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pseudo name for You!
looked like the forum-adminstrator, needs to take hammer to that server once again.
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Have a nickel.
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Obviously, the software has given you a split personality. You are not the first to get it, and probably won't be the last.
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It seems that you are more haunted than anyone else, Scott. Last time was only a week ago,
Fortunately, it seems to be (like) a quantum thing, randomly appearing and disappearing again. Or maybe some of us are just closer to a black hole, or to Yellowstone; I am sure it has become worse since you left here for there.
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Scott, if you can log in using your second, unwanted Adobe ID, I would suggest doing the following:
Log out using the logout button on the right column here:
Then go to any non Adobe related site and, while there, delete all Adobe related cookies. Restart your browser.
Now go to, click on Your account (top row), and log in with your unwanted ID and password, leaving the Remember me box unchecked. Click on Your Account (top row), and choose Edit Profile.
Once there, change all the data that happens to be related in any way with your normal, desired ID, to something completely different. You can use a fake email address to be on the safe side. And of course all the personal data such as name, address, etc, can be specially invented for the occasion.
Once you have saved the new data, log out using the Sign out button (upper row). To be on the safe side, you may as well logout as described above, delete cookies, and restart your browser.
Now go to and log in using the Adobe ID and password of your normal, desired ID, and checking the Remember me box.
All I can say is that this procedure, based on a suggestion from JC, solved the automatic re-login to a second ID for me. So far (and knocking wood).
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Congratulations, Claudio; that was really nice to hear.
The issue Scott is having is a series of random attacks, which, luckily/so far, have ended as suddenly as they started. They may or may not be related to his living near Yellowstone, or some unknown place near it.
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Jacob, if I were Scott and could log in using my second ID, I would still try the method I suggested. If the thing is random and unpredictable, I would suggest that next time he gets logged with his second ID, he goes at once to Your account and tries changing his data, following all the further steps in my previous message.
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Your life is going rather like mine. Suddenly, I developed a "split-personality," and most of the time, the "other guy" gets better treatment from, than I do.
At least it does not appear that my alter-ego is out doing anything too nefarious - that I know of.
I just manually log in via>Your Account, and all seems good for most days, with just a few, odd exceptions.
When the Adobe Jive software seems to stabilize (should that ever happen), I'll go through the mechanics of "merging" the halves of me (plus any other alter-egos out there). Until then, I just manually log in each AM and live with it.
Good luck,
PS - it does seem that my alter-ego is much more charming at cocktail parties, than I am, and does get all sorts of e-mails for ladies, he's met...
He also seems to have more hair, than I do.