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Why was my legitimate question marked as spam and not answered?

Explorer ,
Sep 26, 2019 Sep 26, 2019

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Hi, I have used Adobes forums for years as well as a customer of its products for decades. I recently posted a question on the Adobe Animate forum and it was marked as spam and deleted?! 


I tried to repost and it did the same thing.


Please help.












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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Mentor , Nov 01, 2019 Nov 01, 2019

nelson_jason, I did the same thing. At that time,

there was no particular problem with the text and title,

but for some reason it was recognized as spam and there was

no change when the report was published.
However, this new forum is still developing and there seems to

be an immature part of the moderation system.


Anything you can post to the community feedback community.


It is a pity that there was a victim other than me.



Community Expert ,
Oct 25, 2019 Oct 25, 2019

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It might've been the content in the body of the message rather than the just the question of your post.


I tried a helping a user mo ths ago and the link or screenshot that I had posted for the user had a third party coupon advertising a discount.


When I asked or made a remark about it I also learned from Dave Merchant, as he explained to me that I was obfuscating the URLs by adding spaces in the website address which is basically an attempt to bypass the moderating engine of the forums.





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Community Expert ,
Oct 25, 2019 Oct 25, 2019

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This new forum has a built in spam filter that watches for words on a banned list... were you given any indication of what word?





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Mentor ,
Nov 01, 2019 Nov 01, 2019

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nelson_jason, I did the same thing. At that time,

there was no particular problem with the text and title,

but for some reason it was recognized as spam and there was

no change when the report was published.
However, this new forum is still developing and there seems to

be an immature part of the moderation system.


Anything you can post to the community feedback community.


It is a pity that there was a victim other than me.





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Participant ,
Feb 19, 2020 Feb 19, 2020

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He's lucky he can still post at all. I'm still banned from Microsoft TechNet, even though I have a BizSpark account, because I reworded and reposted a question that a mod told me to reword and repost. 4 years of occasional badgering MS to unban me has produced no change, though they admit and have verified that it happened exactly as I say it did.


Apparently, once TechNet decides you are a spammer no human can intervene.





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New Here ,
Feb 19, 2020 Feb 19, 2020

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That is truly silly and seems to be illegal, unethical and down right stupid. 

Why would anyone develop a plugin that can not be humanly overridden?


Are we entering into an era that horror movies are coming true?


Crazy, Crazy





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Community Expert ,
Feb 20, 2020 Feb 20, 2020

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Yeah... lets talk about linux in the support forums... real deep linux stuff, and see for yourself what you get in return.


Is not that different from being banned by a nefariously "misconfigured" plug-in.


So I would add, is it really a plug-in that is capable of doing all that on its own, OR, is it human intervention .?


This reminds me of how the Internet used to be back in the late 1990's all the way through 2007.


Anyone who have used Internet Relay Chat (IRC)  before can tell things haven't changed too much.


And anyone who have used javachats after the IRC era, and  then the MSN, Hotmail,  Yahoo  messenger era, can also see that a lot of things haven't changed.


If a user was not liked in a chatroom, specially  for upholding facts rather than the favored general opinion about any particular subject, that was it; kiss your favorite nickname goodbye. 


In Those days , You better had an online friend with Operator status  in a chatroom to unban you.


Nowadays???  crickets, crickets...


And this is not just a plug-in,  forget about choosing  the red or the blue pill... did Morpheous forget to tell you that it is way too  late now?


If you really want to go down the rabbit hole  and meet with Alice, read about WebRTC and WebGL, and and how it is implemented with "digital governance strategies".


Want to go deeper?


See how it is implmented in HTML code...


Want to go even deeper?


  Try disabling it from your web browsers.


Want to go even more deeper and peel another layer of the onion?


Then ask why the  heck the michrophone, the motion sensors, keyboard strokes,   mouse gestures,  your search engine searches, and your password and credit card information is saved automatically by most web browsers without even giving the users the courtesy of disabling these BEFORE you connect your new computer to the Internet for the first time.


Crazy, Crazy == Sad, Sad.


What a seriously distorted and euphemistic  Teletubbie Internet society we've became...


I mean, did we even get a choice but to just accept these things?



"Remember what the Dormouse said... Feed your head, feed your head"


  ( lyrics above  from "White Rabbit" song, by Jefferson Airplane, 1975) : White Rabbit Lyrics- Jefferson Airplane 





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Explorer ,
Feb 21, 2020 Feb 21, 2020

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The same thing just happened to me.





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