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Choosing CPU and GPU for Premiere Pro and After Effects

New Here ,
Oct 31, 2019 Oct 31, 2019

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I want to upgrade (aka get a new one) my current editing hardware and I have trouble to decide which CPU, GPU and the amount of RAM I should take.


I mostly work with 720p vids, but my main client wants to go for 1080p and also maybe 4k vids. My current setup is: i7-4790K, GTX 770 4GB, 32GB of RAM DDR3 (4x8GB), Gigabyte GA-Z97-D3H, Windows 10, storage (SSD for OS+Apps and HDD for all sorts of data) + ASUS PA248 monitor (I do have plans to either get a bigger one or a 2nd monitor somewhere next year). I do have some issues with this PC thats why I don't want to upgrade it or invest additional cash on it (main issues the mobo seems failing on the SATA ports). 


1. CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 3800X  vs AMD Ryzen 9 3900X  vs Intel i9-9900K

I never used AMD so I have no experience how they work with Adobe software and I'm sceptical to test it now (I can't just buy an AMD setup and then turn it back, get a refund and buy Intel setup). The ones I listed are in my budget range, cpubenchmark shows that the 3900X is the best (more than 10k better score then the i9, while 3700X is somewhere in the middle) but pugetsystems benchamarks shows that the i9 and 3900X have similar scores or even that the i9 is better in certain situations in both Premiere Pro and After Effects. Plus the i9 costs less (from my stores the i9 price is right between the both AMDs). What are your thoughts here?


2. GPU: RTX 2060 SUPER (prob. Gigabyte one)  vs GTX 1660 Ti (prob. Gigabyte one)

Personally I would get the 1660 Ti as it's cheaper, needs less power and from the pugetsystems benchmark (at least on those that list both of those cards) isn't noticeable worse than the RTX. I don't mind that the RTX on gpubenchmark is better by almost 20% so I'm thinking that it might be better to spend the cost difference on more RAM or more SSD drives instead of GPU power I might not use to full potential. Plus on the list of recommended gpu for Premiere Pro the RTX 2060 SUPER isn't listed while the 1660 Ti is... Or maybe a standard RTX 2060?


3. RAM: 32GB (prob. 2x16GB Corsair Vengeance LPX 2400MHz)  vs 64GB (prob. 2x 32GB Corsair Vengeance LPX 3000MHz)

Currently I only sometimes reach 85-90% of RAM usage on my current set (32 GB DDR3), so I'm not really sure if I should get from start just 32GB or go straight away for 64GB while keeping another 64GB for future upgrades (I plan to get a mobo that will support up to 128GB ram). What amount would you suggest? 


Additionally with the new set I plan to have all Premiere Pro and After Effects data on SSDs or M.2 drives while having maybe 1-2 HDD just for archive/backup.


Thank in advance!


CPU , Hardware or GPU






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