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I have the free downloadable version of Adobe Reader 9 and I have fillable forms that are in pdf Adobe format that I purchased on the internet, but I cannot fill in the forms even though it says"Filling of form fields: Allowed" in theDocument-- Security--- Properties. How can I edit these forms in PDF? Any help would be very much appreciated.
There are no form fields in that PDF. There might have been in the Word document it was created from, but those didn't make it through the PDF creation process. It's a good example of the sort of stuff too many companies make available for download. Since it has to be signed anyway, it will have to be printed first. You could
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Youd'd be much better off posting your question in the Reader forum, here:
This forum is for discussing the forums themselves.
In any case, filling allowed only means that you could fill in fields if they were there.
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You can't edit documents with just Adobe Reader. You need the full version of Acrobat.
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Check the OP original message. He said he had filliable form sent to him ...
Apparently some one sent him a form created on Acrobat which the originator was able to fill out. Naturally he was because Acrobat allows that. But the OP above was sent the form and he can't
He can't because the designer forgot to go advanced menu and open extend Features in Reader. Either because the originator is using Acrobat 7, or he he just forgot.
Some onelese I think has already suggested what for him to do. one of which contact the originator and have him turn on Reader Rights (Extend Features) in form and send back.
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He posted an example which did not have any form fields in it. 'Fillable' is an elastic term.
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Noel, Phillip, discussions about poducts are best carried out in their specific product forums. Such discussions are not only for answering the questions of the original posters. We are all supossed to benefit from them, and whatever conclusions are drawn should become available to all those entering the respective forums. Specially those facing the same problems in the future, who hopefully should not have to ask the same questions again.
No matter how complete and informative the posts you are writing here are, but for all practical porpuses they are non existent for the participants in the Reader forum, which to me looks as an almost complete waste. And I am not counting the fact that the OP here has not given any sign of having come back to the forums after posting the PDF s/he cannot fill...
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Point taken, Claudio. This is such a common question, though, that I thought a couple of lines in response would be preferable to going through the involved procedure of asking the OP to repost in the correct forum. Anyone asking this type of question has clearly not performed any sort of search before posting, so the next one with the same problem wouldn't benefit from a 'complete and informative post' anywhere on the web either. In my experience, it's often less painful and more effective to turn 'em round and push 'em out than to insist that they 'go through the proper channels'.
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Noel, I know it is far too tempting to give the answer when one knows it. However, telling a newcomer where s/he is supposed to have posted his/her question is a good way of helping him/her to use the forums more profitably. A fish, or a fishing lesson? Sometimes the decission is not easy.
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I read the Title of the thread, and the first line of the post, when I responded. I suppose I SHOULD have read a bit further...
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No harm really done, John. But I really think that it would be good for newcomers if we taught ourselves not to give them the fish, but the fishing lessons...
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I agree, Claudio, but this place has become such a mess, does it really matter? I, for one, still don't understand what's so hard about finding the correct place to post a question like this. <shrug>
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Hi John
I've always thought it would be interesting to see the actual path that was traversed before a question was posted.
My gut tells me that in many cases, those posting in the wrong forums are really wanting to get it right. So they dutifully wander away to read the posts appearing in the "Sticky" areas many of us have created. But those posts are likely in a totally different forum. Or, a mod saw a post referenced from a different "Sticky" area and just linked to it. They don't realize they have inadvertently traversed a black hole and are now in the wrong forum to actually post their issue.
Cheers... Rick
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Captiv8r wrote:
Hi John
I've always thought it would be interesting to see the actual path that was traversed before a question was posted.
My gut tells me that in many cases, those posting in the wrong forums are really wanting to get it right. So they dutifully wander away to read the posts appearing in the "Sticky" areas many of us have created. But those posts are likely in a totally different forum. Or, a mod saw a post referenced from a different "Sticky" area and just linked to it. They don't realize they have inadvertently traversed a black hole and are now in the wrong forum to actually post their issue.
Cheers... Rick
A black Hole anything that goes in can not come out. Technically it should be called a worm hole. That where you go at one end and don't know where you'll end up but it does have another side to come out.
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There are no form fields in that PDF. There might have been in the Word document it was created from, but those didn't make it through the PDF creation process. It's a good example of the sort of stuff too many companies make available for download. Since it has to be signed anyway, it will have to be printed first. You could
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Thank you for your help!! Your answers were very helpful. Sorry, I didn't have any idea I posted this question in the wrong forum. Thanks again!