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On most pages the breadcrumbs are appearing, but as it happens in some pages for some reason they are not. The HTML setup look similar to the ones that have, and they are both included in the ToC.
I will approciate any guidence on how to solve this issue.
Managed to solve it..
it appears that in this case
<book navtitle="The output file" href="../contents/Tool_sheet_documentation.htm#Output" format="html" processing-role="normal">
<page navtitle="Main page" href="../contents/The_output_tool_sheet_file.htm#main" format="html" processing-role="normal"></page>
if won't appear
but in this case
<book navtitle="The output file" href="../contents/Tool_sheet_documentation.htm#Output" format="html" processing-role="normal">
<page navtitle="Main page" href="../c
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Both pages are using the same master page as well.
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Both pages are using the same master page as well.
By @SolidCAM361965876prz
FrameMaker is the only Adobe application that uses Master Pages. Please confirm your appplication so we can move your post from Using the Community (for questions about the forums) to the proper board for you.
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Managed to solve it..
it appears that in this case
<book navtitle="The output file" href="../contents/Tool_sheet_documentation.htm#Output" format="html" processing-role="normal">
<page navtitle="Main page" href="../contents/The_output_tool_sheet_file.htm#main" format="html" processing-role="normal"></page>
if won't appear
but in this case
<book navtitle="The output file" href="../contents/Tool_sheet_documentation.htm#Output" format="html" processing-role="normal">
<page navtitle="Main page" href="../contents/The_output_tool_sheet_file.htm" format="html" processing-role="normal"></page>
it will,
So the reference #main had to be removed
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is/was this an acrobat pro question?