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Graphics Card Recommendation for Premiere on Mac Pro 2009

New Here ,
Nov 08, 2016 Nov 08, 2016

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Does anybody have a good recommendation for a Nvidia graphics card on an older 2009 Mac Pro?  Looking to speed up renders and exports of 4K footage primarily.

I think I have it narrowed down to the Nvidia GTX 980 Ti or the GTX 970.  Are these confirmed to be supported for Premiere 2015 and my 2009 Mac Pro?

I've heard that the TI is overkill though on the 2009 Mac, but don't know why exactly

Also, I am incredibly confused on the differences between all the different types of cards within each model.  So for example, the GTX 970 has a ASUS STRIX, an MSI, EVGA, ZOTAC... I can't figure out how these are different and which one to go with.






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