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Problem faced in viewing SVG elements in IE 7 in windows 2003 server machine

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Mar 02, 2011 Mar 02, 2011

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Hi All,

We are using SVG to use graphics elements in web page for our product. The web page contains HTML+SVG elements.

If we use an HTML Image element in our web page display and if we draw or configure SVG elements like rectangle or circle over the image element, then on viewing it in browser, the html image element overlaps the SVG elements and they get hidden behind the image.

Please help us in resolving this issue.

This scenarios works fine if we use browser IE7 in windows XP machine.

But on using IE7 in windows 2003 server machine, the problem is faced.

We have tried all possible and valid IE settings and properties to make the display work. But its helpless. The SVG plugin is also installed properly on systems. But still the display is not as intended.

I have attached the working scenario screenshot and non working scenario screenshot

The screenshot here contains an html image which is showing text as Incom tax department and on top of it is SVG element rectangle. This is viewed in Windows XP in IE 7 browser


This screenshot contains the same page above but when viewed in Windows 2003 IE 7 browser. The SVG rectangle is overlapped by the html image element here


Kindly please help us in this regard as we are unable to proceed further with this issue. If anyone of you have face this before, then please help us on the resolution. We will be very grateful

Thanks a lot.








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Mar 02, 2011 Mar 02, 2011

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