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Have you ever had an Intel CPU die?

Community Expert ,
Apr 24, 2021 Apr 24, 2021

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I built a computer for my wife this past January
It stopped working on 4-17... just quit for no visible reason
1 - replaced the power supply, but still would not start
2 - replaced the motherboard, but still would not start
3 - replaced the Intel i7 CPU, started and runs


Going back to Pentium 3 days I have built myself 4 computers (this was the 2nd for my wife) and I have never had a problem with any of them (built new for more speed) so I guess this was just a bad CPU


Side note... while talking to Intel about a replacement, I was asked to provide the batch number (which is printed on the top of the metal CPU case) and the serial number which is etched along the side of the tiny "motherboard" the CPU is mounted on... which is so small & faint that I could not see it... I was only able to see the SN when I took a close up picture with my camera, which let me see the number that was too faint for my unaided eyes


Anyway, I'm just wondering if anyone else has had an Intel CPU die?




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Community Expert ,
Apr 26, 2021 Apr 26, 2021

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When I built both of our computers (and even now) the component supply is very limited due to Covid and fabrication plants being closed or on limited production, so I bought the ram I could find... which was Teamgroup 3200Mhz


After answering all the Intel questions to get a replacement i7-10700K processor, I received a reply asking if I had used an XMP profile (whatever that is, I think it has to do with motherboard over clocking) and was informed that the CPU is rated for 2933Mhz


My computer (built a month earlier) was doing just fine, but I've gone into Bios and change the ram speed from Auto to 2933... for both of our computers





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Community Expert ,
Apr 27, 2021 Apr 27, 2021

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I had to Google and found (on a gamer site) that XMP is extreme memory profile


I haven't heard anything more from the Intel person, but he did say that "over clocking" the ram would void the CPU warranty


I did/do not over clock, but the default 3200Mhz of the ram I bought (instead of the specified 2933) may mean no replacement


Oh well... I have now learned something new for if I ever build another computer... check the CPU ram speed specification and go into bios setup




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Community Expert ,
Apr 29, 2021 Apr 29, 2021

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Last message from Intel is they are going to replace the i7 so now I wait for an RMA to be generated


And if I ever build another computer I will go into bios as needed to adjust the memory speed !!!




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Community Expert ,
May 08, 2021 May 08, 2021

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Just received an email from Intel saying a replacement i7 is on the way to me


One of these days I will buy a mid-tower case and DVD drive and build a spare


And I WILL set the motherboard memory clock to 2933 !!!




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