only about a year of content which was preserved in the old
What were you searching for? (I have NNTP archives on my computer.)
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Thank you. I believe it was just around 2 years ago and it was either in the
InDesign or InDesign Scripting forum.
I am looking for a script that someone provided me as I wrote about today in
the scripting forum where I said:
"Several years ago, someone here (I think Dave, maybe Ole) helped me out by
giving me a short script that when run added a blank page (with a specified
master page different from the previous page) after each page of a document.
I've had an emergency reformat of my system and have lost that script which
I need constantly for work projects. I tried searching here, but it was
before the current forum setup (I think around 2 years ago) and I can't find
a way to get to the archives.
If anyone can either provide me with the java script code for this or point
me to the old messages about it, I'd be very appreciative.
And, BTW, I am now using CS4 (though I'm sure the script I've been using was
from an older version)."
Additionally, I have the original Pagemaker script I used to accomplish this
if it will help someone.
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Hi Cyndee,
The only script that my search came up with was one that I wrote for you to shuffle around pages for your journals...
Here it is, if you need it:
if (app.documents.length == 0){exit()}
reRun = movePages();
while (reRun){reRun = movePages()}
function movePages(){
var doc = app.activeDocument;
var origPN =[];
for (var i=0;i<doc.pages.length;i++){
// var myPN = doc.pages.extractLabel("pageNumber");
if (doc.pages.extractLabel("pageNumber") == ""){
var myDialog = app.dialogs.add({name:"Move Pages",canCancel:true});
staticTexts.add({staticLabel:"Old Page Number:"});
staticTexts.add({staticLabel:"New Page Number:"});
staticTexts.add({staticLabel:"Rerun Script on OK:"});
var oldPNDD = dropdowns.add( {stringList: origPN, selectedIndex: 0} );
var newPNField = textEditboxes.add({});
var reRunCB = checkboxControls.add({checkedState:true})
var myResult =;
if(myResult == true){
var oldPN = oldPNDD.selectedIndex;
var newPN = newPNField.editContents;
var reRun = reRunCB.checkedState;
myReplPage = findPage(newPN,doc);
if (myReplPage == null){alert ("Invalid Page");exit()}
myOrigPage = findOrigPage(origPN[oldPN],doc);
if (myOrigPage.documentOffset > myReplPage.documentOffset){
return reRun
function findPage(myPage,doc){
for (var i=0;i<doc.pages.length;i++){
if ( == myPage){
return doc.pages;
return null;
function findOrigPage(myPage,doc){
for (var i=0;i<doc.pages.length;i++){
if (doc.pages.extractLabel("pageNumber") == myPage){
return doc.pages
My Macintosh archives got wiped out. Could it have been there? (I can restore it if necessary.) I didn't find your name at all in the scripting forum.
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Thanks, but that isn't it. The one I'm looking for is older than that one.
It inserts a blank page (of a specified master page) after each page of a
document. I'm sure it wasn't in a Mac forum (I read only the Win forums in a
newsreader), and it is very possible it was in the InDesign forum and not
the Scripting forum.
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It looks like it was earlier than January '07 (which is how far my
archives go back...)
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Okay, thanks for your help.